you get the book after you return the book for homework 3
to get the book for homework 3 you
- try and fail to do the homework
- get help from Emily with homework (she say nope it's too tough for me, ask teacher)
- Get help from teacher with homework (she'll say get "how to beat math 3" from the librarian)
- Librarian will say nope can't help until you get a library card (go back the teacher for card)
- Teacher will tell you to fuck off she's busy
- Try to do homework again by yourself (fail, go take a break in living room, meet Emily)
- Go with Emily for a coffee in Old town, meet teacher there, she'll apologise and tell you to meet her at school the next day
- Meet Teacher at college and she'll walk with you to the library and get you book 3
- do your homework 3 times, and show it to teacher
- Teacher will leave the room to get some coffee, find her dildo while she is out
- return the book to the library and get charisma book. (read it there)
- go to park and tell Isabella about the other thing you found in teachers desk (maybe do this before the library, I don't remember)
Edit: confirmed you can return the book before talking to the Teacher or after, doesn't matter