
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I guess avoiding the question on how one is somehow less ridiculous than the other, is in fact an answer that you realize they're both on the same level of ridiculousness and won't admit it.
I love you. Never stop. Fight for your dick potion, my friend.

Perhaps to help our limited writer brains, you can teache how we can make Rowan dick potion drinking a more dramatic moment. Does he drink it before or after his final confrontation with Andras?

"Ah, I see your Schwartz is as big as mine."

We need more kinks!
Few next updates will be focused on castle NPC character arcs.
So as far as i understand Helena Ark will have two different routes Bed Slut and War Slut? Can i have a suggestion ?
She is very slim like war like girl if she go Bed slave route can her body slowly go softer because of lack of training? boobs bigger and ass (may be Omg softer belly)? That way we will see her degrading not only mentally but physically as well!
Will be great right?
The exact mechanics of Helayna's future game state is still to be determined. I make no promises what it will entail in the future.

That said, no game state change will likely entail full on changes in her avatar. This is for much the same reason Commander Con-cock-tion won't get what he wants:

It is exceedingly difficult to change a character's base appearance in a game with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of art assets. You'd have to retroactively redo tons of art, plus do double the amount of future art.

This is the same reason we've been studious about avoiding lasting appearance changes to Rowan and Alexia based on corruption. Do you think that Andras giving Alexia a Temporary tattoo was an accident?

I feel like there might be some middle ground between these two you know.
Rein is incorrect. There is only two options.

I am a bit curious about what led to the change to the fay from 2 groups to a single one, did a better plot overall appear from the idea of them being allies and not different sides?
In that subject have their events been sent to the re-write list? I have net seen them since, is the dryad and the small fairy boy still part of the story?

I have to say every update gets me more and more interested to what will happen, outside of a few events (*cof cof* the werden route *cof cof*) i have to say the story only gets better and i am very interested to see how deeply Rowan is going to sink his power and control over the other characters, and see what other characters will bring. Particularly the new fay stuff and maybe some reappearance of the dragon ogre girl.

In forum related stuff, each day seems more and more people come to see if this is a magic place where one can say "Hey writers/developers, do this thing i would like"

Just in case that is a thing.. i vote for giving Rowan or Alexia a pet, who would not like a nice little hellhound or monster to watch the door and make sure no assasins come to try and kill master rowan :p

Edit: Not sure what a wellhound is, but now my original ideia for a doggy is corrected
It's too late. Now Rowan and Alexia have a dog you can draw water out of.

Original Far plotline was built largely isolated from the rest of the game while we had limited resources and coordination. The goal of the fey rework is to rebuild the plotline into something that better fits with the rest of the game. Not sure about the plan for the dryad/nileth, so that's more hooky's thing. If you really wanted you could go on our discord and ask him.
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Jul 23, 2019
This is the same reason we've been studious about avoiding lasting appearance changes to Rowan and Alexia based on corruption.
I kinda like this. I love the appearance/design of both Rowan and Alexia as it is. I'm even a little afraid of the fertility treatment because of that.

Rein is incorrect. There is only two options.
No, he is only a sissy cuck with a small pp. If we're lucky, he gets a potion to get bigger, but it fucks with his blood pressure and we trigger a bad ending. :)


May 17, 2020
You are being ironic guess but that's how it is. Rowan is a pathetic little cuck that gets dumped on by almost everyone. Sure he takes out his frustrations on the ocasional random encounter in the woods but where it counts he is sissy bitch getting shit on by everyone, even those who are supposed to be his friends like Greyhide. When he will eventually turn the tables it won't be at all satisfying given the amount of stuff that he went through. The only way that would be satisfying is if ACT 2 starts with him beheading the Brother and enslaving the sister, or enslaving them both, and returning the abuse he got tenfold. Or... just admit this is an NTR game and then the way Rowan and what happens to him is written makes all the sense in the world and it is how it supposed to be.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
You are being ironic guess but that's how it is. Rowan is a pathetic little cuck that gets dumped on by almost everyone.
I admit I haven't played all aspect of the game yet, I only went non NTR part while being the good guy and the corrupted guy, but I don't feel being "dumped" so much in my playthrough. In the castle, you have at least your wife that supports you, the dark elf that crushes on you, a goblin matriarch that worships your past deeds, a friendly Minotaur, a spymistress who seems to take a shine on you, a funny mage dude (though he thinks of himself highly), a cute elf as secretary and later on (old version) doggy feys whom seems to respect you. The only one who give you a bad time is the dwarf who eventually grows to tolerate your existence, and the twins who actually do hurt you, but all in all, Rowan is not exactly is being harassed.

