
Dec 3, 2018
avoid Fertility treatment and X'zaratl
Hm... interesting, so it should be a rather slow affair to get her corruption up? From my recent playthrough I noticed going with X'razatl made it incredibly fast to get to high corruption.

Alright, thanks!

Try not to fuck Jezera too often.
Try no to get her and Jezera to fuck, or in general?

And one last thing, should I avoid Greyhide as well? In case I don't, I should'nt do the threesome at the end of the quest, correct?


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
To be honest, I was just replaying the game and I forgot all about how stupid Jezera could be when her schemes fail. (in a similar impulsive manner to Andras) I've just seen the scene with the dark elf queen again, as well as seen for the first time her opinions on goblins and thin-veiled air of superiority when you go to Hoz'Holt, and honestly I have to agree with Tue-San on her. (that she "thinks herself the smartest person on the continent, but is anything but") I still like Jezera more than Andras and think she would make a better ruler than him, on account of the fact that her flaws are more discreet and that she still appears smarter than Andras to me (at least from the little of him that I have seen without romancing him on any playthrough), but her ego and narcissism is very likely to either be her downfall or at least make her a much worse ruler (than she could be) that is unable of maintaining alliances and stability even if Rowan hands her the 6 realms on a silver platter!

There are other factors to account for, such as a Rowan, Shaya, Cliohna, maybe even Tue-Row if she'd drop her anti-goblin racism and listen to him for 5 seconds, that could temper and stop Jezera from shooting herself in the foot, and I still think she could be an enlightened tyrant with the right advisors, as I posited in my earlier comment, but I think the biggest challenge to that would be her own ego, as it's clear she thinks she doesn't need anyone's advice to conquer the 6 realms and is very adverse to even negotiating with anyone on equal footing...

The only part I disagree with from your comment is the idea that Andras would be a lesser evil, as he'd be even worse at tolerating insults, maintaining alliances, doing diplomacy and compromise or ruling in general and the only feasible way he'd stay in power would be a brutal military autocracy where he murders all opposition. (whereas Jezera would offer some power and liberty to those loyal to her and govern with a softer hand) If only one of the twins stays alive to be emperor of the six realms by the end of the story (assuming they succeed in their conquest of course), I'd still 100% see Jezera as the lesser evil, not necessarily because she is morally better than Andras (cause she might actually be worse), but because she would be a more competent leader.
Nah, there's one very important thing that would make Jezera worse than Andras in the long run; Jezera schemes and Andras is more impulse driven. Andras, being a violent thug, would be worse than Jezera in the short term. Under his rule there would be a lot of initial violence before he either settles into a life of debauchery or moves onto his next target. However more people would die under Jezera's rule because she'd think longer term, build the suffering into her society to keep the underclass down, and if anything goes wrong she'd burn everything down and salt the earth. Say what you will about Andras, he's going to burn a village down and move on, he's not going to ruin the local environment out of spite. Andras is the lesser of two evils because his evil is easier to predict and is easier to direct. Jezera is the greater of two evils because her evil is harder to pin down and is already being directed by its very nature, it's also attached to a larger and more childish ego.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
Boy you will not believe it.
If you mean the current update, I posted after playing that part. It says that he transforms back to demon form after leaving the cabin so I'd assume in the scene with just him and Rowan he'd use his normal form. Maybe I misread.

Edit: Yup was right
The demon ran his thumb over his lip, his gaze growing heedy as he slowly looked at the hero from top to bottom. His disguise had already dropped, exposing the demon in full.
or at low favor
Spitting out a mouthful of snow, Rowan turned to glare up at the laughing demon. His disguise had already dropped, and somehow the laughter felt even crueler coming from Andras in his usual form.
Though I wouldn't mind a future event where we visit the tavern with Dandras. Maybe some of the regulars there could join if he'd be willing to share:)
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
However more people would die under Jezera's rule because she'd think longer term, build the suffering into her society to keep the underclass down
Or she wouldn't do that at all, because building suffering into a society is a surefire way to cause rebellions and resentment that will, on the long term, topple you. As I said, Jezera's appreciation for Rowan's skills as a commoner shows she is more meritocracy-leaning than either her brother or most feudal lords in Rosaria, and I think most likely that she would attempt to placate the masses by giving them a more stable and peaceful life and likely better living standards than what they currently have under human feudal lords, as any budding autocrat with half a brain since Julius Caesar knows that the best way to stay on top is to have the masses on your side. She would also show them that any of them can make it into the elites of her new empire by having former commoners like Rowan among her closest advisors, definitely ensuring that both many commoners and opportunistic enough nobles would support her administration.

