OK I´m going to share my secret tip to get those traits for you favorite bot, this includes saving scumming so be careful and make sure to have a save previous messing around with your bot.
Lets say you want to get either the combat or sex trait with a particular bot or even make it a +1 or +2 After playing this game several times I know the best way to do so.
Its all on the PsychoCore stability the less stability you have the more likely the Sex bot can gain Sex Smart for example but it also works the same for Sex Dumb, this happens when they either do any mission or roles that gives them experience to the related trait you want to gain.
So this is what I usually do when I want to get a Sex bot to get any or in most cases several of the Smart traits.
1.- Save to make sure I have a game to go back in case I mess up.
2.- get the core stability to Unstable/0%.
3.- save the game and then train the Sex Bot in the skill I want her to gain that particular trait, with the PsychoCore at 0 you a big chance to have your Sex Bot to gain the Smart or Dumb trait.
4.- if I don´t get the smart or get the dumb trait after the training I just load to the step 3 and try again, you can get it after a few tries, and this can be used for all the traits for the same Sex bot.
5.- if your sex Bot already has the smart trait and you keep doing this or have it doing missions or actions that get them experience towards this trait there´s a similar chance that they will get points to that trait something that will look like this ( Combat Smart Level:20)
6.- if you keep gaining points once it reaches 100 it will gain a+ to the trait Something like Sex Smart+ and it can be done up to ++ or in this case Sex Smart ++)
Now a few comments and personal opinions I don´t recommend do teach too many traits to your bot at least in the begging using this trick (I usually only use it with 1 or 2 Sex bots each with a hard to get experience or useful trait like combat and Social, and only one with Mechanics and electronics)
Why? well in my personal experience the more experience they get the worse the PsychoCore degrades once you actually need them to be stable for roles like House Keeper or Master techie, and then you will have your Sex Bot losing from 5 to 10 percentage points each turn when your housekeeper give you that extra 1 AP and have to spend 2 just to recover her Core to avoid her becoming unstable with less than 75%
Now the better equipment they have (B, A or S) the more it helps to mitigate this percentage degradation but its hard to get good gear in the early weeks unless you cheat
With a trait + or ++ I have seen the Sex Bots get over 25000-50000 experience and even more in fights, repair or other missions, but it also seems to make events where the government gets you Sex bot for being too powerful and trades it for a random one.
It also kills part of the fun if your bots get too good too fast, so be mindful of this if you use this particular trick.
Here´s and example of my main repair bot after using this particular trick, feel free to share your experience or any questions you might have.
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