3.90 star(s) 39 Votes

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
This game has been out for a couple months. I've played through a large portion and didn't see anything that would qualify as mind control. There's the bit where the vaccine causes intermittent spikes in libido, but that's pushing the definition. Zombies are kind of mind control if you play it right, but I wouldn't consider it a featured element in this game.
So like, the girls don't/can't get turned into sex zombies or anything like that?


Active Member
Oct 14, 2017
So like, the girls don't/can't get turned into sex zombies or anything like that?
I wish, but they've been immunized against the zombie virus, so no. Even if they weren't, every game over involves them being eaten or dismembered.

Actually, now that I think about, there is a character who (spoiler) can control the zombies (end spoiler), but they don't use that power in any kind of erotic way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I wish, but they've been immunized against the zombie virus, so no. Even if they weren't, every game over involves them being eaten or dismembered.

Actually, now that I think about, there is a character who can control the zombies , but they don't use that power in any kind of erotic way.
Fun way to spoiler without the drop down spoiler. ISpoiler in brackets. I gotta start using that more.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2017
Attacking people because "Muh feefies" will not bring you any benefits, my friend. There will be people who dislike the game because it is a downgrade from what the first part was when it comes to gameplay, story, sex scenes and so on. Let me tell you how I see it:

1. the gameplay is even worse than the first one. Clunky at best and the AI is even worse as the one from RE5 or 6. Not that they were better in part one, but in part 2, it is even worse, sine they always ran into my view and block most of my shots, unlike in my gameplay of part 1. Plus, this part has FINALLY female enemies, but what do they do? Do they have gore scenes with the player model or sex attacks like the enemy with the MCs? No... and I tested it several time. This was so damn disappointing and a wasted opportunity.

2. The story is even more dumbed down from the first part. The main villain gets wedged in like no one cares and all of a sudden (SPOILER ALEART!!!!!) is related with the new character, which is maybe the most boring and overused story element you use for a game. And speaking of the MCs, my gosh were they changed from tolerable to "blowup doll mentality". I'm a fan of Aya (and not for the OBVIOUS reasons), but in part 2, she looked worse and was really annoying for me.

3. The sex scenes as like the gore scenes look laughable at best when one compare them with part 1. It doesn't help that the gore scene got more bloody and brutal, because the completely forgot to implement climaxes like they were in the gore scenes in the first part. And if you consider the UE on top of it, the scenes looks so cheap and shiny that you think, you have a blowup doll in front of you. On top of all that, all the gore scenes are the same for all the MCs, which is lazy when you compare the unique scenes for each of them in the first part. LAZY!

EDIT: Just saw that the engine from the earlier game was the Unreal Engine as well. This makes it even worse, because their graphic quality when down the hill!

4. Level up and skills are completely useless because the do little to nothing to make the game easier since all you do, is shooting the enemies, which are not getting any more difficult, since you get a lot of different weapons and especially stronger ones. If there were skill, that would change the gameplay in any way, shape or form, that would be a different, but since this is a shooter and not a RPF, a skill tree is pointless.

Now, I said this all already and maybe not everyone sees it like I do and that is fine, but I'm not running around and yell at people to "change your mind and like the game" as you do. People will dislike the game and people will like the game and that is cool, even with me. Accept this or not, it is up to you.
I wasn't attacking cuz "muh freefies" or whatever stupid crap you said.. that was just the after thought at the end of the end of the convo of me and the other guy talking back and forth.. cuz he is taking this porn game way too srsly.. comparing it to actual games that, you know, are not porn games.. so the end thought is.. it's a free game that he didn't even pay for..

My actual thought is that the game is fun and it works.. pretty well actually.. and to top that off, it's supposed to be just a porn game in reality.. that's really all it is.. so if it has other fun stuff.. gameplay, unlockable skills, extra ntr events..

I didn't play the first game.. and I think that is the reason ppl are so salty since they did.. they wanted more of the same, but the Devs tried something different.. and now some ppl cry about it.

and I didn't yell at anyone to change their mind.. you didn't read my first post and I don't even care.. cuz I know you didn't now.. I said and I keep saying, this game works (at least until the halloween content patch.. I didn't try it yet, so IDK) and it
works pretty well.. so, and I know this is going to be hard for you to understand.. cuz you are with 'that' crowd apparently..
but 2 stars means a game is absolute shit.. 3 stars means it is average.. and the game works.. and is fun.. and has your porn and ntr.. and has other gameplay.. so it may not be 4 or 5 stars for you, but 3 stars should be the lowest score you give a game that works..

see how easy that is? logic.. seems like no one has much these days..


Jul 22, 2017
Again, it was not an excuse, but an explanation, because you seem to have trouble understanding the difference between different types of game development.

This is the problem. Your "quality standards" are being equally applied to all games. Backed up by you saying it doesn't matter what kind of content is in them. My post was saying "Uhh, yeah, it does matter". Whenever you add a new system to a game, it complicates things and takes more time, or you have to subtract from time placed elsewhere. Given time/money/manpower constraints, H games will usually suffer in some ways to add porn to them. If you can't realize that, I don't know what else to tell ya.

