2.80 star(s) 11 Votes
Dec 21, 2019
Some clipping issues, enemy AI is braindead which lets you snipe from a distance...The gameplay is alright, nothing special.

Story is amusing. People really haven't tried this game if they're talking about it glorifying Hitler. He's portrayed as a whiner giving up on the war and trying to escape.
That's the thing, nobody even tried the game lol. Not the people worrying that it glorifies Hitler, and not the people that are somehow turning this into rants about feminism. The outrage from all sides is insane. The first few pages had my dying of laughter, where people just memed and then went about their day.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
If someone busting into your house right now... If your first line of defense is "Well, I am going to go grab my phone... and I'm gonna dial up the police, and I shall talk to them and ask to send over some government police forces to defend my home! Haha Brilliant!"

Ya... They are going to take all of your valuable shit, and you might just get stabbed too...

If your first line of defense is your big doggo friend, and your second line of defense is a shotgun that burglar is going to run for the hills and rethink his life or at the very least move on to a softer target for his crimes.

Police take minutes to arrive when seconds count.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
right? i love when the summer comes and the rage flames explodes.
what is with people and their hate on this man? sure he was a monster, but he was ONE person, its the people behind and under him that made the things possible. not to forget that he is in history for the most killed humans but lets be fair if khan, atilar, ceasar and co. had the technology from this century they would also killed a lot more people.

Khan would not be able to do it as there a few populations in his time than in the 30's to 40's. Someone has to go in his time, gave Khan all the equipments, tanks, planes, artillery, AA and so on needed for a 6 year war campaign, then once all the Mongols are trained send them back to 30's, before Hitler could even put Jews to camp. Of course Go to the time when Khan is about to invade everybody not half way through or about to end the expansion. I am pretty if you get the Khan that is about to invade, we would way do more. Of course NAZI would still be brutal as Mongols don't compare shit to the Nazi Doctors when it comes to 'Experimenting' By killing Khan would do more, I find that Khan is more nasty than Hitler.
2.80 star(s) 11 Votes