Hello everyone, needless to introduce myself, I think you understand who I am. I'm just here to thank everyone who was planning on respecting the one-week wait.
I really appreciated it.
For others, what can I say, I intended to try to build a bridge between you and my patrons to create a relationship based on mutual respect.
After all, I know about piracy, I've used it too in the past and I can't take away your feel like heroes for posting the sweat of someone who pays taxes.
I only asked you for a single week of waiting but apparently, it was too demanding a request, especially for this historical period of "I want it all and I want it now".
You obviously don't need my blessing to play our game without paying a dollar.
And I don't even want to discuss values and common sense.
We think differently.
I'm only sorry that on my first attempt at the approach I only got kicked in the face.
That's all.
For the rest, I have appreciated every single compliment and criticism I have read so far from you.