See changelog.What is the difference between episode 3 and episode 3 beta v1.1
Are you suredone two i shot her in the head..other i shot the gun out of her hand..BUT..while talking about it at the table with the dames..both times i tell them i shot her in the head ...sooooo...piffles...
Gotta stretch that playtime if you ain't got none.Oh no... have dudes not learned their lesson of switching up to free roam mode after multiple chapters of pure VN...
"Where do I sign?!":
jump signin
$ julia_karma += 5
$ lucy_karma += 5
$ zoe_karma += 5
"It's too much":
jump signoff
$ julia_karma -= 5
$ lucy_karma -= 5
$ zoe_karma -= 5
I did, and I don't like its direction. This is how it begins with a ton of games. First they start off as a VN. Later they get that itch everyone else gets and start to change up the entire flow of the game. They convert to a sandbox, add quests, add unnecessary grinds. All adding more work for the dev themselves to work out bugs and different routes etc. Usually this shift from VN to Sandbox is to pad out the game as long as possible to keep people playing and the money flowing (not really anything wrong with that. However this is why updates such as this get little story content since everything else added needs to be worked on. This never really ends well and usually becomes more tiresome for the dev than the actual payoff in the end.y'all need to try how it is implemented before you judge..
Game started out as really interesting VN and now turns into another point a click disaster with crappy new content. Why oh why do these devs start out with a great story and then just take a huge crap right on there game? I mean honestly WHY?
Implementation has nothing to do with the fact its just a cash grab by yet another dev. Shameful but its becoming expected lately...y'all need to try how it is implemented before you judge..