
Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Making Money is just as good, on the small chance you haven't read it.
I’m afraid I can’t agree. Going Postal is *tight*. Moist Von Lipvig is an amazing character, but it’s the plot structure that really sells it. Everything is driven by character actions, it’s an elaborate game where Vetinari, Moist and Reacher are all trying to out-gamble one another. Every element of the story serves as purpose, even something as silly as Stanley’s pin obsession leading to the creation of stamps. And the overarching plot of Moist inadvertently conning himself into being a better person is probably the best redemption arc I’ve ever read.

No one does. I can’t stand this, Moist thought. “Look, I know what I’m like,” he said. “I’m not the person everyone thinks I am. I just wanted to prove to myself I’m not like Gilt. More than a hammer, you understand? But I’m still a fraud by trade. I thought you knew that. I can fake sincerity so well that even I can’t tell. I mess with people’s heads—”

“You’re fooling no one but yourself,” said Miss Dearheart, and reached for his hand.

Moist shook her of , and ran out of the building, out of the city, and back to his old life, or lives, always moving on, selling glass as diamond, but somehow it just didn’t seem to work anymore, the flair wasn’t there, the fun had dropped out of it, even the cards didn’t seem to work for him, the money ran out, and one winter in some inn that was no more than a slum he turned his face to the wall—

And an angel appeared.

“What just happened?” said Miss Dearheart.

Perhaps you do get two…

“Only a passing thought,” said Moist. He let the golden glow rise. He’d fooled them all, even her. But the good bit was that he could go on doing it, he didn’t have to stop. All he had to do was remind himself, every few months, that he could quit anytime. Provided he knew he could, he’d never have to.
Making money has the same wit and the same charming characters, but it lacks the narrative structure of Going Postal. Which makes it just very good, rather than amazing.

Proto Persona

Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
You know Sexinati, seeing you, of all people, sharing that link... I know most pirates don't really care for the dev team, but I thought you at the very least would know better than this.

I suppose not.
You're posting on a site dedicated to piracy. Expecting any member of this forum, no matter how familiar you are with them, to have a stance against sharing your work is just silly.

The value of your work is inherently subjective, and for many that value is the same amount as what people pay for Pornhub. No amount of limiting access to your game is going to change that value assessment.
Not trying to derail the discussion, but this x1000. Making Money is just as good, on the small chance you haven't read it.
I’m afraid I can’t agree. Going Postal is *tight*. Moist Von Lipvig is an amazing character, but it’s the plot structure that really sells it. Everything is driven by character actions, it’s an elaborate game where Vetinari, Moist and Reacher are all trying to out-gamble one another. Every element of the story serves as purpose, even something as silly as Stanley’s pin obsession leading to the creation of stamps. And the overarching plot of Moist inadvertently conning himself into being a better person is probably the best redemption arc I’ve ever read.

Making money has the same wit and the same charming characters, but it lacks the narrative structure of Going Postal. Which makes it just very good, rather than amazing.
I liked both of those books, but I think my favorite is the 3rd entry: . The characters gain an interesting depth to them, especially Moist.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Regarding Terry Prattchet, never read the discworld books, or any of his books for that matter, though I have wanted to read them as they have been recommended to me.

Sexinati, providing the links and spreading the pirated content is quite literary hurting our financial situation. And no amount of self awareness is going to change that fact.
I don't really see how I am literally hurting your financial situation... I'm not there in your house stealing your money, nor am I there nerd-spasming out about Seeds-of-Chaos things or saying you should write more Greyhide scenes, which is probably what I would do If I was literally able to be in your presence, I'd be too busy Nerd-gasming to steal anything at all. Virtually would be a better word to use in this instance, literarily speaking.

If the only people left behind who are not patreons are people who want the game but don't have money cannot become patreon subscribers, then in all reality I've not done anything except provide them with what they want... which can be good or bad. Once they have money, they could become patreons.

Someone who is 'financially-abled' could pick up the game and try it, and then decide to 'commit'.

