Ren'Py - Seeds of Chaos [v0.4.07] [Vénus Noire]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game, with lots of very good sex scenes. I also actually like the SFW aspects of the game; it has an engaging story and great mechanics.

    However, it's also an unfinished game IMO. The stat mechanics aren't as relevant as I hoped they would be, and the ratio of time spent grinding to time spent doing interesting character development is too high. For instance, with Alexa you can have her doing the same repetitive tasks which are kind of boring. If the game was 25 - 30 percent shorter while keeping the same number of sex scenes or dialogue scenes in, I'd like it a lot more. I'd also like an option to change the MC and Alexa's name, shouldn't be too hard to implement.

    Overall it's a very good game, probably one of the best 2dcg games I've played.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    First reason : Drawings, wow,wow,wow,wow,wow, a great Bravo to the one that is at the pencils.
    Second: the Sheer nastiness of the whole thing. It force you to break some bonduaries and test your own definition of sexy.
    Naturally, I have to make a point here, I strongly believe both in egality of sexes and honor so I will play it in a certain way:cheating is ok with me , NTR is however always on! Also because some of the most sexy and nasty scenes involves a certain pair of redheads, so...
    Usually gay is a turn off for me but in this case I would gladly make exceptions, futa on male, always one of the best (the Dwarf just not, please).
    Only absolute NO for me is about blasphemy and sex with Nuns and priests but since there aare all heatens...Fuck Solansia!
    The only defect I see is a certain running in circles and casuality of encounters and statistics, and yes a VERY slow start although it's completely understandable storywise: no one want an Hero that bend on at the first pressure!

    Allow me to add an update : as I play it back from beginning when a new release is made , only now I have reached the (provisional) end of Shaya investigation storyline.
    Well, it's a fantastic plot and an unexpected turn, ABSOLUTELY ROMANTIC one I have to add.
    In this orgy of debauchery and kinkiness, such one and Baron Casimir's Fate (no spoiler) shine of the pure light of Love itself.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Fcking add virtual novel to this because its spacebar simulator. Content and porn are good though, just novel levels of text between everything. Like, I can literally close my eyes and press space bar for 5 minutes straight and still not be done with a section of non-porn text, and its unskippable.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3045722


    Good :
    - Artworks are very nice
    - The story is well written and interesting
    - Lot of options
    - Lot of potential love interest
    - Lot of sex
    - I love the music

    Bad :
    - Not enough scenes involving the MC and his wife
    - Too many NTR/gay/sharing content
    - Too many black screens during dialogues
    - Impossible to change the MC's firstname
    - Text is needlessly too long
    - Can't trigger contents without the right lvl which takes too long to XP, i had to use the console commands
    - A mix of RPG and VN gameplay while it could be fully VN
    - Random events are too hard to trigger
    - Some content from previous versions have been gone
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    1/5 - DNF; Didn't get me off

    Gameplay is split in two phases. A sandbox VN phase and a 4X style exploration phase. The sandbox phase is boring because of a lack of choices. You'll typically end up reading 10-20 minutes of text and then get a choice of watch/don't watch scene. In fact, 90% of choices are watch/don't watch scene. The other choices have little impact on the story. The 4X phase suffers because the map is barren. You walk around, get a random SFW encounter and then one of your resources goes up. That's pretty much it, there was only one NSFW scene I found when exploring and only one quest scene.
    Porn consists of 2-3 drawings and ~15 clicks of text. Drawings are good, descriptions are bad. Over 2/3 of all porn scenes are either ntr, (submissive) gay, or femdom. Don't go into this expecting an evil tough guy harem game. But even if those are your kinks, the scenes fail because of the story, as described below.