Of course if both twins survive I don't exactly expect Andras to sabotage this, but if he's alone? He thought recruiting Rowan was a useless waste of time when Bloodmeen was in ruins and its armies were nothing more but a pathetic thuggish band of 15 orcs or so - do you think he will bother winning the support of subjects when he's got the most powerful army in the 6 realms? Nah, he won't, which is way he'd keep having to deal with uprisings, plots and opposition and almost lock the world in a perpetual civil war - far worse than what Jezera would do, even with her self-crippling ego...

Say what you will about Andras, he's going to burn a village down and move on, he's not going to ruin the local environment out of spite.
Don't think either of them would do this - you need a fed populace to build and maintain an empire, and Jezera's outbursts thus far were at powerful people trying not to submit to her, not at villages or populations instrumental to the new demon empire the twins are building... If anything Andras is the one that's a bit too happy with executing prisoners or vengeance, not her. (as demonstated by the episode in week 1 when he has Rowan execute his former mentor and village elder, and if Rowan declines he executes dozens of potentially useful workers only so as to punish Rowan for his disobedience...)

Andras is the lesser of two evils because his evil is easier to predict and is easier to direct. Jezera is the greater of two evils because her evil is harder to pin down and is already being directed by its very nature, it's also attached to a larger and more childish ego.
Agreed that his evil is easier to direct and that he's easier to manipulate - both of which are horrible non-qualities for a leader. He could be a good general or enforcer if Rowan, his sister, or anyone else were in charge, but a ruler who people singularily look up to for decision-making? No, he'd be a disaster!

I agree Jezera has a larger and more childish ego, and that will definitely make her lose allies or could even be the downfall of the twins during the invasion, but, if the invasion succedes, even with that giant self-crippling ego she'd still be a far more competent ruler than Andras and lots of nobles that currently rule Rosaria! (like Doran, the Baron etc) That's because of reasons outlined above, such as her meritocratic leanings, pragmatic designs, vision for a post-Solansian world, and even her somewhat more obvious greed and hunger for confort, debauched pleasure and dominance than Andras's, as all of those things require a stable empire with filled coffers...

If she actually does mature, losses a bit of her childish ego and has good rational advisors, as I said, I retain my position from the original comment I made about this that Jezera could be an enlightened absolute monarch that even brings about a golden age to the six realms, with significant technological and cultural progress, and that she could be objectively better for the people (especially commoners) than the current Solansian theocracy and feudalism, whereas I cannot imagine anything of the sort as a best case scenario where Andras is on top. We can agree to disagree if you want, but I rest my case.

EDIT: Btw, my money for best ruler of the world out of the current character cast is on Cliohna, as she's anti-religious, rationalistic, can be both ruthless and generous if necessary and is way more experienced and unhindered by emotion or ego than Jezera, but I admit that this might also be my bias as a sapiosexual that only has femdom kinks... :unsure: :LOL: Can't wait to see more of her content in act 2, as from what I understand Cliohna's storyline in act 1 is long finished!
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Sep 9, 2020
Quick question, what exactly is the Dev Build? I was checking out the patreon and noticed there were two versions.

Is the dev build basically just the same as using unren? Or is there some stuff in that version cant get from using unren?

Thanks <3


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Quick question, what exactly is the Dev Build? I was checking out the patreon and noticed there were two versions.

Is the dev build basically just the same as using unren? Or is there some stuff in that version cant get from using unren?

