2.30 star(s) 10 Votes


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
Very nice game i found one problem:
In the pin judy to the bed and beg for sex scene if you decide to use her and not beliefe her you cant cum inside her instead you get Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<if>> and the pullout scene.
May 17, 2022
Hi all,

Sorry the game is not finished enough, hehe. I managed to update the game on the forum so we have an influx of people playing. Let me address some things:

1. Yeah it was called Marmota Nights, referring to groundhogs cause of "Groundhog Day". Changed it cause "Marmota Nights" isn't very good sounding. It's now Sex and Sex Again Revival or SaSAR.

2. There's multiple version floating around, one on edit this and what not. Some things won't overlap and of course this one will be the most current/up to date version.

3. Some things won't transfer over directly because I had too many "are you sure?" dialogues in my old writing. Trying to write it this time without so much asking.

4. Yeah, I left the scene shortly after trying to start something. I wanna say I was young, dumb and angry. Now I'm just dumb and angry. But still determined to do this thing. I know now to not take things personal. -\:)/-

5. If the story statistic is to be believed and the words-to-pages calculator I use is correct, then the story is already over 500 pages long ATM. Most of it should be available but you got to do some digging unfortunately. Check back in a month or so. I will hopefully have the mom's content partially completed so you can at least loop there.

6. In my time playing interactive adult fiction, I have come to the conclusion that fun trumps all. No clocks, no hidden timed events, no pointless grinding; just content, variations and surprises that will mostly be indicated. This is very much a choose-your-own adventure and is, ideally, highly reactive to your choices. We're just not there yet.

7. I've written this thing drunk, sleep deprived, angry, hyper, on the verge of tears and nearly dead (exaggerating). Quality control is tough to say the least. If you find something that doesn't make sense or some writing that's just plain bad, chances are I agree with you that it's messed up. I'll get around to it and am constantly fixing typo's, passages and errors as I find them.

8. I'll leave some notes indicating what I'm doing and have already closed off some options. Presentation is tough to work with right now cause I'm building outward and if I get a spark of inspiration, I add onto certain branches which I'll then need to close off because of focusing and it only compounds with each choice. It's a messy spiderweb of a story and only a fraction (maybe of another fraction) done.

Either way, I hope you all enjoy it. I miss writing some other characters but Judy will be the focus for perhaps another month or two. After that, I'll get some daughter-father content going so you all have a better understanding of how each of them plays. Peace~!


Aug 15, 2017
Keep up the good work! I really liked what little I played!

Something to consider: some pictures every now and them would add a lot :D


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
8. I'll leave some notes indicating what I'm doing and have already closed off some options. Presentation is tough to work with right now cause I'm building outward and if I get a spark of inspiration, I add onto certain branches which I'll then need to close off because of focusing and it only compounds with each choice. It's a messy spiderweb of a story and only a fraction (maybe of another fraction) done
food for thought: maybe you can wrap the entire story block in a global condition so players always end up at the ultimate end when breaking out of the story chain instead of seing an unclosed if error. especialy this game would very well work with that, like
oops. The world has ended. You hear a voice telling you to [WAKE UP]?
where wake up rewinds you to the beginning of the day.


New Member
Jan 6, 2019
Sorry, English is not my mother language.
May I ask what is the difference in detail between 0822c and 0822d?
I just played, but doesn't find any changes yet.


New Member
Mar 15, 2017
I think its some against wall scenes. Maybe an extension of a scene or two elsewhere, not sure. Didn't notice much different this week either.



Sep 25, 2017
Yo, I remember reading this years ago. I was so disappointed it suddenly stopped. Glad to see you back at it


New Member
Jul 24, 2018
I'm a habitual save-scummer and it feels so nice not to be forced into spamming load for the sake of getting desired outcomes, despite the swingy dice. If you miss something you can easily come back around to it the next day or try something else. Even the failed choices are quality reads and make me want to not miss out on them.
Going so far as to make the back arrow a part of the plot is a whole 'nother level of cool, as well. Love it. I need more!


Aug 23, 2016
I think for the game to appear on the latest updates list you need to update the "thread updated" and "release date", not 100% on that, but I think that's what does it.


Aug 5, 2016
Is there a version of this that's playable, or is this a browser issue? Everything I try gives me a dead end, doesn't seem to be the case for everyone else.


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
Is there a version of this that's playable, or is this a browser issue? Everything I try gives me a dead end, doesn't seem to be the case for everyone else.
none of the storylines are finished, whatever you do you'll always end up in a deadend outside of a hub.


Sep 29, 2019
He made a post on the blog

Friday, September 30, 2022

Hi all,
No updates for last week or this week. So, the holidays are coming and since I can't live in a vacuum, I am busier than usual. The good news is that in the new year I will be able to dedicate a lot more time to writing. The bad news is that updates may slow down temporarily in between. I'll do my best to still have weekly updates but it is not guaranteed.
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Apr 5, 2020
too many options if not all lead to dead end im guessing the path isnt ready yet? then why there is an option to click it especially when it says it has the most content weird


Sep 29, 2019

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you had a great rest of your year. There’s no release however I did want to touch in with you all…

I will be doing this full time now, putting in as much energy as I can. From my previous releases, I typically added 10-30k words per week. I believe I should be able to sustain 30k+, give or take. I’m sure there will be weeks of amazing content and others that are less than stellar due to the nature of how I typically operate.

If you all didn’t know, I do have a subscribe star and will be ironing things out on that. I’m not 100% about the time frames but I think I’ll stagger public releases while subscribers receive weekly versions. I ask that if you can afford it, do consider subscribing.

I know with the whole crowd-funded projects, there are no guarantees with it and I cannot promise you anything, really. I want to be upfront that I am human, get stressed and shut down. Probably more than the average bear. I have gained a lot of tools throughout my life to help me deal with it to a capacity where I’m comfortable in saying that I’m dedicated to this and confident enough in myself to pursue it. Despite my best efforts though, I may disappoint you at some point in time and we will just need to be okay with that.

Think of supporting me like growing a tomato. Trust me, I’d rather be done with it all and just sell you a tomato at a reasonable price. But I’m making a tomato that doesn’t exist, so I have to get the tools, set it up, spend time on maintenance, tweak it and we might still not get a pretty tomato. If you’re okay with investing in something instead of paying for a finished product then feel free to support me. If you’d like a finished product, enjoy the public releases and wait until it’s completed. The final version of the game will be free with a premium paid version. Anyone who has supported me once, will get a code for the premium version, assuming I can arrange all that.

I’d rather have many people support me a little than a few support me a lot. Because of this, I may not have subscription tiers but we shall have to see.

Now let’s make some weird tomatoes.
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: GroundHogPog
2.30 star(s) 10 Votes