    The story doesn't make any sense. MC is introduced as a tough guy hero who selflessly saved the world from a demonic invasion, but now all of a sudden he's so selfish that he decides to destroy the whole world for personal reasons? What? And another thing, MC is a skilled warrior who has killed hundreds of demons, but now suddenly two are too much for him to handle so he becomes their slave? Ridiculous. Other reviewers praise the game for being "dark" - at one point early in the game you have a choice of killing your friend or watching as your master kills 12 civilians. But why can't you just kill your master? It doesn't make any sense, and it seems that the story is simply dark for the sake of being edgy, not because it naturally flows there.
    And if you are interested in any of the submissive content, it's even worse. Again, MC acts like a tough alpha male yet in almost all of the submissive sex scenes he transforms into a whining bitch. There is absolutely no attempt to reconcile these two sides of him. Is he maybe a secret submissive, does Andras really turn him on, or what? Why the sudden transformation? And of course after the scene is over MC transforms back to normal as if nothing happened. There will be no mention of the events that happened. So if you choose to get immersed and stay in character none of the scenes will make sense. Here is a typical scene for example: "To prove your loyalty, you must suck my dick. Muhahahaha! Oh? You don't want to? Well ok I guess you don't have to..." It's the same for ntr and femdom scenes. There is no setup, no corruption, nothing. You either stay in character and skip the scene, or throw out immersion to watch a scene that doesn't make sense. It's almost like the devs wrote the porn scenes first and then clumsily wrapped a story around to fit.

    When I play VNs, especially VNs with 10+ minutes of dialogue between choices, I want to get immersed in the story, in the characters. This story is so awful that I couldn't do that here. And because there is so much story, after I realized I wasn't getting immersed I just started skipping to the scenes so I could bust a nut. But the scenes here don't make sense without the story, so with the exception of two lengthy scenes, none of them did anything for me.
    So in short, regardless of whether you're here for the porn, the story, or the gameplay, it's a hard pass.

    - Skill checks are made using a D&D like DC system. Luck, not careful allocation of points, decides whether you pass the checks.
    - The artist cannot draw faces. They are all ugly.
    - A few scenes have very bright high contrast drawings.
    - Very slow development speed.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very well written game with incredible variety.

    On the fantasy/adventure side of things, it has an interesting story with defined and diverse characters. You can see your evil or good choices having an effect on Rowan and on those around him throughout the game. The erotic side of writing is also fantastic. Not only do Seeds of Chaos’ developers write some very spicy scenes; the game is inclusive of many different sexualities, kinks, and general options. There might be one or two other games on this site that come close to this level of variety, but I don’t think any are as well-organized as SoC.

    Without going into details, I also want to mention that I appreciate how dark this story can get at times and how many weird places it visits. I think it’s rare to see that in a game of this caliber. I just want to stress: really, you won’t be disappointed by the story.

    The art is expressive and lovely. The castle management system can be fun. It also has a neat system of map exploration, if you’re into that kind of thing. Overall, there are so many mechanics in this game that impress and set it far above the average eroge.

    However, there are some mechanical issues I don’t like, and unfortunately they’re kind of significant. Some events are locked behind stat checks—I think this would be fine if there were either an easy way grind stats early or a more convenient way to save-scum. However, because some scenes with high DC can trigger early, and some high DCs are outright baked into the story early, you end up with playthroughs where it’s like: “Week 6: I failed my perception check finding the noble woman, was blocked by this failure, and did nothing. Week 7: again, failed the check; did nothing. Week 8: again, did nothing… Week 12: I finally passed my perception check and was able to begin this storyline.”

    There are also some events that are just entirely random. You could play this game 100 times and never see parts of this game or have them be a part in your current playthrough’s story. Again, this can work for other games where you restart often and quickly. However, because this game is so grindy and because the entire point of this game are its scenes, it’s very frustrating to replay/reload the game several times over and never find the story you’re looking for.

    Regardless, I wouldn’t be so frustrated about those mechanical issues if I wasn’t so in love with the storytelling that I want to see all of its scenes so badly. Overall, I feel like Seeds of Chaos is a must-play for anyone who likes a good story.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Its not bad, in fact theres a lot of potential here. But this game being in development for 5 years or something like that, its next to barren. You literally have like 3 story points so far. Some fun porn scenes in between, for sure, but still its way to little for the time this games been in development. Really wish theyd drop this one and focus on the darkest dungeon one, its much better. 3 stars are mainly for the fact theres not much to do story wise, if you dont mind that you can easily give it 5 stars. I cant.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I liked:
    - A genius premise. As one of the few western H-games where the main plot doesn't detract or distract from the sexual content but bolsters and improves it, SoC is in a league of its own.
    - As someone who barely pays attention to visuals in these types of games and would normally prefer a full-on text game over anything else, the quality of art work is legitimately stunning at times.

