Pandora will be only me, without iksanabot. It will not stop SoL.ok i saw that mortze and iksanabot will work on the next episode of pandora wich is great news but is it gonna stop SoL development or is it gonna be after SoL ?
Even for the writing part ? That's dope and will it be a renpy game or an html/browser game like the fisrt ?Pandora will be only me, without iksanabot. It will not stop SoL
I'll also be doing the writing. And it will be html since I've already start working on it in html before Tlaero left.Even for the writing part ? That's dope and will it be a renpy game or an html/browser game like the fisrt ?
Thanks! The grainy images will be fixed in the full episode release.Render quality varies from Grainy McGrainy, especially the first few ones, to crisp clear (but makes the flat textures stand out more).
Interesting start, let's see where it goes.
It's a typing error. It is supposed to be "want". Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for playing!wan't ? is it like "want" ?
Yes, I understand. I will work on that.I thought it was okay, and I think it has some potential. I did think it was a little overly wordy, as it seems as if much of the text was repitition of the same idea. Maybe that's intended t be a ersonality trait of the MC, but it just led me to quickly click through much of what he was saying.