
Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
Has anyone found the goblin camp, I want to try to do the Goblin way instead of recruiting the Orcs for my army


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
- the weekly report screen now works much slower;
I see. I'll pass it on to the programmer

- some of the village events which give the possibility of conquest don't end with anything (no bonus to gold after conquest and no triggering of the "occupy... 1/2/3" etc. events) - I had this particularly with the events 'swamp coven' and 'friendly dinner';
They should work... But the lack of feedback after selecting an option really feels like it cuts off without doing anything. I'll see if we shouldn't just add a few passages to these events.

- the 'grey screen' (blank screen which looks like a chessboard) now happens much more often in various points of the game (between CGs, when switching between castle and exploration, etc.).
Hm. I'll keep an eye out.

Additionally, I think there is somewhat of an unbalance when it comes to Alexia/Rowan relationship points. I let those points drop significantly by being a dick to Alexia in the potion stealing event chain, so after reaching mid corruption the Andras NTR path started. But this path didn't block in any way the fertility treatment events. Playing these events made my relationship points with Alexia increase big time. This made the whole playthrough weird, because Alexia was consistently cheating on Rowan with Andras and falling completely in his hands, while at the same time being all lovey dovey with her husband during the fertility treatment. If fertility events were reserved for loyal Alexia paths (both corrupted and not corrupted), it would be much more realistic, I think.
Consider this a feature. For the time being it stays, until we decide what exactly does "High Rowan/Alexia relationship Alexia on NTR" mean for the plot. We might adjust the events so it isn't possible in the future.

I can`t start Raeve Keep conquest. When I go to keep`s cell - nothing happens.
I can't replicate this. Please provide a save from the castle menu.

Has anyone found the goblin camp, I want to try to do the Goblin way instead of recruiting the Orcs for my army
You still have to do Orcs to reach Astarte for the time being. I am writing a variant of the Astarte intro that lets you do Goblins instead, but it's part of the overall Astarte Update, and it's a lengthy process.


May 5, 2021
Well yea Rowan does do stupid decision in beginning but that more of the story needing a way to put him in this servitude state under the siblings also they kidnaped his wife which is def going to affect his decisions. However he is seek out by Jerzara cuz of his resourcefulness and understanding of tactics to survive and manage an army in unfavorable conditions. We see this throughout the entire game what with learning about the dynamics of the castle staff relationship to to use as leverage, understanding ideologies, creating favor through dealings, winning allies under the noses of the twin, figuring out how the necklace operates , and even multiple scene of rowan having practical knowledge such as when he is talking about application of plants as medicine when learning about poison from Jerzara. Tho I haven't played the game in a good while so maybe things have change and maybe I'm forgetting thing but for what I do remember is that Rowan is doing what a rogue should be doing.
A lvl 2 rogue whose only skill in life is lockpicking maybe. Ngl think the twist's gonna be that the twin's dad (a lvl 5 imp) just kinda slipped on Rowan's blood and piss hit his head and died, cause that's the only feasible way homeboy might've helped in that fight :LUL:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
You still have to do Orcs to reach Astarte for the time being. I am writing a variant of the Astarte intro that lets you do Goblins instead, but it's part of the overall Astarte Update, and it's a lengthy process.
Oh, thanks yea I have played this game a few times, and this time around, I wanted to do it with the goblins as well in a different way instead of how the one walkthrough says to do it, to get it done within the 60 days that you have before the game let you play it.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Oh, thanks yea I have played this game a few times, and this time around, I wanted to do it with the goblins as well in a different way instead of how the one walkthrough says to do it, to get it done within the 60 days that you have before the game let you play it.
The deadline is now 70 weeks, you should have time just barely for both.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
The deadline is now 70 weeks, you should have time just barely for both.
oh that's good, yea, the game over is a bummer, but one time, I used cheats to get things done like building the castle as well as studying to unlock things in the castle, but that was a good thing for new players that just want to play it but also explore the map in full while playing
Dec 9, 2022
For some reason, I can't escape Rowan's chambers and keep getting that rollback/ignore bug screen after this update. Is that something on my part? Using save files that've been going on for several updates by now.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
We changed so many things save files are 1000% borked.
That is so true, I mean it been a couple of years that I played, but when I decided to play it and see what new, yep my save spot was not working for me, so I had to do a replay from the start of the game, it was cool to see some new screens and some new art work at the start of the game, but yea, my save spot was broken.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2023
Ok so I'm new to playing the game, but I've found it pretty enjoyable for the most part.

