Ren'Py - Seeds of Chaos [v0.4.07] [Vénus Noire]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, waiting for the next update. There are certain blank/black screens, are those artworks incomplete? Also I seem to have gotten around 90% of the cg, is there any way of getting all. I have played it over 3 times but can't seem to get them yet.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the game a lot. Would like to see spots on the map not get locked out if you go to them too early. Good mix of straight and gay stuff. Also nice that you don't have to see any sex scenes if you don't want too Game is still very much wip but worth trying.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is not finished, but it has everything one can hope to get out of the game (sex, intrigue, story, unique NPCs). Fantasy setting allows game developers to really explore and experiment with characters, setting and game mechanics.
  4. R
    5.00 star(s)

    Rusty Crocodile

    In Seeds of Chaos you play as the Hero Rowan Blackwell who is well known throughout his home country (which is the whole setting of Act 1) for his role in defeating the forces of Chaos. The game takes place years after this conflict, in which through an increasingly erotic turn of events that are controlled by the player. Rowan starts to descend into decadency, degeneracy as he is pulled out of his ideal retirement.

    The Gameplay

    As of right now from start to the current end point of the Alpha it took me around 15-20 hours to complete. Trying to collect all CG’s is 30+ hours. The game apparently is only a Sixth??? Of the way finished.

    Its rather simple, you have objectives that you have to meet by certain deadlines. At the presence there’s only three, that are enforced. Which give you plenty of time to complete. To accomplish this, you are given a set amount of move points every week. You are looking for certain places, mines, villages in order to generate items and materials needed for Chaos. You will have a budget which you will use to build rooms that generate certain things for chaos, such as armor, more troops. Whenever you move on the world map an event has a chance to fire. These events vary greatly from fangirls, to getting mugged, you never know. Even after three playthrough’s I keep seeing new events pop up. When you aren’t in the world map you are either in the castle or are out in the world. There are currently two locations outside of the castle that have a number of places you can visit which have a horde of options and text to go through. At the Castle the MC can interact with a number of NPC's who have budding storylines. These storylines all involve sex, along with stat boosts.

    RPG Elements

    Currently you can only can make choices. As the stat system is currently being reworked. The choices you can that impact the story and how characters interact with each other and you. This is some of the deepest branching choices I’ve seen in a game. Considering how this is only the first Act so far, this system could become the best I’ve ever seen. You can also corrupt Rowan and his wife which increases the level of smut you see.

    There’s a lot. The first one occurs within 4 minutes of the game starting. The second is five minutes later and it branches. You can avoid all sexual encounters in this game and are usually given ample warning as to when one might occur. All scenes are static pictures that are followed by text, I found most scenes that weren’t fetish (I’m vanilla as you can get) to be tasteful. The art quality varies from each artists depiction of the characters on screen. The tags for thread cover just about everything, however some characters have multiple scenes with the MC.

    Best concept for a Smut game I’ve seen, I hope it keeps growing and we get the whole Six ACTS.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game fantastic. You can roam around the map and make choices. Theres inventory and fantasy trade things but not like in an rpgm thats the reason I like so much. Story is interesting. Artwork is beautiful. It will be a unuqie and special game if it will be completed.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Douglas Fir

    Great game, with a lot of love put into it. A bunch of different kinks content options that are generally well signposted so it's pretty clear what you're choosing.

    It's still in development, but content releases are regular and explained well. Right now the only (legitimate) ways to ge tthe game are through patreon or steam, and I def think it's worth throwing a few bucks at, but you can check out the older free version to see if it's something you like.

    There are a LOT of NPCs. And it can be a bit tough not to fall behind on the Rpg elements if you just horndog around like I usually do, but th world/story is really quite elaborate and there is definitely a full game here besides the sex.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review of any game so forgive me. With that being said I've played through this game multiple times and I can honestly say it's one of the best H-games I've played. I can feel the amount of love that went into the writing and world-building. The characters are pretty straight forward so far but I feel like they'll start to open up as later builds are released. The sex scenes are very well written with the added effect of influence from the choices you make as the main character. I found myself invested and could feel the pit in my stomach as some of the NTR scenes played out. The collaboration on the art is a great move imo it keeps things fresh and interesting. The open worldness of the game is a little too reliant on RNG and makes some scenes hard to come by. granted this is an early build so of course there are bugs one main thing I wanted to point out was the scene player doesn't update after a certain point. All in all seeds of chaos is definitely one of my favorite narrative-driven H games and I'm excited to see more to come.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Edited for version

    One of the best h-games I have enjoyed so far.


