
Dec 24, 2017
Though the only events I still had trouble getting where the two random events where Rowan has to meet the representatives of the fae and beastmen. I was looking all around the map to try and trigger them to experience their quest chain. Luckily I eventually did so and was treated to more events back at the castle.
Oh yeah, I was running for a hundred weeks to get those. Some map events are still a bit finicky. The job events are also very random still, I got Hanging with the Maids 9 times and Stranger in a Strange land about 4. Generic breeding event also was showing up constantly.
I also had no idea how to heal, so I was moving at a snake's pace with seven injuries on me. I probably missed some feature.
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Oh, by the way. Nice update.

I managed to get it through... the 'usual suspect'... Y'know, the one that got banned in Australia because of the actions of a certain person who I will not name.

Suffice to say, I had to do some dark-webby shit in order to get around the block in order to get my thieving, Piratey-ass Aussie hands on the new Update. Fuckin' Worth the risk of being virused or assasinated!

All because I want to see Rowan taking it up the ass.
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May 8, 2017
I also had no idea how to heal, so I was moving at a snake's pace with seven injuries on me.
Was literally talking with DarkMaster yesterday about how to prevent the injury death spiral. Shouldn't be a problem in 2 months.
>Placeholder text images for items that are barely sorted (i.e. you cant tell what you're buying unless you want to read a bunch of text along with the other large amounts of text)
>TOO OFTEN resets stats from leveling up and earned recourses
Working on it.

>Made worse by the fact that there is no quest log
Might be an old version? DarkMaster wrote a codex update for the whole Orciad, it should be in since last version.
May 19, 2017
>Unable to build anything from construction
>Placeholder text images for items that are barely sorted (i.e. you cant tell what you're buying unless you want to read a bunch of text along with the other large amounts of text)
>TOO OFTEN resets stats from leveling up and earned recourses
>Unable to progress through orc camp story even after finding all luxury items(only path that works is Tarish's)
>Doesn't tell you to do ANYTHING specific and no clear direction
>Made worse by the fact that there is no quest log
>and if there is, it sure as hell doesn't work
>AND doesn't have a proper walk through, so the game becomes a fools errand of trial and error for someone who just wants to beat his meat
I REALLY like this game, and want it to succeed I just fucking wish it actually worked!
It's still in early stages though

Anyway, when I finally get a job I'm going to spam the devs for more Alexia corruption scenes hahaha


Dec 14, 2018
Is there like a beginner guide to this game? I'm constantly failing because I'm missing skillchecks all the time. The Walkthrough in the OP is just how you see the scenes, but I'm just trying to not constantly get the Eternal Prisoner game over.
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Active Member
May 4, 2017
Oh, by the way. Nice update.

I managed to get it through... the 'usual suspect'... Y'know, the one that got banned in Australia because of the actions of a certain person who I will not name.

Suffice to say, I had to do some dark-webby shit in order to get around the block in order to get my thieving, Piratey-ass Aussie hands on the new Update. Fuckin' Worth the risk of being virused or assasinated!

All because I want to see Rowan taking it up the ass.
If you have the update, do you mind sharing it, please?


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
You know Sexinati, seeing you, of all people, sharing that link... I know most pirates don't really care for the dev team, but I thought you at the very least would know better than this.

I suppose not.


Dec 24, 2017
Gonna asked here because it might be quicker.
If I, in theory, wanted to become the lowest tier patron (yeah yeah cheap bastard) would the time to do it be tomorrow, to start off the new month, or today? Will it charge me for March if I do it today?

I have zero idea how patron works by the way.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
You know Sexinati, seeing you, of all people, sharing that link... I know most pirates don't really care for the dev team, but I thought you at the very least would know better than this.

I suppose not.
It's been several days since the last update came out, whilst the links I got them from have been up since the very first day it came out. I could have just as easily posted the links when I found them, but I held back on doing so because I have my own sympathies regarding SOC.

In the grand scheme of things, the game was going to be leaked anyway. You'd be lucky if F95zone wasn't able to obtain a version outside of a week. It is pretty much inevitable that F95zone would get their hands on the new version within a week of the release.

