4.00 star(s) 42 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2021
Every now and then, I get into these terrible slumps (for lack of a better word) where I just can't write. It's like... there is just nothing there. So, I try to find something else to do to take my mind off of that for a while. But then I don't really want to do anything. Play the new Star Wars game? Or the new FF XVI? Nah... Make a new render? I can't explain it. I just hit this slump where I want something, but nothing is satisfying. I know that is confusing (it confuses me too).
What my therapist has said is to make sure to do stuff. Preferably nothing to do with a computer. Go for a walk. Meet friends. Go to the gym, beach, movies, etc. Really anything to break your usual habits.
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Feb 21, 2023
This one is going to get an update next, but our dear dev needed/needs some time to sort themselves. So it might be a while out.

On that note fire, get well first and foremost. We want you around in 10 years still and if it takes a month more to achieve that, take it, you matter. bacienvu had some good advice, getting out of habits can get you new winds and inspiration. Not only for writing but also for yourself. Hope it all works out for you.
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Forum Fanatic
Oct 19, 2022
I'll putter around doing other stuff until you're well and able to continue your stories, do what you gotta to get better.


Jul 29, 2022

(as posted at my patreon link above)

Hello everyone!

I haven't been around much for the last 2 weeks. I have not worked on Serenity or done much of anything else. I don't know much about depression, but apparently, I've been having symptoms of that for a while now and didn't even realize it. Now before you get that look, I'm not making an excuse or trying to pull your heart strings. Just telling you what's going on. I am still going to work on my games and continue as before. Every now and then, I get into these terrible slumps (for lack of a better word) where I just can't write. It's like... there is just nothing there. So, I try to find something else to do to take my mind off of that for a while. But then I don't really want to do anything. Play the new Star Wars game? Or the new FF XVI? Nah... Make a new render? I can't explain it. I just hit this slump where I want something, but nothing is satisfying. I know that is confusing (it confuses me too).

A friend suggested possibly getting on zanax. I said 'no way'. I know what that stuff does - it takes your emotions away. As a writer, I need those. As a creator trying to imagine a scene and music, I need to feel. What my problem is (and some of my dev friends know this about me)... when it comes to working on my games, I'm a relentless beast. I'll spend hours upon hours, especially once I start doing graphics. I can wake up at 7am Saturday morning and at 2am Sunday morning, I'll finally stop. I look up and realize I spent the entire day working. It really needs to stop. So, I forced myself to stop and just leave it alone. Take a little break.

I have a strong work ethic and a bad habit of pushing myself too hard. That has to change. The quality of my stories and graphics work has improved since I started, but changing my work habits may also do wonders. Setting myself a schedule and making sure I set a stop time to get some proper sleep. And try to get a better balance between my stressful full-time job and this. Sometimes I let myself get carried away working on a scene, trying to make it perfect (it never is perfect, but you get the point).

Well, all of that to say... after my little hiatus, I'm feeling better, and I have Serenity back in my brain again. With new content ready to roll out of the tips of my fingers. I have about half the episode coded and ready, so I'm not too far behind really. I just felt the need to let you all know (especially my subs) what is going on. I think I even missed doing the last weekly devlog and I hate missing those. So, I'll have to do a nice special render for everyone along with the next devlog as a small way of making up for it.

I'll try to post a devlog Sunday (public) along with a nice image. Now time to get back to dreamland and deal with 5 hot girls all merged into one... she's a hot mess let me tell you. LOL

Love to all, ...Fire
I was probably not the only one worried about the long silence and I'm genuinely relieved to see you are still with us and in good health. I don't pretend I know what cures mental illness but in my own experience, in a safe setting, Psilocybin has helped immensely with depression and anxiety and it can clear the mind and help to see the beautiful things that we sometimes forget are always there.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019

Hello everyone...

It has been about 7 weeks since my last public release (Last Human). And it has been a rough period. During that time, I was back and forth writing the next episode for Serenity Chapter 2 (episode 3). Monday night, I read through what I had, and I just hated it. It seemed like my depression had an effect on what I was writing, plus having written pieces here and there, it was too disjointed. That just won't do. Lately, I have good and bad days. Today is a good day (and there are more good days than bad now). But I am so unhappy with this episode that I am scrapping it completely. With it being almost 2 months since my last release, and because I already have the next episode of Last Human written and outlined, I am going to shift over to getting that episode done instead. I'll come back to Serenity after that.