I'm not even defending this game at all, just defending H game development. This shouldn't even need to be debated, it's like basic obvious shit that you can see with your own two eyes. Why are H games on average much less complex in story/gameplay than similar non porn games? Surprise: Adding porn alters the gameplay balance and takes up time that would normally be spent elsewhere. Not rocket science. Some people here get to the point of wondering why a game made by a handful of people doesn't play like a game made by a large professional team too, that's why I brought up the 5 or less members thing. Had a guy complaining about the game not being like AAA FPS games a while back.

And again, feel free to check my previous messages in the thread, I shit on this game more than most people. I'm just realistic about shit and don't expect a flawless game. When people are acting like clowns and saying the game is complete garbage, I'm going to call them out on that, because they're obviously delusional and expecting way too much. Say the game is subpar in a lot of ways and a buggy mess, sure. Saying the game is overall worse than the first one is just fucking stupid lol. Bunch of drama whores trying to exaggerate how bad the game is gets real old. It's fine to not like it, but some people are going way overboard.
I understand the idea of feature creep but if you plan for your game to have only two elements from the get go, like shooting and fucking, thats shouldnt affect the quality if you plan it correctly. UNLESS you just dont have enough skill and/or knowledge about making games. What you are saying is that devs should focus on either shooting or fucking because its impossible to combine them if you are a small team, which is bullshit. Again, low quality coz of lack of skill - fine, low quality coz its just a porn game lol - not fine.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I understand the idea of feature creep but if you plan for your game to have only two elements from the get go, like shooting and fucking, thats shouldnt affect the quality if you plan it correctly. UNLESS you just dont have enough skill and/or knowledge about making games. What you are saying is that devs should focus on either shooting or fucking because its impossible to combine them if you are a small team, which is bullshit. Again, low quality coz of lack of skill - fine, low quality coz its just a porn game lol - not fine.
I never defended low quality games for starters. I said very clearly:

Does all this mean porn games have to have shit gameplay? Of course not. Does it mean on average that porn games will have less depth in story and combat/gameplay? Of course it does. Game devs do not have unlimited funds or time to make games. Nobody can create their perfect idea of a game, sacrifices always have to be made.
On average H games will have less depth in story and combat/gameplay does not equal: it's okay for H games to be low quality. You just wanted to fight me on something because I called you out on expecting too much from this game so you exaggerate what I said, lol. The game has many issues, I don't see too many people claiming it's perfect. It is however not "barely playable", and not nearly as bad as the people hating on it claim it is. The game can be fun even with its issues IF you weren't expecting a professional game. The funny part is that the game is still being worked on. Every update just makes the blind hate more and more absurd.

If people would chill the fuck out and stop dialing their hate for the game to 11, I wouldn't even be responding to them. I have no problem with a score of like 4-8/10, that's reasonable, even though I may disagree with it. It's the people that act like this game shot their dog that I have a problem with, lol. When people act like this game is trash, I'm just like "Y'all clearly haven't seen trash" : p These are the same people that review bomb a movie/game instead of giving a reasonable critique and rating.


Jan 23, 2018
You can go back to base and restart from there later on if you want. Of course the downside being you lose an awesome weapon if you have one on you. Though there is most likely a weapon near the savepoint. You can also go all the way to the end of the level if you want to.
Aight can I ask something more about NTR bs thing So I have to be max intimacy level to start NTR Quest ? But is there anyway to avoid it ?


Apr 16, 2019
Aight can I ask something more about NTR bs thing So I have to be max intimacy level to start NTR Quest ? But is there anyway to avoid it ?
You only get NTR events if you first talk to the various dudes who want to fuck yo waifus and then complete a fetch side quest in certain levels. That's right, if you want to get cucked you're going to need to work for it!
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Jan 23, 2018
You only get NTR events if you first talk to the various dudes who want to fuck yo waifus and then complete a fetch side quest in certain levels. That's right, if you want to get cucked you're going to need to work for it!
Oh Yeah I'm not gonna do that Netorare thing never make sense to me anyway why would you want someone else to fuck somebody you love ...
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May 31, 2020
Oh Yeah I'm not gonna do that Netorare thing never make sense to me anyway why would you want someone else to fuck somebody you love ...
You're doing it wrong. I self insert as the NTR frogman not as the the weak cuckee. Unless you're into that, hey you do you.


Nov 29, 2018
Technically, the MC of this game is already cucking the MC of the first game, so...
First MC deserved it, guy just left his harem for four years in a hentai zombie world. He had it cummin.

Anyway, removing the original MC is a good idea. Since it allows us to re-explore the original cast in depth aswell the new girl, and they are written quite well.

Unfortunately the game has issues. The gameover scenes are too short and its just a gorefest, the suits and minigames are an absolute grind, too little H events and the homebase is far too manual.
Former demos had the girls actually use the Facility(toilet), they would even go to the shower, despite not doing anything in it aside standing in bathtub.
Sure you could give an item to make them use it, but they would walk into it, not pop up a menu and teleport us to the scene. Also why not give us an late game option to remove the minigame so we can see girls doing it. And the ribbon doors allowing us to voyeur the girls in their room and shower.
Heck just having the girls going to the armory and shooting a target or the being frisky in the laboratory using a zombie. The potential is there.

Still, this game is definitely better than the first. Even if its incomplete.
3.90 star(s) 39 Votes