    - great storywriting
    - great graphics
    - great h-scenes, some are animated too
    - a lot of different kinks
    - ntr is completely avoidable even (but personally like the ntr part)
    - interesting and unique characters
    - dozens of hours playtime
    - they greatly improved the randomness of events


    - still encountered some minor bugs but nothing game breaking and it's fully ok for a game of this size (for example saw events with characters before they've been introduced)
    - don't like the level system. It takes a lot of time to even reach 1-2 level and it doesn't feel like you get "stronger". Don't really like the whole rolling die system either. But that system isn't that important imo yet so I wouldn't even substract points for that.
    - one of the pros can be a con too. If you only like one kink included in the game it might take some time till there are new scenes you like

    Overall one of the best games on this site imo. Especially like how the game handles the Alexia corruption part and can't wait for more Alexia content.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    20+ hrs of content but you're probably not gonna like this is if you're not into non-con/dub-con.
    Half the game is a VN, the other half is a hexagon-based turn-based overland exploration game.
    There are a lot of choices that directly affect the scenes and the story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful, yet sometimes inconsistent art. Great NTR progression. High fantasy and well written scenes. Likeable and attractive characters. Tons of options with different outcomes gives it a ton of replayability. Can't wait to see where this goes.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Artwork 5/5
    My only complain here is that the scenes drawn by momdadno are a bit too cartoonish for the main theme of this game. The ones done by the other artist (ex. Alexia's Punishment scenes) are much hotter.

    Plot 5/5
    Usually, a hero being defeated by enemies he can't best marks a "bad end" in other games, but here its just the beginning. The future is uncertain for him and even for us the players.

    Dialog and Narration 5/5
    In my opinion the highest point for this game. Some scenes are left with a black screen because the artwork hasn't been drawn for them yet, however they are still very much erotic due to the text alone. In fact, even if the whole game was text based it would still be more immersive than the majority of stuff you can find on this site.

    Gameplay 3/5
    Probably because its not finished yet, but the whole stats/items/mapping is more annoying than it is enjoyable.

    Scene Picking 2/5
    I would appreciate an easier method to viewing newly added stuff, instead of needing to have 99 saves for each decision on the playthrough so I don't miss anything. And even then the script might break. Console helps in picking scenes to play, or at least would help if the scenes were titled in a way to make it easier for players to know what happens in them.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    So the smut is top notch, the gameplay annoying.

    First up I loved the smut in this. The art was great. The world and settings great. The build up and heat fantastic. I loved the slow corruption of the wife and things going on in the castle.

    But I loathe things with time limits. I want to get out and explore at my own pace. Throw in the movement limit per week, and that fog of war, no way to zoom out on the map, and just getting around and discovering villages and things was a pain. Then all the micromanaging junk for building upgrades and worrying about money coming in, soldiers/military might, what to research ... eventually I just decided to give up, accept I'd fail by week 22 or whatever it was and see what scenes I could get within that time frame... if this had been a visual novel it would have been amazing... I liked how it started in that fashion, but once you were having to explore and be in charge of the castle it all became more hassle than it was worth... also having to go around and click on each of the npc's rooms (including downstairs that I didn't realise existed for a bit) after each week to see if any new events were available was a bit annoying (just give them an exclamation mark or something if there's new stuff to do).

    So yeah, I hope progress continues with this, but I shan't be playing it again until there's a full release and hopefully someone's made a mod to go along with it so you can walk about as much as you please, and there's no time limits so you can just advance stuff as and when you like ... because even looking at the tips and stuff linked in the OP it just wasn't worth it... but it's gutting because like I said the smut is phenomenal and that's the only reason it's a 3 not a 1.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far the best true visual novel game I have found and it's not even completely finished yet. It has compelling characters, humor, corruption, darkness and beauty. It is story driven with choices that matter and is filled with distinctly beautiful art. Venus Noire has created something wonderful for fans of grimdark fantasy, corruption and hot housewives fucking minotaurs. :p

    Edit: Fuck it's taking them forever to finish this game. They keep regularly updating and the art is top notch but the amount of characters and choices have gotten out of hand. Still an all time classic but admit I've checked out until they finally finish it.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It's kind of hard to rate this game.
    I believe that for some people it can easily be a 5 star game or a 4 star game. The art is nice, maybe among top 5 games here. The story has some potential and the lore is interesting.

    The problem for me is that this game is too text heavy. It is like a fat book. To read through it you need about 10 hour. But, unfortunately, it is not a very interesting book - about half of it is about mundane boring unimportant events that add very little to the story or the character development. To top it off, the game seriously lacks pictures compared to the amount of text.

    The developers want to cater to gays, males, females, those who like NTR, those who don't - to almost everybody. But as a result, if you are not into some or most of those fetishes, you are going to see even less pictures.