But then, said 'financially-abled' person might go "Hah, I'm not paying for this" and still play the game. Because people can be just like this.

Essentially, who knows how it goes. I could be hurting your business, yes. On the otherhand, the piracy could be helping your business also. There have been cases were Internet piracy actually helped people become successful. It can also be harmful.

Additionally, I am sure there are other factors that could be hurting your financial situation other than piracy. People might have lost their jobs, the holidays might be coming up and don't want to pay, et cetera. This seems to happen a lot in Patreon. I'm also sure that the negative comments by butt-hurt people in 4-chan circles calling it "Seed-of-Cucks" and etcetera is not helping things either.

And I am speaking directly as a person who is in one of these categories. I've bought several games because I pirated them and loved them. I would not have bought them If I did not try them out. I would have never pledged $60 towards Kingdom Come Deliverance If I never tried the Alpha, which I had torrented. That game Is literally my favourite game of 2018.

I don't think you can say that I am literally hurting your financial situation. I could be, or I might not be. I might not even have any impact at all. I'd suppose the best you could say is that... I'm 'a variable'.

Overall, I'd say that my actions as a 'pirate' hurting the Seeds of Chaos team would probably have about the same impact as my Year 10 English certificate towards getting me a job recommendation. Which is to say, not very much, if at all.

Another variable, however, Is word-of-mouth. I've recommended this game to several like minded people over the internet. I'm not sure if any of them became patreons, but they've heard about it. I will continue to say good things about Seeds of Chaos.

Whether I am a net positive or negative, is up to viewer preference. Without having solid stats, who knows. What you have said could be fact. Or it could not.

Either way. The person you want to be pissed at are the 'fans' who leak the data. Without them, this conversation would not be happening And the world would be Hunky Dory. But this is the real world, unfortunately enough.

I guess you could look at this from the observance that I am a cunt, from your point of view. But At least compared to the asshole who laid out a bag full of dogshit on your front door, cunts are probably preferable. Although, If you are an Australian, the reference would be different. I would be a 'Good' cunt, and the asshole would be a 'Shit' cunt. Suffice to say, we have a lot of 'cunts' in our language.

I commend you on on a wholesome philosophy, but perhaps you should consider if spreading joy though pirating other’s people work is something to take pride in.
I never said I have pride in pirating anything. As for joy. Joy is joy, If joy has been gotten through conventional or other means, joy would still be joy. Though, that would probably be a matter of semantics rather than of philosophy.
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Jun 14, 2018
Is there like a beginner guide to this game? I'm constantly failing because I'm missing skillchecks all the time. The Walkthrough in the OP is just how you see the scenes, but I'm just trying to not constantly get the Eternal Prisoner game over.
Yeah agreed with this, the walkthrough in OP is for the scenes. Where is the one for the rest? i just need a picture of the map. Yeah i know the search thread option is there but for some reason it's not working for me.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Sexinati, you know where the SoC team stands on pirating. You can choose to either respect our wishes or not.

That’s really all there is to it.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Wait wasn't Rowan x Orc Woman CG (Orc, Vanilla), originally Rowan x Orc Woman CG (Orc, TF)? Going from transformation to vanilla is a pretty big jump lmao.


Dec 24, 2017
any mod to have infinite steps or anything like that i just ask, sometimes the money is annoying to earn a lot, so a great game i just ask if it's there any mod around.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
No, If I recall correctly it was a Female orc who was transformed into a female human. Or it was an attempt to, anyway.

Sex/gender transformations are probably going to happen in the future, though.
Ok that sounds like it could be vanilla; I don't know why they need to tag that though, it is kind of nice though.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Ok that sounds like it could be vanilla; I don't know why they need to tag that though, it is kind of nice though.
That could mean turning Andras into Andrea!

And Jezera into Jezebro, I guess. Which I imagine would be like having a medieval version of Grand Admiral Thrawn but with horns.
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Mar 4, 2018
Is there a list of all the artists?
I tried looking at the web site but couldent find anything specifik
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