I know that some of you won't like that at all and I'm sorry. But writing the next Serenity episode, well it's a big update. I would be 3 or 4 months out from getting it completed at this point and I am not up to rewriting it right now. I know there are also a lot of Last Human fans out there that might be excited about this change. And I am NOT going to abandon Serenity. I just can't commit to starting over on that one at this time, especially when I know I have a huge head start already on episode 3 of LH. What it boils down to is this: I am excited at the idea of working on LH right now. I just don't feel that way with Serenity knowing that I'd have to start from scratch. With my focus going that direction, it would be a bad idea to do that because I'd just end up repeating the same issue.

With all that said, I am officially putting the Serenity update on the back burner and will instead work on Last Human episode 3. I'll circle back to Serenity after this of course. Mentally, this is where my head is at right now. It is also a big update, and one that I think LH fans are going to really enjoy. Now, I could still be 2 months, maybe 3 out from this release. But I am in a much better place getting LH done. Hopefully after working on this, and the passing time, I'll feel more passion for writing a proper episode for Serenity Chapter 2. Today, it just isn't there.

Anyway, I hope you guys are okay with this. I know it isn't the best news to hear for those of you who are here for Serenity. I just know that if I try to start over on that right now, it won't be the best episode it can be. And with all the mistakes I have already made with that story, I need it to be my best. I have already begun coding LH episode 3 and also finding some assets I'll need for the artwork in preparation for the rendering stage. So, there is still plenty of work to be done, but at least I don't have to rewrite that one.

I'll post another devlog/update soon. Right now, I want to get back to coding episode 3 (LH). With any luck, I can finish that in just a couple of weeks then get to rendering. Thanks for the feedback, well wishes and support as always. I love you guys, ...Fire


Feb 25, 2021
All's Good N2, this is why many Author's writing book's write many different Serie's at the same time.
Ie they take time from one series to write the next book or just a chapter of a different series.
they take a break and relax catching up on some reading to refresh there brain.

I think there will be very few people that will have any problem with you focusing on what your heart is drawn to right now instead of trying to write for something that you can't focus on right now.
Please don't be afraid to start dabbling in script idea's for Re-Serenity, or any other script's for games that you might be thinking about for the Future, ie like the MC's sister's game or anything else that tickle's your fancy. ;):):cool:
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Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019

Hello everyone...

It has been about 7 weeks since my last public release (Last Human). And it has been a rough period. During that time, I was back and forth writing the next episode for Serenity Chapter 2 (episode 3). Monday night, I read through what I had, and I just hated it. It seemed like my depression had an effect on what I was writing, plus having written pieces here and there, it was too disjointed. That just won't do. Lately, I have good and bad days. Today is a good day (and there are more good days than bad now). But I am so unhappy with this episode that I am scrapping it completely. With it being almost 2 months since my last release, and because I already have the next episode of Last Human written and outlined, I am going to shift over to getting that episode done instead. I'll come back to Serenity after that.

I know that some of you won't like that at all and I'm sorry. But writing the next Serenity episode, well it's a big update. I would be 3 or 4 months out from getting it completed at this point and I am not up to rewriting it right now. I know there are also a lot of Last Human fans out there that might be excited about this change. And I am NOT going to abandon Serenity. I just can't commit to starting over on that one at this time, especially when I know I have a huge head start already on episode 3 of LH. What it boils down to is this: I am excited at the idea of working on LH right now. I just don't feel that way with Serenity knowing that I'd have to start from scratch. With my focus going that direction, it would be a bad idea to do that because I'd just end up repeating the same issue.

With all that said, I am officially putting the Serenity update on the back burner and will instead work on Last Human episode 3. I'll circle back to Serenity after this of course. Mentally, this is where my head is at right now. It is also a big update, and one that I think LH fans are going to really enjoy. Now, I could still be 2 months, maybe 3 out from this release. But I am in a much better place getting LH done. Hopefully after working on this, and the passing time, I'll feel more passion for writing a proper episode for Serenity Chapter 2. Today, it just isn't there.

Anyway, I hope you guys are okay with this. I know it isn't the best news to hear for those of you who are here for Serenity. I just know that if I try to start over on that right now, it won't be the best episode it can be. And with all the mistakes I have already made with that story, I need it to be my best. I have already begun coding LH episode 3 and also finding some assets I'll need for the artwork in preparation for the rendering stage. So, there is still plenty of work to be done, but at least I don't have to rewrite that one.