But I'm struggling with conquering Rastedel. I finished everything I could in the goblin cities, and I'm about 95% sure I secured their loyalty. Is there another part that I'm missing?

Also all the chaos quests you get from the throne room don't trigger for me. I ran through the entire southwest portion of the map trying to get them to trigger and it hasn't. Are their other conditions I need to meet?

Sorry if these have already been asked, I skimmed through the last dozen or so pages, but it was mostly discussion of the new update.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Ok so I'm new to playing the game, but I've found it pretty enjoyable for the most part.

But I'm struggling with conquering Rastedel. I finished everything I could in the goblin cities, and I'm about 95% sure I secured their loyalty. Is there another part that I'm missing?

Also all the chaos quests you get from the throne room don't trigger for me. I ran through the entire southwest portion of the map trying to get them to trigger and it hasn't. Are their other conditions I need to meet?

Sorry if these have already been asked, I skimmed through the last dozen or so pages, but it was mostly discussion of the new update.
Based on what Rein said in discord (or was it here). I think you have to recruit the orcs to progress through Rastdel at the moment. A goblin story-beat hasn't been integrated into the Rastdel plot. Outside of there being goblins in the art for the...ummm....tickling....of Rastadel, it is missing things like vignettes from Goblin leaders, logistics with goblins, post-battle story with Goblin leaders, ect.

Which is TBE, since the goblin plot endings are not fully penned in Blackholdt. It'd be "putting the horse before the wagon" to write Rastdel goblin integration.
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Also all the chaos quests you get from the throne room don't trigger for me. I ran through the entire southwest portion of the map trying to get them to trigger and it hasn't. Are their other conditions I need to meet?
You have to find a specific tile. You also have to check previously explored tiles.


Jul 2, 2017
Are old saves incompatible?
I'm getting the following errors when i try to do pretty much anything in the castle after loading a save from 0.3.10:

AttributeError: 'CastleHall' object has no attribute 'tooltip'

NameError: name 'quest_book' is not defined

While running game code:
File "game/main_loop.rpy", line 135, in <module>
File "game/core/castle.rpy", line 71, in end_week
File "game/core/castle.rpy", line 117, in _add_world_resources
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
Last edited:


May 1, 2021
Since everyone is talking about the story, I'd just like to say that considering the way the first arc is structured, it's obvious we are playing a specific story with elements of freedom in it. Based on what everyone is saying, obviously those alternatives were not options, so the story has been decided and we are just visualizing the events in that story with elements of freedom that allow specific alterations, to create a story we can replay and see a slightly different outcome.

Rowan should've been able to escape with Alexia? Perhaps, but obviously that didn't happen and we are just seeing the results of that decision. It seems pretty clear the story has been decided to some extent.

I think the reason some people see Rowan as a cuck, is that the game does seem to encourage NTR content, which I'm personally ok with, but I can see the Non-NTR crowd having an issue with.How so?

While Rowan does have some encounters with Alexia throughout the game for example, they don't actually seem to have content to last the entire story. What do I mean by that?

You have sex with her a time here, a time there, as mandated by specific events and the level of her corruption (which is tough to raise unless she out there NTR'ing to some extent), but other than that, you can't really interact with her on a daily basis.
She has more interactions every day with every other character than she does with Rowan and that's her husband. Up until you decide to expand your harem, you see her every day but can't have repeatable interactions with her than just a small talk option. You have access to goblin action every turn though lol.

Once Alexia can get a job around the castle, she out there doing her thing, but with the exception of a few events here and there, Alexia and Rowan hardly have the option to see each other regularly. Why can't you swing by and have a round or two with the person who is supposed to be your wife?

Depending on your choices, she wants to have a baby, she may have decided to explore the world of being a futa, and whooping you to submission to fix your marriage and create a stronger bond between you two, but you don't necessarily get to see the outcome any of those decisions regularly with the person who is supposed to be your wife. They are one time experiences and then you move on. Why can't I keep having femdom action with my wife in privacy, perhaps invite our friend over? Why can't I keep having futa-fun alone or invite others? Why can't we try making a baby as normal straight people that are not submitting entirely to corruption? Why can't I enjoy my wife slowly being turned into a breeding bimbo again? Unless you agree to let her fall into corruption, Alexia can't tolerate other females around Rowan. If you DO let her fall into corruption, while she may be able to tolerate it, you can't enjoy your decision to allow it after the scenes are over unless you go view them in the gallery lol.