    I disliked:
    - The game is in a dire need of an expanded 1st act. Include Alexia and Rowan's first kiss, their first heated quarrel, a couple of snapshots of their everyday life and maybe even some light infidelity in the past to show the SEEDS of the CHAOS inside of her. This would both improve her weak characterization and help with the NTR aspect of the game, clearly its main theme and purpose.
    - Alexia every so often feels like a secondary character. While the idea of her being a bird stuck in a golden cage and gradually falling for the few people that offer her positive attention while her husband is forced to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders is arousing, the level of execution is uneven, not to mention how unfocused the game becomes at times with its mediocre side content.

    Whether it's an unpopular opinion or not, I would argue that the game would be much better off being laser-focused on Alexia's corruption arc, slowing it down, giving her most of the play time and Rowan taking on more of a secondary role.

    Still, this was a genuine delight to experience and I'd love there to be more games that "get" certain fetishes the way this one does.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the biggest, most ambitious games on this site. And somehow they do a fantastic job with it, unlike 99% of other ambitious 2d games. All the art is detailed, there's a ton of it, and somehow they made it all a consistent style. And a lot of the recent art has been animated! I have no idea how they're doing it. So, in terms of production values, this game is a 5/5.

    In terms of lewd-content, this game is a definite 6/5 for me, because I happen to enjoy all the fetishes. Particularly transformation, corruption, and NTR. There is also some fantasy harem thrown in if that is your thing. The corruption/NTR of Alexia (Rowan's wife) is really master-class and I can't wait to see where it goes. I'm really happy to see that there has been a ton of Alexia content added since I last played this game a few years ago. I am really strongly considering becoming a patron because of how great the additions have been. If the next few updates are solid, I'm sold.

    Keep up the good work devs. Great job so far.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    While the art and all of the sex stuff is amazing quality in this game, that isn't why this game inspired me to share my opinion and heartfelt reccomendation. This is the type of story that stays with you. As Rowan, you are thrown in a very desperate situation that keeps spiraling out of control. And trough the fire and the flames savoury character development ensues. There are a LOT of choices to make and all explicit content is optional. It's a great work of art.
    The music is a definitive downside though as the same few tracks play in almost every situation. It can become grating and sometimes unfitting to what happens in the game. I would recommend turning it off and perhaps playing music from a playlist of your own to enhance the experience. There's a misspelling or a grammatical error here and there, especially with newer content, but it doesn't take much away from the experience. The writing overall is pretty good.
    Gameplay is a mess but at least it isn't grindy so you can focus on the story itself. That is where this game shines. I would say that the game would benefit if it was done more as a visual novel.
    All in all I am excited to see what will became of Rowan Blackwell in the end.
    Version as of the time writing this review: v0.2.65
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is something else. I stopped playing hentai games but this vn still keeps me hooked The art is amazing and updates are consistent. The themes of seduction and corruption manifest differently from other games yet brilliantly. An author knows what he/she is doing. The variety of contest is vast: domination/submission, gay/lesbian, races, NTR, corruption. On top of that, you can avoid them resulting in very flexible gameplay.
    Definitely worth your time and attention. As time goes game is becoming more rich in worldbuilding and character development. I'm looking forward to see where the project will go.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    best adult game ever for me. various story options(of course not that much but) and avoidable ntr(of course you can choose) and any above all, ilust is great and beautiful. highly recommanded. you should try.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3607682

    One of the best games I've had the chance to play the story is absolutely awesome and not to mention the art is just as good I can not recommend this game enough. Love the character development and the impact of choices that are made.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    As an NTR lover, I must say that this game has fantastic NTR. The premise and game style are both fairly unique as far as as H-games go, and there is also quality non-NTR content for the less interesting of us :p Definitely worth a play!