I'll post another devlog/update soon. Right now, I want to get back to coding episode 3 (LH). With any luck, I can finish that in just a couple of weeks then get to rendering. Thanks for the feedback, well wishes and support as always. I love you guys, ...Fire
N2TheFire ... your a straight up badass at making these games ... i don't know about everyone else .... but as long as you make'em i'll happily play'em .....
if you ever need time for you .. then take it .... your number 1 ... your health and well being are number 1 .. we'll always be here .. some happy some sad .. but here nonetheless waiting for you :)
i guess i should shut up now .. i'm sounding kinda sappy in my old age .. take care my friend :cool:

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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
N2TheFire ... your a straight up badass at making these games ... i don't know about everyone else .... but as long as you make'em i'll happily play'em .....
if you ever need time for you .. then take it .... your number 1 ... your health and well being are number 1 .. we'll always be here .. some happy some sad .. but here nonetheless waiting for you :)
i guess i should shut up now .. i'm sounding kinda sappy in my old age .. take care my friend :cool:

I agree with Impy apart from the health part.

As long as you are conscious you can work, no excuses......


no incest?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
The only problem is, the amount of drugs I need to ply in some people before they consent is getting expensive.
LOL I needed that laugh!


I know it's been a while since the last update and so much shit has been going on. I get these 'moments' where I can get some work done and then BAM... something else comes up and I have to shift my attention again. Right now, I am travelling for my full time job. I'll be back home by this weekend. This is the life of an IT guy though.

I'll be back to work as soon as I get back and also try to get a devlog posted also to bring everyone up to date. My mental health is better now, for the most part. Right now, I'm just being pulled in a lot of directions (all away from my favorite work which is my games, Serenity and Last Human).

Anyway, sorry I've been so quiet. I'll try to update more often. Love all of you!


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019


Hello everyone!

Well, where do I begin this? First of all, I posted this as a 'personal' devlog because I haven't been able to do any developing on the game since I last posted. This year has been the hardware refresh year at my IT job. We manage multiple companies (around 800 users). And since I'm the one that manages hardware inventory and also hardware purchasing... well... It is a huge, complicated pain in the ass for one person. Dropped in my lap at the last minute... I had to travel this past week to Texas to do some computer setups and swap outs myself as well. Thankfully, that trip went smoothly and without issues. But I'm physically and mentally exhausted because I put all of my energy into making sure I got everything done in the time I had. Twelve hours one day, sixteen on another day... I was barely in my hotel room (only to sleep, shower, and do it again the next day). Fortunately, that is the only site I had to travel to. The other guys will be travelling to the rest. I have two local sites to work on and I'll have help at those.

I know it's been five months since my last release. I'm well aware that it has been a long wait for you guys. Due to such a long delay, a lot of people have dropped their subs and I totally would do the same. It really sucks that if I had enough subs, I could probably retire from IT permanently and have ALL of my time to work on my games. Release much more often, more activity from me in general, the list goes on. But then I come back from this trip, and I have a few people in my DMs giving me shit about the long delay who obviously never bothered to read any of my posts, anywhere. If you don't know what someone is dealing with, then keep your bullshit to yourself please. I'm dealing with enough of it already. That plus dealing with depression and trying to manage my stress at the same time. So, if you were one of those people and didn't get a reply, it's because I have to ignore you for my health.

With all of that said... there is light at the end of this tunnel. There always is, but sometimes when you can't see it yet, it's still stressful. There are only a few sites left for us to upgrade. And all of these upgrades must be completed before the end of September. Next week I'll be working on getting computer quotes and orders completed for the rest of the sites and then I'll finally have a bit more free time. Outside of the two weeks I'll be working in the two local sites (one of those is our largest site with 150 users).

Okay, I know the last thing you wanted to read about in a new post from me was me talking about my other job. But in my effort to be as transparent as possible, I feel you deserve to know. Especially those of you who actually sub and give me money. FWIW, I'm never going to quit the game development stuff unless I just get to a point where I simply can't because I can't come up with new material or content. Stories are my life though... and I have enough shit written down to make more than the two I'm already working on. Anyway, just know that in between all of my IT job crap and 'real life' stuff, I am picking away at the next LH update as much as I can. I'm hoping to have every evening next week to just work on LH Episode 3 art. When I left off, I was still working on scene 1, which is a long scene (around 200 or more images). And it is also a new scene because it has different background and surroundings that I had to build basically from scratch (with help from a few modders of course getting me some much-needed assets). I will also have some time over this weekend outside of a few things I need to do around the house.

