
Jan 31, 2021
Sorry, my bro, I simply don't know. As I said, I am not aware of other events following that one. I'm sure something like that will be added into the game if not. ^^"

Yes, many times if you take the Andras NTR route. There's even pictures. ^^'
View at your own risk due to spoilers -- .
Oh, haha. I meant PIV stuff, but I forgot about the dungeon scene because Alexia wasn't "willing" exactly.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Sorry, my bro, I simply don't know. As I said, I am not aware of other events following that one. I'm sure something like that will be added into the game if not. ^^"

Yes, many times if you take the Andras NTR route. There's even pictures. ^^'
View at your own risk due to spoilers -- .
I was unaware there's a breast expansion and milking scene. The things you learn from CG collections.
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Jan 10, 2018
Anybody ever feel they were unfortunate to be born now? Just think about it. Were we born 10 or so years later, maybe we'd have a plethora of similar games, but finished... This game is just so damned good and now that I'm done I'm having post-game blues haha.
Would we really? Or would progress have marched on, with mechanics refined and new content made easy enough to create that current games feel sparse, and we all feel like we need to wait for the next big thing to be finished?

I mean, look at old Fire Emblem games - in theory, they hold up just fine today. The mechanics haven't changed from when they were first introduced and enjoyed, the art style is pretty timeless, and the gameplay is sound... But in practice, people don't usually go back to play them. Not even the entries where QoL features like threat ranges were still introduced.

Or just look at this website alone - there are a lot of completed games on here, enough that one person couldn't realistically finish all of them. How many of them have you said "That sounds great, I'll have to try that when I'm less busy" about... Only to forget about them, while you instead play the latest update to a different game you've been following?

I don't say this to disparage Seeds of Chaos, which I very much enjoy - just to note how easily we pass by even the best of games in favor of the newest one on the horizon.


Aug 29, 2017
Would we really? Or would progress have marched on, with mechanics refined and new content made easy enough to create that current games feel sparse, and we all feel like we need to wait for the next big thing to be finished?

I mean, look at old Fire Emblem games - in theory, they hold up just fine today. The mechanics haven't changed from when they were first introduced and enjoyed, the art style is pretty timeless, and the gameplay is sound... But in practice, people don't usually go back to play them. Not even the entries where QoL features like threat ranges were still introduced.

Or just look at this website alone - there are a lot of completed games on here, enough that one person couldn't realistically finish all of them. How many of them have you said "That sounds great, I'll have to try that when I'm less busy" about... Only to forget about them, while you instead play the latest update to a different game you've been following?

I don't say this to disparage Seeds of Chaos, which I very much enjoy - just to note how easily we pass by even the best of games in favor of the newest one on the horizon.
Fair enough. Guess the same thing could be said with some of the 3D games on the website. Some of them are finished, but dear gods do the models look likep lastic compared to some of the never ones... I think Seeds of Chaos would hold up better in that regard though. The art style will never be ugly because it's not limited by technology, it's following a style. And then there's the fact that you actually get some decent story too... Though who knows, maybe in 10 years we'll have hyper-realistic VR games :p .


Jan 10, 2018
Fair enough. Guess the same thing could be said with some of the 3D games on the website. Some of them are finished, but dear gods do the models look likep lastic compared to some of the never ones... I think Seeds of Chaos would hold up better in that regard though. The art style will never be ugly because it's not limited by technology, it's following a style. And then there's the fact that you actually get some decent story too... Though who knows, maybe in 10 years we'll have hyper-realistic VR games :p .
I agree that the art will likely hold up for the rest of our lives - but as far as story goes, that's one thing that I think future technology might help with. It's probably not actually something that will change in the next ten years, but imagine if they didn't have to worry about event conditions or changing variables - if instead, they could work with a system that could automatically parse the relevant conditions from the text, decide whether it "should" update a variable, and automatically advise the developers as to how many events are likely to fire in a given phase of the game? How much time would that save in coding, testing, balancing, and bugfixing? How much easier would that make it to focus on the story they want to tell, rather than messing with the code to tell it? I could easily see that resulting in more overall content, which is why I wondered if it might make earlier games seem more sparse by comparison.