People were going to get their hands on it. At least they can, partially, get it through someone who actually enjoys the product. The leaker probably wouldn't have given two fucks about your game. I held off of posting it for a day or so. For no other reason but my own feelings regarding SOC. Of course, you are free to write about "Your loyalty is false loyalty" "You are not a real fan!" or some similar diatribe, as is your right.

Any other game, if I had links for them... I would have shared them in a second.

If this in anyway changes your opinion of me, that is fine. This is a site that is pretty much catered towards Piracy. If you expected me to not be a Pirate, on a Piracy site, don't be alarmed when I start singing shanties out of the blue.

Honestly, I've been broadcasting it out that I am a pirate, on here and on SOC's Discord. I'm surprised you didn't think that I was.

In regards to the game, I have stood where I have since March 7th 2017, Where I first laid my eyes down on a post written by Arioch on Fenoxo's forum, where I first witnessed the game. I stand here today, with same-said feeling. This is a feeling that, somewhere, somehow. This game is going to be great.

You need only to look below, to see where I stand.


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Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Depends on how the Patreon account is set up. I believe we charge upfront on subscription, so you'd be charged today for march, and on the first of April as well.

It's better to subscribe on the first of the month. This is also why there's always a dip in backers at the end of the month, as people choose not to renew the subscription, but it doesn't register till the first of the next month.


Sep 17, 2017
That new scene with Alexia x Jezera was really well written. I think whoever wrote that deserves a pat on the back, because I think they really nailed what Jezera's appeal is. They're actually succeeding in creating a legitimate character with personality in a porn game, which isn't easy. Not all the characters, but you can actually take certain snippets of dialogue, e.g. from Jezera, Andras, Alexia, Cliohna, and Nasim, and you can probably distinguish which line is said by whom based on how they speak. It's really cool seeing how the devs seem to care about the game.

And now that I think about it, what's also so good about the writing and what you almost never have in these games is how the characters actually seem to have motivations of their own, and aren't just acting for the sake of exposition.

I'm actually a bit torn, because I thoroughly hate the patreon system and the site itself and how it incentivises scummy behaviour, but it is actually really cool to see how far this thing has come since the first version when it was basically an introduction and a small maid trainer thing.

The fertility treatment with Nasim sounds like a really cool arc, btw. Alexia's plotline in general is really coming into its own.
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May 4, 2017
Here they are. But first, you must listen to the Pirate music, preferably whilst downloading! Listening to Pirate music whilst Pirating is non-negiotiable. :p




Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
In the grand scheme of things, the game was going to be leaked anyway.
Sexinati, I’ll answer with a quote to what I consider to be one of the best books I have ever read.

“Do you understand what I'm saying?"
shouted Moist. "You can't just go around killing people!"
"Why Not? You Do." The golem lowered his arm.
"What?" snapped Moist. "I do not! Who told you that?"
"I Worked It Out. You Have Killed Two Point Three Three Eight People," said the golem calmly.
"I have never laid a finger on anyone in my life, Mr Pump. I may be–– all the things you know I am, but I am not a killer! I have never so much as drawn a sword!"
"No, You Have Not. But You Have Stolen, Embezzled, Defrauded And Swindled Without Discrimination, Mr Lipvig. You Have Ruined Businesses And Destroyed Jobs. When Banks Fail, It Is Seldom Bankers Who Starve. Your Actions Have Taken Money From Those Who Had Little Enough To Begin With. In A Myriad Small Ways You Have Hastened The Deaths Of Many. You Do Not Know Them. You Did Not See Them Bleed. But You Snatched Bread From Their Mouths And Tore Clothes From Their Backs. For Sport, Mr Lipvig. For Sport. For The Joy Of The Game.”
Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
I know that if people try hard, they’ll get a link somewhere. It’s impossible to prevent. But every day they don’t find one, every site they visit that doesn’t have it, there is a small, small, chance someone will go “You know what, I might as well subscribe, 5$ dollars isn’t that much”. And that is money that goes into scene, artworks, general programming improvement, and all the stuff that makes people go “Whoa, this game is really good!”. Every little bit helps up improve and expand.