And by the way, if you're going to drop your sub, it is totally fine. You don't have to explain to me, and it doesn't hurt my feelings. If it were me, I might do the same (and have). Once my IT work gets back to the normal stuff, things will go back to the way they were. And I am also considering doing shorter, possibly monthly (or close to it anyway) releases. I don't prefer shorter releases because its less content. But basically, I would do half an episode per update. It might make things easier for me to manage. I don't know yet, I may try that for the next update (not this one because I am committed to getting you a full episode after this long wait). So, we'll see how that goes.

So, that's what is going on now. Time for me to work the IT job and focus on getting that shit done as soon as possible. I hope you guys can hang in there with me a bit longer. I WANT to get back to my games and I am excited about the new direction I have planned for Serenity once this LH update is completed. I love all of you, see you soon!




Message Maven
Nov 20, 2018

View attachment 2789580

Hello everyone!

Well, where do I begin this? First of all, I posted this as a 'personal' devlog because I haven't been able to do any developing on the game since I last posted. This year has been the hardware refresh year at my IT job. We manage multiple companies (around 800 users). And since I'm the one that manages hardware inventory and also hardware purchasing... well... It is a huge, complicated pain in the ass for one person. Dropped in my lap at the last minute... I had to travel this past week to Texas to do some computer setups and swap outs myself as well. Thankfully, that trip went smoothly and without issues. But I'm physically and mentally exhausted because I put all of my energy into making sure I got everything done in the time I had. Twelve hours one day, sixteen on another day... I was barely in my hotel room (only to sleep, shower, and do it again the next day). Fortunately, that is the only site I had to travel to. The other guys will be travelling to the rest. I have two local sites to work on and I'll have help at those.

I know it's been five months since my last release. I'm well aware that it has been a long wait for you guys. Due to such a long delay, a lot of people have dropped their subs and I totally would do the same. It really sucks that if I had enough subs, I could probably retire from IT permanently and have ALL of my time to work on my games. Release much more often, more activity from me in general, the list goes on. But then I come back from this trip, and I have a few people in my DMs giving me shit about the long delay who obviously never bothered to read any of my posts, anywhere. If you don't know what someone is dealing with, then keep your bullshit to yourself please. I'm dealing with enough of it already. That plus dealing with depression and trying to manage my stress at the same time. So, if you were one of those people and didn't get a reply, it's because I have to ignore you for my health.

With all of that said... there is light at the end of this tunnel. There always is, but sometimes when you can't see it yet, it's still stressful. There are only a few sites left for us to upgrade. And all of these upgrades must be completed before the end of September. Next week I'll be working on getting computer quotes and orders completed for the rest of the sites and then I'll finally have a bit more free time. Outside of the two weeks I'll be working in the two local sites (one of those is our largest site with 150 users).

Okay, I know the last thing you wanted to read about in a new post from me was me talking about my other job. But in my effort to be as transparent as possible, I feel you deserve to know. Especially those of you who actually sub and give me money. FWIW, I'm never going to quit the game development stuff unless I just get to a point where I simply can't because I can't come up with new material or content. Stories are my life though... and I have enough shit written down to make more than the two I'm already working on. Anyway, just know that in between all of my IT job crap and 'real life' stuff, I am picking away at the next LH update as much as I can. I'm hoping to have every evening next week to just work on LH Episode 3 art. When I left off, I was still working on scene 1, which is a long scene (around 200 or more images). And it is also a new scene because it has different background and surroundings that I had to build basically from scratch (with help from a few modders of course getting me some much-needed assets). I will also have some time over this weekend outside of a few things I need to do around the house.

And by the way, if you're going to drop your sub, it is totally fine. You don't have to explain to me, and it doesn't hurt my feelings. If it were me, I might do the same (and have). Once my IT work gets back to the normal stuff, things will go back to the way they were. And I am also considering doing shorter, possibly monthly (or close to it anyway) releases. I don't prefer shorter releases because its less content. But basically, I would do half an episode per update. It might make things easier for me to manage. I don't know yet, I may try that for the next update (not this one because I am committed to getting you a full episode after this long wait). So, we'll see how that goes.