I mean, when convenient, easy to use engines like Ren'Py and RPG Maker were introduced, we saw the complexity and length of games explode compared to their predecessors. I don't think we'll likely see anything on the same scale happen in the foreseeable future (unless AI starts writing scene variations on their own), but there are still ways for technology to make game creation go more smoothly.

Though to be fair, you need only look at any sci-fi book written in the 80s to see how rarely these fantasies of "New technology will fix everything!" pan out in practice - and my speculation there seems particularly fantastical outside of fairly advanced AI. I should stress that it's only one, fairly extreme, way that I could imagine it becoming easier to write Seeds of Chaos in the future.

That said, even without that, a hypothetical Seeds of Chaos 2 would presumably have a lot more polish than the original; they'd know which systems worked and which did not, and could build them from the start with that in mind instead of having to work with the old code; for characters as well, they could choose to expand on character types that they felt didn't get enough time to shine in the first game, quietly drop ones that they felt didn't work out after all, and include more options for character types that ended up becoming a hit. They'd have a clearer picture of the game's pacing, so that character arcs more readily fit the overall pace of the game. Theoretically, their next game should avoid a lot of growing pains, and just offer a better experience overall, even if it's fairly different from the original.

I'm not saying that older games necessarily become less appealing, I must stress - just that future games are likely to be as good or better, and so we'll continue to find ourselves wanting to see what comes next. The human heart always craves that which it cannot yet have, after all.


Jan 10, 2018
How to get Rowan x Delane?
Help her actually escape the orcs, instead of selling her out to one of the chiefs. It'll tick off the Twins, but you'll still get your orc army.

Get another scene with her by reconnecting back at Rastadel.

(Not that I can really recommend it, mind you. What's a noble without her land, in a kingdom about to be conquered by demons? It might seem kind at first, but it's pretty much condemning her to a pretty grim fate...)
Sep 15, 2017
Help her actually escape the orcs, instead of selling her out to one of the chiefs. It'll tick off the Twins, but you'll still get your orc army.

Get another scene with her by reconnecting back at Rastadel.

(Not that I can really recommend it, mind you. What's a noble without her land, in a kingdom about to be conquered by demons? It might seem kind at first, but it's pretty much condemning her to a pretty grim fate...)
O no I have to put her in Rastadel I guess Ulcro is a better fate then that....

Anyway even if I did rescue her how do I do it? I kind of rejected tarish or whatever the female orcs name was will that be a problem and I've also completed her rescue planning maybe it just says "leave planing for later"
Do I make weapons for batri from the forge so batris man can fight ulcros to creat distraction?

In short how do I rescue her I'm stuck....


Jan 10, 2018
O no I have to put her in Rastadel I guess Ulcro is a better fate then that....

Anyway even if I did rescue her how do I do it? I kind of rejected tarish or whatever the female orcs name was will that be a problem and I've also completed her rescue planning maybe it just says "leave planing for later"
Do I make weapons for batri from the forge so batris man can fight ulcros to creat distraction?

In short how do I rescue her I'm stuck....
Properly speaking, she doesn't have to stay at Rastadel, so long as you don't side with Werden; you can warn her about the attack so that she can flee the city ahead of time. But your armies aren't going to stop with Rosaria, so that's just delaying the inevitable.

As for the rescue... For that, you need to have earned enough of Delane's trust, observed the perimeter and arranged a distraction.

Earning her trust just requires you to talk to her enough times, I think. Arranging a distraction requires you to have either raided with Batri's men once, or have trained your reflexes with the priest of Kharos. Dealing with the perimeter either requires you to watch it a couple of times and pass a skill check. You can also ask the Matron for help, but I don't recall the exact effects of that.

It's to your advantage to have turned Tarish down, actually. It'll make the rescue harder, but if I recall correctly, it means she won't be angry with you later for having stabbed her in the back.

