Aug 26, 2016
New update.

Public - 561 responses

Backers - 374 responses


Overwhelmingly male (around 92% on both), and sexuality is just over two thirds straight on both, with the remainder being mostly bisexual, with around 10% backers identifying as gay. Vast majority are located in either Europe or North America. As expected, overall most people are between 18-35, but public version has more 18-25, while the backer survey skews 26-35 (expected as this demographic tends to have more money to spare). Most people came to the game via Patreon (patrons) or message boards (public).


Over 90% of people either strongly enjoy or enjoy the game (96.5% backers / 92.9% public) and again, over 90% of people are looking forward to upcoming content (96% backers / 91% public). Most people believe they feel like the game gives you enough freedom (76.7% backers / 69.7% public) and that the game doesn’t force you make unwanted decisions (76.5% backers / 67.2% public). Also, the vast majority of people feel engaged in decisions (87.4% backers / 79.5% public).

On the mechanics front, ruler events are the most popular for both groups (60.7% backers / 53.5% public), followed by map exploration (24.1% backers / 24.1% backers), and then the NPC job system (9.9% backers / 10% public). Both groups would like the ruler events to be expanded the most (35.6% backers / 41.5% public), followed by the NPC job system (21.9% backers / 20.5% public), and then the map exploration (21.4% backers / 18.9% public). Finally, the vast majority of people feel the are about enough mechanics in the game already (77.3% backers / 72.9% public), while less feel there is too few (17.6% backers / 15% public).


The good news is most people either strongly like or like the game’s narrative (91.9% backers / 86% public), and most people think there is currently enough of it in game (48.2% backers / 44.2% public), with a large number feeling there is neither enough or too little (34% backers / 35.7% public). Most people seem to be happy with the speed of narrative at the moment as well, as both groups (82.1% backers / 82.6% public) feel it is paced well.

Moving on to story choices, the leader in why the player chose to serve the twins was because Jezera was convincing (37.4% backers / 36.4% public), but wanting to see Alexia again was a close runner up (34% backers / 34.3% public). Unsurprisingly, considering the sexuality statistic, the majority of people chose to serve Jezera (69% backers / 71.7% public). Most people are pragmatists, with nearly three quarters choosing to kill the village elder (76.2% backers / 70.1% public). Most people play with NTR turned on, but unsurprisingly the public number is a bit lower than the backer one (89.8% backers / 75.9% public). And finally, people prefer to side with Cla-min and implement the feudal society choice over the might one (48.1% backers / 52.1% public).


On the question of Rowan’s personality, the results were pretty even. While most felt that it was just right (50.3% backers / 50% public), a slightly smaller portion felt he was too passive (45.5% backers / 46% public). When it came to whether character or consistency was more important, both groups felt that they were equally important (48.1% backers / 50.5% public).

Both groups preferred an Alexia that was loyal to Rowan (47.6% backers / 52.3% public), with Andras not too far behind (35.8% backers / 31.5% public). On the subject of her jobs, the vast majority of people enjoyed the current work system (96% backers / 92.4% public), and the most popular career path for her is whore for the backers (39%), and mage for the public (36.6%). The most anticipated future content for a job is breeding pit (27.5% backers / 29.4% public), with librarian a close second (22.7% backers / 27.3% public).

The majority of players claimed Helayna (75.9% backers / 68.1% public), with most people convincing her to stay (56.6% backers / 48.2% public).

In regards to the twins, Jezera is very popular with a very high percentage of strongly like or like answers (85.6% backers / 81.3% public), while, as expected, Andras is less liked at only 60.2% for the backers, and 48.1% for the public.

On the backer survey, the top three favourite female characters in order were Alexia, Jezera, and Helayna, while on the public one, Helayna was edged out at third place by X’zaratl. The backers least favourite three characters were Cla-min, X’zaratl, and Indarah, while the public had Cla-min and X’zaratl tied at first, with Liurial a distant third. Both groups felt that Alexia needed more content (22.2% backers / 26.8% public), but the backers had Cliohna and Indarah in second and third place, while the public had Jezera and Cliohna.

For both groups, the most popular male character was Greyhide (50% backers / 41.7% public), with Andras coming in at second place (39% backers / 39.8 public). Poor Skordred was also the least favourite for both at 46.8% for the backers, and 35.7% for the public. Both groups also agreed that Greyhide needed new content (35.8% backers / 38.7% public), with Andras again coming in second (31% on both).


I’m not going to talk about this too much. A bunch of people complained these questions were not detailed enough, but I’ll put out another in future that serves that purpose. The main aim of this section was to get people to tell us which fetishes they liked the most when forced to choose.

The most popular fetish on both surveys was NTR, but pregnancy / breeding, and corruption also did very well. This was also the case when it came to what the game needed more of; the backers chose those three in the order of pregnancy / breeding, NTR, and corruption, while the public went for NTR, pregnancy / breeding, corruption.


I’m not going to go into this too much, as a lot of these questions were more for our benefit, but the important thing is the majority of people are currently happy with size and frequency of releases (90.9% backers / 75.9 public). In terms of additional spending, most people unsurprisingly want more art (40.1% backers / 49.6% public).

On both surveys, interest in Jessika’s Curse, and The Eternal Feast, was around fifty percent, and the idea of a future game set in the same world of Seeds of Chaos was very popular, with 96.5% of backers saying they would be interested in playing it, and 92.1% of the public.