So, that's what is going on now. Time for me to work the IT job and focus on getting that shit done as soon as possible. I hope you guys can hang in there with me a bit longer. I WANT to get back to my games and I am excited about the new direction I have planned for Serenity once this LH update is completed. I love all of you, see you soon!


Sorry things have been so stressful and hectic for you. Please take care of yourself. Thanks for the update, even though nothing obligates you to post it over here. We really appreciate it. Heart.png


Nov 11, 2020

View attachment 2789580

Hello everyone!


So, that's what is going on now. Time for me to work the IT job and focus on getting that shit done as soon as possible. I hope you guys can hang in there with me a bit longer. I WANT to get back to my games and I am excited about the new direction I have planned for Serenity once this LH update is completed. I love all of you, see you soon!


Make sure you get enough rest once everything settles down before stressing yourself. I work IT as well, and know full well how hectic a hardware refresh can be, and that's from someone who wasn't in charge of the hardware!


Sep 6, 2017

View attachment 2789580

Hello everyone!

Well, where do I begin this? First of all, I posted this as a 'personal' devlog because I haven't been able to do any developing on the game since I last posted. This year has been the hardware refresh year at my IT job. We manage multiple companies (around 800 users). And since I'm the one that manages hardware inventory and also hardware purchasing... well... It is a huge, complicated pain in the ass for one person. Dropped in my lap at the last minute... I had to travel this past week to Texas to do some computer setups and swap outs myself as well. Thankfully, that trip went smoothly and without issues. But I'm physically and mentally exhausted because I put all of my energy into making sure I got everything done in the time I had. Twelve hours one day, sixteen on another day... I was barely in my hotel room (only to sleep, shower, and do it again the next day). Fortunately, that is the only site I had to travel to. The other guys will be travelling to the rest. I have two local sites to work on and I'll have help at those.

I know it's been five months since my last release. I'm well aware that it has been a long wait for you guys. Due to such a long delay, a lot of people have dropped their subs and I totally would do the same. It really sucks that if I had enough subs, I could probably retire from IT permanently and have ALL of my time to work on my games. Release much more often, more activity from me in general, the list goes on. But then I come back from this trip, and I have a few people in my DMs giving me shit about the long delay who obviously never bothered to read any of my posts, anywhere. If you don't know what someone is dealing with, then keep your bullshit to yourself please. I'm dealing with enough of it already. That plus dealing with depression and trying to manage my stress at the same time. So, if you were one of those people and didn't get a reply, it's because I have to ignore you for my health.

With all of that said... there is light at the end of this tunnel. There always is, but sometimes when you can't see it yet, it's still stressful. There are only a few sites left for us to upgrade. And all of these upgrades must be completed before the end of September. Next week I'll be working on getting computer quotes and orders completed for the rest of the sites and then I'll finally have a bit more free time. Outside of the two weeks I'll be working in the two local sites (one of those is our largest site with 150 users).

Okay, I know the last thing you wanted to read about in a new post from me was me talking about my other job. But in my effort to be as transparent as possible, I feel you deserve to know. Especially those of you who actually sub and give me money. FWIW, I'm never going to quit the game development stuff unless I just get to a point where I simply can't because I can't come up with new material or content. Stories are my life though... and I have enough shit written down to make more than the two I'm already working on. Anyway, just know that in between all of my IT job crap and 'real life' stuff, I am picking away at the next LH update as much as I can. I'm hoping to have every evening next week to just work on LH Episode 3 art. When I left off, I was still working on scene 1, which is a long scene (around 200 or more images). And it is also a new scene because it has different background and surroundings that I had to build basically from scratch (with help from a few modders of course getting me some much-needed assets). I will also have some time over this weekend outside of a few things I need to do around the house.

And by the way, if you're going to drop your sub, it is totally fine. You don't have to explain to me, and it doesn't hurt my feelings. If it were me, I might do the same (and have). Once my IT work gets back to the normal stuff, things will go back to the way they were. And I am also considering doing shorter, possibly monthly (or close to it anyway) releases. I don't prefer shorter releases because its less content. But basically, I would do half an episode per update. It might make things easier for me to manage. I don't know yet, I may try that for the next update (not this one because I am committed to getting you a full episode after this long wait). So, we'll see how that goes.

