One of the worst games ever made.
Characters are completely unnatural, they have zero personality, there's no development to how they feel because they say nonsense all the time. First guy gave a coach speech of redpill ideologies out of the blue and the girl just bluntly accepts everything thrown at her, like "yeah I know I'm a worthless woman that should be treated as an object because the men are a special kind who provides his seed for us and he has the right to cheat on me with how many other girls he wants, because boys will be boys"... and it was at this time they fell in love.
I mean, what? Not that I mind ideologies in any game, but the way it was told was just awful, very bad writing as the character was just spitting words and the girl just went with it. Turns out the first guy was a submissive cuck... Nothing out of the ordinary, consdering... and the other characters are just... I don't know, dolls with no life, no opinion whatsoever, just following the plot as it tries to develop.