The main thing to take away from this survey is that the vast majority of people enjoy playing the game, and are happy with the direction at the moment, including the shift to monthly releases, which is great to hear. In terms of how we can generally proceed from these results, it is mostly just a case of staying the course, continuing to tighten up the mechanics, and adding more content as we go.

There are two things particular to take into account though:

The first is that people want more art more than anything else, which is not unsurprising. As a result, for every thousand dollars the patreon gains, I will add one CG to the monthly release. Hopefully, if we can get up to ten thousand over the next year or so, that will mean ten every month.

Secondly, a lot of people feel that Rowan is too passive. We have already considered this, and started working to rectify it a bit (if you played the last backer release, you may have seen a new event where Rowan tries to get the necklace off). Winter wrote that, and he’s going to continue writing events that offer Rowan a bit more defiance, so hopefully people will be happy with the outcome.

So, that’s all for this very long post. I’d just to like thank everyone who took the time to answer the survey, we appreciate it, and we hope you’ll do the same next year. Special shout out to the guy who wrote that Andras “is ”.

Any thoughts while we wait for the latest version?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
I feel like I voted very differently from the main results.

I am happy to see Rowan get more agency though. While that's not really how I'll play him, given who he is in the world, I would have expected him to try and get the necklace off or think about how to play out the twins against each other much sooner. That should also be an option when explaining to Alexia why you choose feudalism/might is right: to manipulate Andras/Jezera. I know there's also a ruler event where the twins are arguing; Rowan should use that as well to his advantage.


New Member
Feb 21, 2018
"As a result, for every thousand dollars the patreon gains, I will add one CG to the monthly release."

1000$ for 1 CG? Isn't that an absurd amount?


Mar 2, 2017
"As a result, for every thousand dollars the patreon gains, I will add one CG to the monthly release."

1000$ for 1 CG? Isn't that an absurd amount?
Not really, he has other art that needs doing, writers, programmers, and other expenses, before having to pay himself. A game like this costs a lot more than the usual 3D daz rendered stuff.
Jul 24, 2017
"The most popular fetish on both surveys was NTR."
I'm glad many people voted the same as me. I really hope Andras impregnates Alexia then Rowan is forced to become the babysitter against his will. He will endure the humiliation and cry privately in his room, but he will obey because he's weak and can't stand up to alpha male Andras.
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Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017
"The most popular fetish on both surveys was NTR."
I'm glad many people voted the same as me. I really hope Andras impregnates Alexia then Rowan is forced to become the babysitter against his will. He will endure the humiliation and cry privately in his room, but he will obey because he's weak and can't stand up to alpha male Andras.
Eh, I don't see Rowan like that myself. That's what's fun about this game. I see him as like, "hey home-girl do you what you gotta do. Oh and by the way, I've got my sex-slave-knight Helayna here, demon girl Jezera, that 4 armed chick Xxastsaxalsdfa or whatever her name is, some goblin chick, elf-girl at my beck and call, plus a whole bunch oof other holes across the realm, and then you and I can get together and get some Minotaur love."


May 17, 2017
And in between you two are plenty of people like myself. I enjoy the corruption/cheating but I do ultimately still want her heart to belong to Rowan because the idea of Rowan just sitting in his room crying doesn't do anything for me. I also don't want him to be completely cool with it either. A lot of us are into light ntr but not super enthused for the really heavy stuff. Hopefully they will give us proper tonal choice over each of our own Rowan's emotional reaction to the scenes as they begin to really ramp up! Can't wait for the future!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Version 0.2.29 is the new Half Life 3 at this point
Nah, updates for this game generally take a while to leak, I just get annoyed when people keep posting stuff like "Can someone share?" If anyone could/wanted to, they would have at this point. There's no point in posting stuff like that.
Aug 26, 2016
Nah, updates for this game generally take a while to leak, I just get annoyed when people keep posting stuff like "Can someone share?" If anyone could/wanted to, they would have at this point. There's no point in posting stuff like that.
While it is true that it typically takes a while for updates to leak, for the past couple updates we've had them arrive rather quickly, combine that with the fact that new people are hearing about this game and coming to the thread to see what the fuss is about and it's understandable why you have people posting "new update when?" replies.
Aug 26, 2016
And in between you two are plenty of people like myself. I enjoy the corruption/cheating but I do ultimately still want her heart to belong to Rowan because the idea of Rowan just sitting in his room crying doesn't do anything for me. I also don't want him to be completely cool with it either. A lot of us are into light ntr but not super enthused for the really heavy stuff. Hopefully they will give us proper tonal choice over each of our own Rowan's emotional reaction to the scenes as they begin to really ramp up! Can't wait for the future!
This largely fits my own opinion on the matter, except that it's more that I don't mind the cheating and like the corruption. One of my problems with the standard NTR story is that the average person is not a brainless moron who turns on people they love and care for simply because somebody else gave them multiple orgasms or something like that. I think that this game is avoiding that sort of lazy writing so far so that's good enough for now. However, there had better eventually be a "mount both of Andras's heads on two separate pikes" option, or I will be rather upset. However, I am willing to compromise with just one pike for both heads.
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May 15, 2017
The game crashes if you try to enter Alexia's room in slave training.
Is there a fix for this?
4.00 star(s) 169 Votes