Outside of the castle, well he is a hero with good reputation and it shows in most human presence.

The only memorable thing where Rowan is hurt is the burning of his home, his ex student being raped, the burning and the massacre of a town (including the death of the old man whom Rowan personally knows) and the finale of Rastadeel, to my knowledge.

TL;DR : Rowan is mostly hurt by decisions of the Twins than anything else (from non NTR path)
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 17, 2017
You are being ironic guess but that's how it is. Rowan is a pathetic little cuck that gets dumped on by almost everyone. Sure he takes out his frustrations on the ocasional random encounter in the woods but where it counts he is sissy bitch getting shit on by everyone, even those who are supposed to be his friends like Greyhide. When he will eventually turn the tables it won't be at all satisfying given the amount of stuff that he went through. The only way that would be satisfying is if ACT 2 starts with him beheading the Brother and enslaving the sister, or enslaving them both, and returning the abuse he got tenfold. Or... just admit this is an NTR game and then the way Rowan and what happens to him is written makes all the sense in the world and it is how it supposed to be.
Is this supposed to be feedback? What am I looking at here?

Pretty sure the answer is "We dont have enough resources, and your fetish isn't as important."
Well the fact we don't have enough resources definitly makes more transformations impossible. But, also, just honestly, the notion of a dick growth potion is something we would do as a kink. But, as like, a silly one off. Transformations of unusual and sexual nature are a thing we do. It'd probably be with Nassim or X'z or one of Rein's characters.

But, the guy isn't asking for it as a kink. He's asking for it as a plot point.

The idea of having such a thing be a major story beat is just the ridiculous. Like what, we follow up the painfully detailed city sack arc with the "rowan grows a huge schlong arc"? Also to put my writer hat on for a second. The idea of pairing Rowan dick growth with some kind of dramatic character shift would imply narratively that the reason why Rowan was losing out to the twins was because of insufficient height on his mast.

And like, it's not. Rowan's dick is fine. It's probably actually above average length. I've literally never spaired it a moment of thought before this week. It just is wildly irrelevant to the game.
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May 17, 2020
You really are pathetic you know that? You continue to fixate on the dick growing thing just to make fun of a poster who doesn't agree with you, even though he made a lot of other pertinent points which you refuse to see. There are many things that were said by him which hold water yet you fixate on just this one point because is the easy one to attack and make fun of. For a "developer" that is a poor attitude to have towards the people that play your game. And as far as my comment i don't care what you see in it. It is my opinion and i am free to have one.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
1. For steam customers, we provide various other forms of feedback, included the discord and steam threads. We encourage customers to use those channels of communication for feedback.

2. As much as developers have a responsibility to be responsive to customer feedback. Fans of a game have a basic responsibility to avoid personal insults directed at developers unprompted. The same style of communication that both you or dick potion guy used would be sufficient to get a reply deleted on discord or steam.

3. So my statement returns to the beginning. Reframe what you say as meaningful feedback, and I will address it with the same seriousness and respect it is delivered.


