V 1.2
contains over 1800+ pictures ( pictures for animations inclusive)
50+ animations and 50+ hidden buttons.
1 mini-game (2 game modes)
6'th of February - test version.
11 February - raw release.
15-16 February - good release for patrons.
Free release? I will dig in my brains. (Not a literal quote Mark Twain.)
V 1.2
Shantrel: + 2? animation / sex
Lala +1 animation / sex
Mina 2 animation (2 viewpoints) / sex
Several hidden buttons.
contains over 1800+ pictures ( pictures for animations inclusive)
50+ animations and 50+ hidden buttons.
1 mini-game (2 game modes)
6'th of February - test version.
11 February - raw release.
15-16 February - good release for patrons.
Free release? I will dig in my brains. (Not a literal quote Mark Twain.)
V 1.2
Shantrel: + 2? animation / sex
Lala +1 animation / sex
Mina 2 animation (2 viewpoints) / sex
Several hidden buttons.