So, that's what is going on now. Time for me to work the IT job and focus on getting that shit done as soon as possible. I hope you guys can hang in there with me a bit longer. I WANT to get back to my games and I am excited about the new direction I have planned for Serenity once this LH update is completed. I love all of you, see you soon!


You take all the time you need to sort out your stuff! And when that's done, take at least 2 or 3 weeks to get on a break/vacation!

Godspeed! ;)


Oct 13, 2021

View attachment 2789580

Hello everyone!

Well, where do I begin this? First of all, I posted this as a 'personal' devlog because I haven't been able to do any developing on the game since I last posted. This year has been the hardware refresh year at my IT job. We manage multiple companies (around 800 users). And since I'm the one that manages hardware inventory and also hardware purchasing... well... It is a huge, complicated pain in the ass for one person. Dropped in my lap at the last minute... I had to travel this past week to Texas to do some computer setups and swap outs myself as well. Thankfully, that trip went smoothly and without issues. But I'm physically and mentally exhausted because I put all of my energy into making sure I got everything done in the time I had. Twelve hours one day, sixteen on another day... I was barely in my hotel room (only to sleep, shower, and do it again the next day). Fortunately, that is the only site I had to travel to. The other guys will be travelling to the rest. I have two local sites to work on and I'll have help at those.

I know it's been five months since my last release. I'm well aware that it has been a long wait for you guys. Due to such a long delay, a lot of people have dropped their subs and I totally would do the same. It really sucks that if I had enough subs, I could probably retire from IT permanently and have ALL of my time to work on my games. Release much more often, more activity from me in general, the list goes on. But then I come back from this trip, and I have a few people in my DMs giving me shit about the long delay who obviously never bothered to read any of my posts, anywhere. If you don't know what someone is dealing with, then keep your bullshit to yourself please. I'm dealing with enough of it already. That plus dealing with depression and trying to manage my stress at the same time. So, if you were one of those people and didn't get a reply, it's because I have to ignore you for my health.

With all of that said... there is light at the end of this tunnel. There always is, but sometimes when you can't see it yet, it's still stressful. There are only a few sites left for us to upgrade. And all of these upgrades must be completed before the end of September. Next week I'll be working on getting computer quotes and orders completed for the rest of the sites and then I'll finally have a bit more free time. Outside of the two weeks I'll be working in the two local sites (one of those is our largest site with 150 users).

Okay, I know the last thing you wanted to read about in a new post from me was me talking about my other job. But in my effort to be as transparent as possible, I feel you deserve to know. Especially those of you who actually sub and give me money. FWIW, I'm never going to quit the game development stuff unless I just get to a point where I simply can't because I can't come up with new material or content. Stories are my life though... and I have enough shit written down to make more than the two I'm already working on. Anyway, just know that in between all of my IT job crap and 'real life' stuff, I am picking away at the next LH update as much as I can. I'm hoping to have every evening next week to just work on LH Episode 3 art. When I left off, I was still working on scene 1, which is a long scene (around 200 or more images). And it is also a new scene because it has different background and surroundings that I had to build basically from scratch (with help from a few modders of course getting me some much-needed assets). I will also have some time over this weekend outside of a few things I need to do around the house.

And by the way, if you're going to drop your sub, it is totally fine. You don't have to explain to me, and it doesn't hurt my feelings. If it were me, I might do the same (and have). Once my IT work gets back to the normal stuff, things will go back to the way they were. And I am also considering doing shorter, possibly monthly (or close to it anyway) releases. I don't prefer shorter releases because its less content. But basically, I would do half an episode per update. It might make things easier for me to manage. I don't know yet, I may try that for the next update (not this one because I am committed to getting you a full episode after this long wait). So, we'll see how that goes.

So, that's what is going on now. Time for me to work the IT job and focus on getting that shit done as soon as possible. I hope you guys can hang in there with me a bit longer. I WANT to get back to my games and I am excited about the new direction I have planned for Serenity once this LH update is completed. I love all of you, see you soon!


Take care man, i know time are tough but you'll get over it ;) Hope you the best so far for the next weeks
PS : Seems like Rin have the biggest boobs against Alexis but those 2 are the pillar of the stories 2 smokings hot girls you must be lucky to have those by your side lol :D
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4.00 star(s) 42 Votes