May 17, 2020
I didn't actually insult you until you continue making fun of someone. What i said in my original post was my opinion on Rowan, no insult on you. But you arrogance is something that is so awful it must be responded in kind. If i could get a refund i would just based on your shitty attitude. But alas, i bought the game a long time ago and i can't get a refund from steam anymore. That doesn't mean i have to suffer through your arrogance and just be a good little boy and shut up.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
You are being ironic guess but that's how it is. Rowan is a pathetic little cuck that gets dumped on by almost everyone. Sure he takes out his frustrations on the ocasional random encounter in the woods but where it counts he is sissy bitch getting shit on by everyone, even those who are supposed to be his friends like Greyhide. When he will eventually turn the tables it won't be at all satisfying given the amount of stuff that he went through. The only way that would be satisfying is if ACT 2 starts with him beheading the Brother and enslaving the sister, or enslaving them both, and returning the abuse he got tenfold. Or... just admit this is an NTR game and then the way Rowan and what happens to him is written makes all the sense in the world and it is how it supposed to be.
I took the last line as intended as a personal insult that implied that I was lying about the game and it's contents. Was that not the intention you meant it as?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Okay, but. I am telling you that I took what you wrote as a personal insult because of the way you wrote it. This is part of the reason why giving more effective feedback is important. It avoids this kind of dynamic.

So, what you should have said instead was:

- I personally feel like within the context of the game, Rowan feels signifgantly more disempowered then you the developers seem to think.
- When I play the game, it seems to me like most scenes feature Rowan being dumped on by some other charachter.
- I feel this is true even with charachters who as supposed to be friends and allies like greyhide.
- I worry that the sheer extent of it is so vast that you won't be able to make any potential revenge by Rowan feel sufficient unless it happens at the start of Act 2 and is very extreme
- Overall, I think this reflects a problem of development philosophy. You seem to believe you're making a corruption game, when I think the real product is an NTR game.

See, the those were the basic points you were trying to get across. But, the way you worded them was much more hostile and accusatory.

I don't entirely disagree and don't entirely agree with the feedback above, and I could have used it as a starting point for a conversation. But, the way you framed it actually got in the way of the intended goal of trying to give me your perspective.

Not that I actually ignored you. A secret is, I actually do note down all of the comments, even the ones I think are rediculous. You'll notice I went out of my way to solicit even the little bit of feedback I did find valueable from rage guy.

But, at the same time, I still want respect as a developer and I think you as someone playing the game would want me to get the feedback from you better.


May 17, 2020
Well i am just a normal person. Not a writer (this is not a dig at you) and as such I am not a wordsmith. I just told it as i felt it. Until i saw how you made fun of that guy i actually had nothing against you. And no... it doesn't matter that he is a pirate or not. Nobody should treat someone like that.
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Oct 17, 2017
Yes, but it was not merely inarticulate but it was disrespectful. And that's why you got a disrespectful reply. But, you've shown willing to listen to reason, so I'm perfectly happy starting from the top. Bygones be bygones.

What is your feedback on the game? What do you like and what do you wish would improve about it?


May 17, 2020
Like you said. Those are my gripes with the game. For a corruption game with a NTR optional path Rowan feel way to weak and not satisfying as an MC. There just too much dumped on him for it to come out as a credible victor in the non-cuck path of the game. The way i see it is this. He should be powerless in the NTR path, it's a given. He should be dumped upon on the pure path, given he is resisting corruption against the demon twins, but should have the glimers of hope, the making of plans to turn the tables. BUT in the full corruption path he should be a bad ass. The more corrupt he gets the more powerful he gets. At least that's my two cents on it.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Okay. We're looking at more ways to do stuff about that. I'm not totally happy with the finale of Rastedel, nor am I happy with the Helayna claiming, which was one of the more egregious moments. Me and DM recently went back and allowed players more dominant options at the Dark Elf sequence.

Some of our other future goals include:

- Making the process of gaining allies more satisfying
- Going back over the fall of Raeve Keep and making the Helayna claiming sequence feel more like something Rowan has agency over.
- Going back over the intro and making Rowan's capture potentially more dynamic
- At least one more pass over Rastedel, hopefully giving Rowan a bit more agency there as well.

There is still work to do on the subject, and we don't think it will be 100% enough to please everyone. But, we are taking steps to examine the content and potentially allow players more options of expressing themselves through power.

Though, not by killing/dominating the twins in Act 1. Obviously.
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