Unity Completed Screw-In Simulator [Final] [Yabukaradoo]

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New Member
Sep 23, 2017
Is there a way to change scale sliders for everything to a larger percentage? for example breast, where default is 100% but u can make the end 200% instead or vice versa. or even a way to replace assets for custom content even? From what I know its not really doable to unpackage a unity file correct? I think these games would be much more popular if they were modifiable like SDT(super deep throat) was back in the day. I wanna see if I can reverse enginner the games basically but I dont even know where to practically start on that.


Apr 8, 2023
Debug mode + uncensor + scale unlock for v1.1.0.2

for PC. maybe almost same as above. I don't checked above has the debug mode. replace the "NejiSimTma01.1.0.2_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" file with this.

for Android. It's a just .so file. replace the "NejiSimTma01.1.0.2.apk\lib\arm64-v8a\libil2cpp.so" file with this. .apk file is same format as .zip file. but after replace it, you must do sign the .apk file to install to android.
If you're using Lucky Patcher, use this file.
Where do i put the Pc files?
Edit Nvr mind i did it now just need to know where to put the save update?
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New Member
Mar 30, 2023
I'm not sure if it's been stated, but it's worth mentioning that for any of NejiComi's games you can just go into the RegEdit on your PC and change the gem value to 99999. I've done this with all their games just to unlock everything.

Also, that's what CheatEngine usually just does....albeit it does the work for you lol.

Quick rundown is to:
Open RegEdit
Click over to Hkey_current_user
Click software
Click Yabu or Yabukaradoo
CLick NejiSimTma01 or equivalent game.
Find "Gemkey" under Name (sometimes it's called something else for me; check the value with whatever value you have for the gems. If it matches edit it.)
Double click and then change the value to 99999.
Reopen game and voila.

Worth mentioning that I have applocale to JP. Unsure if that matters, but hey.
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May 18, 2021
Hello Folks...
Does anyone have the link for the version ?
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5.00 star(s) 1 Vote