    Maybe, it would work better if it was just a visiual novel, but unfortunately, there are a lot of clicking and grind. And so it is kind of difficult to replay the game if you want to see the stuff you missed.

    So, overall, a lot of effort was put into this game. It is easy to see. But for now, it is neither a good porno game, nor a general visual novel. In my opinion, you should not play it for now yet. In a few years it can be an amazing game but no now.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The effort really shows in this game. The massive amount of dialogs and detailed references, so much characters and personalities. It is very impressive to see the small changes in dialogs affected by the myriad of past choices and then to have more changes dependent on corruption levels. Aside from a few spelling/grammar error here and there, the art is great and the story, the different small and large events are very immersive. Whether people like the genre/theme or not, there's no denying this is a well paced, interactive, top notched game. Solid.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most inventive games on the website. Avoids most of the cliches and cookie-cutter elements of other games in the medieval fantasy genre. Clearly a lot of time went into the writing and world-building. More attention could be put toward the sex scenes, mostly in the number of renders per scene and scene length, but that comes down mostly to personal preference. I'm very interested to see where the game will go with its development.
  17. A
    3.00 star(s)


    This game was particularly hard to review.

    - The characters in this game are amazing and are completely unique.
    - Decent amount of content
    - Good consistent storyline
    -Choices do matter

    -This game is very confusing, Some of the tasks are so difficult because they aren't explained very well.
    -Sex scenes are quite dull, Literally just get one picture and thats it, No animations at all.
    -Game focusing on the story to much instead of what people are actually here for.

    Overall i think this game is pretty decent but it definitely isn't a high tier game yet.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review for a game, mainly because this is the first game I felt a need to review.

    I love this game. The art style is unique and incredible well done. The game play while at times can be annoying due to the randomness of events is still amazing.

    Definitely recommend everyone to give this game a try at least once.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a mixed bag in my opinion. It has tons of good to great art. Dozens of sex scenes. It's an interesting change of pace to most games in this genre. Plus it attempts to cater to a large number of fetishes as well. Finally, there is a lot of promise in the story and setting. However, it fails in the stated goal of letting you play the villain.

    The backstory is that the protagonist is a great hero from the last conflict that helped slay the big bad of the age, the Demon Lord Karnas. Yet, the way Rowan is presented, you're going to wonder immediately how he didn't trip over his own feet and kill himself on the march to Castle Bloodmeen back then. Let alone believe he helped kill the Demon Lord.

    Rowan is a weak willed and all too submissive character for the backstory we're supposed to buy into. It would be more believable if he was just a veteran of the last war and perhaps a local village hero. At least then the constant beat downs you suffer through against even orcs would be understandable. Oh, and expect a lot of that, because if you try to exert yourself in any way without cheating, you will be punished repeatedly.

    You are not a hero or even the villain. Truth is, Rowan is a glorified Steward. He's put in charge of the lands and forces of his betters, the twin spawn of Karnas, and expected to manage them or else. Constant threat of violence, rape, torture, imprisonment awaits, and the Sword of Damocles doesn't just hang over Rowan's head but that of his wife Alexia and the broader realm as a whole.

    If you like NTR, gay, femdom, or submissive main characters in general then this game is fully for you. There is a lot of content geared toward those interests, and more power to you. However, if you expect or want to flip the script on the twins and take charge, you're out of luck. I backed this game on Patreon in the past for the promised Overlord route, but in the three+ years of work on the game there has been minimal work toward it. Being able to rebel as a real hero or become the villain and finally impale Andras alive on a spike is a LONG WAY off. Check back in another 3 years.
  20. B
    5.00 star(s)


    I have to admit... when Ive first played the game about a year ago, I didnt like it (from the story perspective, which is important to me even in games from this page). But... I guess F95 succesfully corrupted me enough to like this game.

    + very nice art!
    + very, very well written!
    + large amount of dark choices that you can make
    + wide amount of choices! :D
    + solid amount of races/creatures that you can meet with
    + normal/gay/monster - the game doesnt force MC to be a part of any groups so you can go with only what you like. Rarely there are events that displays these groups but as far as i know, they are not involving MC.

    - the management system could be more complex then setting up a research and building a new places to visit. maybe some more detailed troops management rather then only recieving an army report would be nice :)
    - the game is missing few statistics, or i should rather say that it doesnt display them, like the level of corruption of the MC or his wife or how much either of the twins are ... fond of the MC. It got some magic that you dont know the level but not everyone likes it. maybe some kind of option to turn these statistic on/off wouldnt be a bad choice :)
    - large amount of random encounters on the map that doesnt effect the game itself. or maybe they do, like adding points to your corruption but again, i have no way to tell without the stats.

    thanks for the game! IVe spend 13 hours in a row yesterday playing this. pretty addictive.