    My only complaint about the game is that it can be somewhat of a timesink, which is enjoyable the first few times around but not as fun if you're grinding trying to find a few new scenes between versions. That's why I'm trying my best to put it off and not play it, but I still keep coming back to it, looking at it, and thinking "come on. Self control. The longer you wait, the better it will be." and it STILL TEMPTS ME. Not many games do that.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    So this one of those games that could have been a 5/5 if a bit more was included to fill in the gaps. First of all the art style is absolutely mind boggling. So freaking hot. One of the best art styles on F95.
    The lust is really good. Say what you will but, the dozens of helpless/defenseless scenarios, lustful stories, sex corruption, all of it is so damn good. The story is good too and has a plot to it.
    The characters are pretty interesting and the interactions between characters is interesting too. Except for Helayna, who just sits in your room with just 2 repeatable scenes for the entire game and nothing else.
    The platform is alright. I like the map minigame of exploration and the inside house ..but sometimes it felt very lacking.
    One of my largest issues with this game was the lack of scenes. The art is 10/10, simply superb and very lustful. However the quantity is 3/10 at best. Many dark screens during supposed "scenes". A lot of hot scenes only includes 1 or 2 pictures which feels very lacking. Sometimes the text is talking of a different scenario and the picture is completely different, with no adjustments done to the scenes at all.
    At times it felt like the game was giving you massive blue balls due to the scenarios barely having pictures during scenes.
    The story-line of Alexia assignments is really all over the place and not consistent, probably badly coded. The story should be loaded in order no matter what so that it follows a story. But it loads them randomly.
    And again, the completely black screens during other "scenes" just doesn't cut it.
    Lastly, like I said I feel like the minigame/quests could of used a lot more work. You get gold but basically have no way to use it. I never needed to use the gold for anything, and there was no way to use it even if you wanted to. You level up once during the entire game. You get about 2-3 random items during the whole game which again are useless. You upgrade things but it doesn't even feel needed, you can go without it. You explore the map but there's only 2 important dots, the rest don't matter.

    If it wasn't for the lack of pictures during scenes, and if the minigames was improved to the point where more than 20% of the things like gold and upgrades actually mattered, then this game could of been a 5/5. Heck just improve on the quantity of pictures alone and it would be close to 5/5. But due to the game being a huge blue balls inducing game, I give it 3.5/5.
    The scenes simply make you feel like you need to see more. 1 or 2 pictures doesn't cut it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game and I'm surprised it's not rated higher. The artwork is unique and beautiful, the story and dialogue well written, and there are many paths you can take which will drive both the narrative and outcome of the game. One of the few games I have supported financially and am proud to have done so.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Masterful Art and Just as great level of storytelling and immersion propels this into one of the more ambitious games out there which although has themes of sex and debauchery, doesn't rely only on that, but instead tries to do more and using a dark fantasy setting is just cherry on top of this devilish cake. Truly great work and The only critique I have is I would like more renders per scene , but the writing more than makes up for it.
    Looking forward to further developments, kudos to this gem.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid bisexual content allowing the male character to be dominated and topped by both male characters and other characters with the required equipment while he retains his ability to be a "virile" and dominating character in his own right (if you choose to go this route). Games like this are stupid hard to find

    There is NTR thats (so far) not actual NTR, I personally dislike almost all NTR because it usually focuses on turning the MC into a cuck. This game allows NTR (if you enable it) that makes logical sense based on your choices. For example if you take a prisoner as your bedmate to "save her" from the twins the wife might decide fair is fair and let the male twin mount her while the MC is mounting the bedmate turning it into more of a poly/open relationship than NTR (in some cases the husband and wife play with the same character together)

    Overall this game is full of less common but awesome kinks making it a lot of fun to play, the writing is good, the plot is an interesting twist on hero tropes. I just wish it wasnt so hard to find more games like it on F95
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I am not really sure how I feel about this game, I played through the available content and it kept my attention with it's interesting storylines, characters and worldbuilding but at the same time it also felt like quite a let down.

    Pros -

    - Great writing and storytelling with lore
    - Interesting characters and some decent development
    - Some quality 2D art
    - Plenty of choices and twists (though it seems most don't really matter)
    - No grind

    Cons -

    - No animations, all static images (couple of frame by frames with like 2-3 pics)
    - Lack of art during the sex scenes, maybe 1 or 2 pics and that's it
    - A lot of missing art during the scenes (just black screen)
    - Walls and walls of text a lot of which seems to be on unimportant events
    - 5 years of development and still the first act is not finished (could have easily wrapped it up by now)

    Overall I cannot rate it more than 3 stars, yes the story, lore, characters, writing and art are very well done but it seriously lacks in quantity where the visual department is concerned, your faced with gigantic walls of text with little art to match it.

    On top of that the game has been in development for quite a long time and there is a tonne of unrelated events and content which could have been cut to focus on the main story and wrap it all up.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is literally publishing quality. The art is great, the story is an actual story and not just some background for the porn and the characters are all wonderful and interesting. Hopefully It'll release before I'm too old to get an erection without taking a pill though.