But for some people, these 5$ dollars will be too much. I get it, I really do. Not everyone has the money to pay for porn, and I’m not going to expect someone who lives paycheck to paycheck to find the cash to support us. So if they have to pirate it, then fine – but at the very bloody least, I expect them to feel bad about it. Because there’s 1268 guys who pay real money every month for keeping SoC alive, and it’s their contribution that gives all of you a game to pirate.

So no Sexinati, I don’t expect you not to pirate. But I would appreciate you didn’t contribute to what is quite literally stealing intellectual property, and if you absolutely have to do it, then at the very least it, don’t act all jolly about it, because that just feels like a slap to the face for me.

And now that I think about it, what's also so good about the writing and what you almost never have in these games is how the characters actually seem to have motivations of their own, and aren't just acting for the sake of exposition.
A considerable amount of time is being put into character lore. Almost every character has a 6+ page google doc that summarizes their backstory, sexual preferences, character and goals. A good character isn’t just a couple of fetishes stuck together – it’s one with a personality.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I expect them to feel bad about it.
don’t act all jolly about it, because that just feels like a slap to the face for me.
With the lyrics being...

"Piracy's a crime and crime doesn't pay
And we go home poor at the end of the day
But I'd rather live my life in rags
Than be chained to a desk with a wife that's a hag
We live each day like there's nothing to lose
But a man has needs and that need is booze
They say all the best things in life are free
So give all your beer and your rum to me"

Ironically, I have chosen the song exactly for the reason you are quoting me for. That we, pirates, are poor.

Why do I have a song about pirates when I provide links? Because I am unironically making fun of myself, and, others.

If you don't think I'm making fun of myself by the song choice, here is a earlier quote.

Once I can sell some spoons and shit... I'll see about becoming a Patron.

Like literally, selling spoons. Because that is what I do. I'm a novice wood carver, who says "Fuck you, I'm not going to work at a Macdonalds!"...

I do what I love, lol.
You will notice how the lyrics go. "But I'd rather live my life in rags, Than be chained to a desk with a wife that's a hag" Which is perfectly mirrored by my "Macdonalds" comment.

The song, therefore, is a massive diss at myself.

And upon posting the video, I want people to feel bad. At the same time, I want people to feel happy.

As you have quoted Terry Pratchett, Allow me to quote Francois Rabelais, from the introduction of his book Gargantua and Pantagruel. These words have been influential in my life.

"Readers, friends, if you turn these pages
Put your prejudice aside,
For, really, there's nothing here that's outrageous,
Nothing sick, or bad — or contagious.
Not that I sit here glowing with pride
For my book: all you'll find is laughter:
That's all the glory my heart is after,
Seeing how sorrow eats you, defeats you.
I'd rather write about laughing than crying,
For laughter makes men human, and courageous.

This is the reason why I have chosen the song. I have chosen the song because we should feel like shit, but we should also feel happy. We are alive.

The song, as far as my intention of using it, is to poke fun at us pirates in general. Let the words "Piracy's a Crime and Crime doesn't pay" be the first things that people hear from the song. Then let the music bring people back up.

Additionally, I feel you may have misconstrued 'Jolly'. My intent of the video was not to be 'jolly', it is meant to be Ironic on the part of us Pirates, in an upbeat manner. If it feels like a slap to you, I will apologize for bringing that feeling about.

I would not aim to slap you, because I am a writer myself, and therefore I know where you are coming from. It would never be my intent to hurt you in any fashion what so ever.

Edit: In other words, I am the temporarily impoverished person you are talking about, making fun of myself.
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May 8, 2017
It would never be my intent to hurt you in any fashion what so ever.
Sexinati, providing the links and spreading the pirated content is quite literary hurting our financial situation. And no amount of self awareness is going to change that fact.

And upon posting the video, I want people to feel bad. At the same time, I want people to feel happy.
I commend you on on a wholesome philosophy, but perhaps you should consider if spreading joy though pirating other’s people work is something to take pride in.

Something to think about when the next update rolls out.
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