Thanks <3
Whilst it's probably a gross oversimplification, I'd say your analogy is close enough.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Or she wouldn't do that at all, because building suffering into a society is a surefire way to cause rebellions and resentment that will, on the long term, topple you. As I said, Jezera's appreciation for Rowan's skills as a commoner shows she is more meritocracy-leaning than either her brother or most feudal lords in Rosaria, and I think most likely that she would attempt to placate the masses by giving them a more stable and peaceful life and likely better living standards than what they currently have under human feudal lords, as any budding autocrat with half a brain since Julius Caesar knows that the best way to stay on top is to have the masses on your side. She would also show them that any of them can make it into the elites of her new empire by having former commoners like Rowan among her closest advisors, definitely ensuring that both many commoners and opportunistic enough nobles would support her administration.

Of course if both twins survive I don't exactly expect Andras to sabotage this, but if he's alone? He thought recruiting Rowan was a useless waste of time when Bloodmeen was in ruins and its armies were nothing more but a pathetic thuggish band of 15 orcs or so - do you think he will bother winning the support of subjects when he's got the most powerful army in the 6 realms? Nah, he won't, which is way he'd keep having to deal with uprisings, plots and opposition and almost lock the world in a perpetual civil war - far worse than what Jezera would do, even with her self-crippling ego...

Don't think either of them would do this - you need a fed populace to build and maintain an empire, and Jezera's outbursts thus far were at powerful people trying not to submit to her, not at villages or populations instrumental to the new demon empire the twins are building... If anything Andras is the one that's a bit too happy with executing prisoners or vengeance, not her. (as demonstated by the episode in week 1 when he has Rowan execute his former mentor and village elder, and if Rowan declines he executes dozens of potentially useful workers only so as to punish Rowan for his disobedience...)

Agreed that his evil is easier to direct and that he's easier to manipulate - both of which are horrible non-qualities for a leader. He could be a good general or enforcer if Rowan, his sister, or anyone else were in charge, but a ruler who people singularily look up to for decision-making? No, he'd be a disaster!

I agree Jezera has a larger and more childish ego, and that will definitely make her lose allies or could even be the downfall of the twins during the invasion, but, if the invasion succedes, even with that giant self-crippling ego she'd still be a far more competent ruler than Andras and lots of nobles that currently rule Rosaria! (like Doran, the Baron etc) That's because of reasons outlined above, such as her meritocratic leanings, pragmatic designs, vision for a post-Solansian world, and even her somewhat more obvious greed and hunger for confort, debauched pleasure and dominance than Andras's, as all of those things require a stable empire with filled coffers...

If she actually does mature, losses a bit of her childish ego and has good rational advisors, as I said, I retain my position from the original comment I made about this that Jezera could be an enlightened absolute monarch that even brings about a golden age to the six realms, with significant technological and cultural progress, and that she could be objectively better for the people (especially commoners) than the current Solansian theocracy and feudalism, whereas I cannot imagine anything of the sort as a best case scenario where Andras is on top. We can agree to disagree if you want, but I rest my case.

EDIT: Btw, my money for best ruler of the world out of the current character cast is on Cliohna, as she's anti-religious, rationalistic, can be both ruthless and generous if necessary and is way more experienced and unhindered by emotion or ego than Jezera, but I admit that this might also be my bias as a sapiosexual that only has femdom kinks... :unsure: :LOL: Can't wait to see more of her content in act 2, as from what I understand Cliohna's storyline in act 1 is long finished!
No, she'd 100% build it in because Jezera is not as smart as she thinks she is. Jezera is impulsive, selfish, cruel, manipulative, and arrogant to the point where she gets in her own way. Without Rowan their endeavours to conquer the land would go nowhere because Andras lacks the strategic ability to lead and Jezera lacks the self awareness and and tact to lead. Jezera would believe in her own capabilities so greatly that she wouldn't realize that society was falling apart under her rule until it had already fallen apart.
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Dec 16, 2018
Quick question - is the Fae storyline complete or nah? Cause I'm not sure how can I talk to big wolf dude, had a nice convo with him, then he decided he needs to take a break for some time and honestly I haven't had an event to talk to him or anything. Only Fae Party.

Also is there anything more towards Alexia in regard to the library events - or it ends up on controlling 3 balls at once, seeing Goblin fucked and meeting that Twink fae? I wouldn't mind leaving her there for longer, but if that's all I would just move her to forge, to see more content.

And is Ameraine model supposed to look like that (mostly talking about the eyes here) or is it placeholder? And I'm positively surprised with Shaya storyline. That was some good writing.
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