If you're not seeing options, exploring the camp more (specifically, to meet the Matron and Priest of Kharos) or going on a raid with Batri's orcs should correct that - I don't think there were any other steps necessary first, but I could be mistaken. It's not my preferred route, so the details are fuzzy to me.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Help her actually escape the orcs, instead of selling her out to one of the chiefs. It'll tick off the Twins, but you'll still get your orc army.

Get another scene with her by reconnecting back at Rastadel.

(Not that I can really recommend it, mind you. What's a noble without her land, in a kingdom about to be conquered by demons? It might seem kind at first, but it's pretty much condemning her to a pretty grim fate...)
It also requires some pretty ridiculous rolls to succeed.

That said the twins have repeatedly shown that they're willing to aquiesce to Rowan's demands depending on his level of leverage. Rowan getting her a spot at the castle is a route to take and it's likely that the twins probably wouldn't care about or even notice. The only issue I would see would be whether or not Andras is going to be a childish buffoon about it. Jezera probably wouldn't give half a shit since she's far less overtly antagonistic of the two and takes a much lighter hand in dealing with things than her brainless oaf of a brother. She understands that a happy, satisfied Rowan is far less likely to cause problems and having Delane about would help with that.


Apr 12, 2018
It also requires some pretty ridiculous rolls to succeed.

That said the twins have repeatedly shown that they're willing to aquiesce to Rowan's demands depending on his level of leverage. Rowan getting her a spot at the castle is a route to take and it's likely that the twins probably wouldn't care about or even notice. The only issue I would see would be whether or not Andras is going to be a childish buffoon about it. Jezera probably wouldn't give half a shit since she's far less overtly antagonistic of the two and takes a much lighter hand in dealing with things than her brainless oaf of a brother. She understands that a happy, satisfied Rowan is far less likely to cause problems and having Delane about would help with that.
Andras would probably go for it too, since he likes anything that comes between Rowan and Alexis.


Jan 10, 2018
That said the twins have repeatedly shown that they're willing to aquiesce to Rowan's demands depending on his level of leverage. Rowan getting her a spot at the castle is a route to take and it's likely that the twins probably wouldn't care about or even notice. The only issue I would see would be whether or not Andras is going to be a childish buffoon about it. Jezera probably wouldn't give half a shit since she's far less overtly antagonistic of the two and takes a much lighter hand in dealing with things than her brainless oaf of a brother. She understands that a happy, satisfied Rowan is far less likely to cause problems and having Delane about would help with that.
I don't really see how that's any better than her going with Ulcro, to be honest... I mean, she'd just be a bird in a birdcage, and still surrounded by orcs and demons. And this way, she'd just be a pawn doing little of importance instead of having a major say over the actions of an important general. It's better than what Batri or Tarish would do, I guess, but it's still not really a good life...

Plus... Rowan wasn't supposed to save her, and doing so was a pretty major act of defiance on his part (one that they know about, no less, not that Jezera tells Rowan at the time). The Twins just let it slide because they got their army anyway, and there wasn't a fun way to punish Rowan for it. If she shows up at the castle... Well, that's flaunting it in their faces, and they can do anything they wish to her to punish him properly for what he did. If she were just some woman they captured, they wouldn't think anything of it; Jezera might even give him some sarcastic praise. But since saving her actively interfered with their plans... I don't see it going anywhere near that smoothly.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
My feeling for the twins is that so long Rowan fulfill their set objectives they don't really mind how he goes about doing them. Hell Jezera may even like while thinking about all the perverted things she may do. Andras too, although he is bound to keep grumbling for a bit.


Jun 14, 2018
I just look through all the CGs so far and thinking that there is still room for improvement in variety of face expressions.
Definitely Sommy getting better and better, recent CGs really good, probably thanks to Rein guiding hand.
Considering that corruption of characters will just grow in later game i suppose we need more different face expressions or they just blend all together.
What i imply is that you can use others works to make an references (as work above) of what you expect to end up.
Sommy has talent to probably do any face expression so his ability's wont be a limitation only imagination.
Its not bad to not copy but take an inspiration from others works.
I recommend to look in to this artists:
1) Sabu
2) Diathorn
Ps. zelda face is priceless
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