For the rest of the game though, depending on how you play, Alexia can keep having interactions with other characters. You finish one, you can move to the next and keep the content going until late game, when your only options for content are limited to goblin, etc etc, and you can't enjoy any of the previous decision making.

I think that's why the story has already been chosen, and everything between is just hints of freedom but not really. Once you finish the Grayhide content, does it affect either Rowan and Alexia? How so? After the scenes are over, the content is over and your decision didn't really seem to matter. Maybe that makes Rowan seem weak? I'd hope your decisions here will have clear consequences in act 2 at least.
I think one of the reasons Rowan can't spend much time with Alexia is that the twins are actively trying to keep them separate. They seem to want them both horny and lonely so they will have a harder time resisting the twins' advances. Then in a case of ludonarritive synergy you get tired of the lack of sex scenes in this sex game and start getting temped to give in when the hot but obviously-a-bad-idea-to-fuck demon starts hitting on you. You start feeling temped to give in just as the characters are feeling tempted to give in.

I think a lot of the other problems you describe come from the fact that, in reality, the game is on rails. The story is heading to a certain destination and can only allow a small amount of deviation from that path. Each major branch exponentially increases the workload for everything that comes after as it then has to take that branch into account. In the best case scenario many of our choices will be taken in to consideration to assign an ending that mostly fits with the decisions we made, but until that point our choices will have very limited effects.

To exacerbate that issue, a number of npc arcs can be completed very quickly. For example Greyhide's arc can be completed in the first several weeks of the game. At the end of the arc Rowan and Alexia make a very big decision regarding their relationship and then... nothing happens for the next 60+ weeks left in the game. Which as you say makes the whole thing feel like it was pointless when nothing comes of it. But if they forced the events of the various arcs to spread themselves out over the entire run of the game I feel like that feeling would be greatly lessened. Optimally, the end of each arc would come near the end of the game. That way instead of feeling that nothing ever came of it, you would be thinking man I can't wait to see what comes of this in the next game!

First of all, Gary Stu........second He downplays them because he has humility, you know a heroic trait. Thats not saying he some all powerful hero, but that does not mean he doesnt have heroic qualities. Even a regular joe can be humble. A lot of actual war veterans are like that.
First of all "Gary Stu" is dumb. Men can be Mary Sues, men can be Karens, women can be Chads. If you act like one you are one. We don't have to come up with opposite gender versions of names that have become descriptions.

Honestly I agree, from how Rowan has been portrayed, he seems like he is somewhat skilled yet... nothing spectacular. Everyone praises him as a hero, yet the nobles hate him. Whatever the story is trying to say about Rowan and his heroism I can't really understand it until I know what the hell he did to be singled out by the demons to be their champion.

Rowan is a pretty decent heroic figure for an h-game, peeps who think he's not need to reevaluate some things.
Off the top of my head I can consider him to be; Brave, Humble, Intelligent, Skilled, Resilient in the face of torture, and emotionally stable enough to not crack under the weight of everything he's dealing with.
I think they would have been happy with capturing any of the heroes. I suspect that the demons mainly targeted him specifically because he was the easiest to target. He lived a quiet unassuming life out in the country far enough from other civilization that his village could be attacked by orcs and no one would learn about it for weeks. Rowan was the only commoner that was one of the 6 heroes so are either too well protected or are too important and would be noticed missing and raise concerns and alertness levels right away.

Rowan also has the added benefit of the likely being the weakest of the heroes and they were able to secure a very strong piece of leverage over him. The other heroes would be more dangerous to let wander around (mostly) freely. And they are likely all in arranged marriages and it would be difficult for the twins to gain any leverage that they would be willing to sacrifice everything else for. Whereas for Rowan, Alexia herself is pretty much everything that Rowan has to care about.

A lvl 2 rogue whose only skill in life is lockpicking maybe. Ngl think the twist's gonna be that the twin's dad (a lvl 5 imp) just kinda slipped on Rowan's blood and piss hit his head and died, cause that's the only feasible way homeboy might've helped in that fight :LUL:
Just a friendly reminder that Rowan was not directly involved in defeating the old demon lord. The ones that defeated the demon lord were a high priestess and a badass paladin. And even then, the priestess' main role was to buff the hell out of the paladin so that he could do the fighting. Everyone else, to include Rowan, was just there to make sure those two could get to the fight without spending too much HP an MP, and to keep his minions from interfering with the fight.
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