
New Member
May 20, 2021
Look, if you want a game where to can predict the scenes before even playing then all the power to you but I call that boring and lazy.

To your point of "everyone else is making fantasy games where the girls are getting raped by monsters Miel is making fantasy games where you have a harem of fantasy heroines" I don't think you're looking hard enough because I can't refresh the Latest Games and Updates page without seeing a dozen fantasy harem games.

To your point about corruption and pregnacy, I really have nothing I can add to that because I find corruption boring and over used and pregnancy isn't something I search for but I'm sure if Miel is doing it then someone else is doing it and it's probably more interesting.

If you're into Miel's brand of maledom fantasy then that's cool but I'm not going to be convinced that them shitting out the same game over and over is anything more than a lazy cash grab.
Look, as someone who really likes Miel games, why would I mind that their games are similar? If anything that's a huge benefit, because no matter what they do, I KNOW that I will like it. There are a huge array of fetishes that pretty much only Miel carry consistently, some of which you have already mentioned in your previous post. If you want your fix for this kind of stuff, most likely Miel is going to be one of your few options, or for me, pretty much the only option.

I don't mind that their games are cheap, when they are consistently filled with a bunch of stuff I like and that I can only get from them. And with the regularity of releases it means that once you are done with one of their games, there will always be a new one on the horizon to look forward too.

No one has to like these games, but don't pretend you can't see reasons why other people would like them.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know critiques were not allowed.

Last I checked I was allowed to post my opinions on things even if I don't particularly like said things. Also looking at my first post, there are people who agree with my criticism of Miel.
What? Why are you getting all defensive about something that was not said?
I didn't once say that critiques were not allowed.
If you're going to try and invent things that people have said, just so that you have a point in a debate, it's probably not the smartest move to do it with written conversation.
Wow! You have a whole 4 people who agree?
Well, that makes you spot on then, doesn't it? :FacePalm:
I can find people who agree that the Earth is flat. 4 people agreeing with you, doesn't mean Jack shit.

Also, it's not a critique of the game, if you haven't played the fucking game.
Don't try and dress your personal opinion up as something which it's not.
Oh look, it's the Miel game for there is only ever really one Miel game repeated ad nauseam. I don't even need to play to know there are going to be girls pissing while being fucked, nose hooks, and the girls eating out of a dog bowl. I guess if I had to give Miel credit for anything it's that they're consistent.
I guess 1 out of 3 correct, for your predictions, is not bad. Well done. Good effort. (y)

The point which I made has nothing to do with critiques not being allowed.
The point has everything to do with why you are even bothering to enter a Miel game's thread, when you already have your preconceived, negative perspective?
People here do enjoy the games.
Are you hoping to show them how wrong they are? Fancy yourself a bit of a hero/white knight?
Or are you just looking to bash something that others enjoy, so that they'll respond to you?

You stated that you don't like any game made by Miel. So what's your objective, here?
What do you hope to achieve, by pissing on other people's enjoyment?

As a reality check: Your opinion does not need to be shared by everyone/anyone else.
When you go into a game's thread and start bashing the game (that you haven't even played) & the dev, you're just presenting yourself as an abrasive individual, putting your provocative opinion out there, in a place where it's likely to get on the nerves of people who do enjoy the game.
There's a name for that type of behaviour.

Bottom line is: If you don't like games by Miel, do yourself and the people who do enjoy them all a favour & don't enter threads for games by Miel.
It's pretty fucking simple.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
Look, if you want a game where to can predict the scenes before even playing then all the power to you but I call that boring and lazy.

To your point of "everyone else is making fantasy games where the girls are getting raped by monsters Miel is making fantasy games where you have a harem of fantasy heroines" I don't think you're looking hard enough because I can't refresh the Latest Games and Updates page without seeing a dozen fantasy harem games.

To your point about corruption and pregnacy, I really have nothing I can add to that because I find corruption boring and over used and pregnancy isn't something I search for but I'm sure if Miel is doing it then someone else is doing it and it's probably more interesting.

If you're into Miel's brand of maledom fantasy then that's cool but I'm not going to be convinced that them shitting out the same game over and over is anything more than a lazy cash grab.
Predict how? What you predict is very barbones. The formula is rape sex, then corrupted sex, then pregnant sex, then harem pregnancy. That really doesn't tell you much. Like how do you predict that lead to an scene where a demon lord lets you read what her womb is feeling as she gets impregnated? Or that a goddess loses her power because her followers now worship the protags cock so she can be fucked? Or make an heroine use magic to magically get pregnant instantly as soon she gets cum? Or when an heroine being fucked while she is participating in a race or a fight?
I mean the fetishes they appeal to repeat in several games but the context is important and ts different, its not really a 1:1 paste.

Would love to see your search results and see which of those harem games have other anti harem fetishes like ntr or other fetishes that involve other cocks (And only include the 2D ones as 3D ones are yuk). But from my experience most fantasy games are female MC or cucked protagonist.

Fare enough that you dont care about those fetishes.

I dont see how they are lazy when they are supplying the people who like their fetishes more content. Again the fetishes might be the same but how and what happens during it really isnt. Like say Elf Breeding farm has the same idea of another farm themed one, but in one the girls wear pig costumes and talk normally while in the other they dont wear clothes (Since they are treated as livestock rather than people) and talk like animals), same idea but different execution.


New Member
May 20, 2021
i am not saying people shouldn't enjoy them, i am just saying they are very repetitive, i can probably guess half the content: ""mindbreak", bj with pubes stuck to face, pissing and cumming in a bowl for them to drink, nosehooks piercings and or womb tattoos, pissing while in their vagina, public sex, milking"
Edit: forgot to add, the girls also probably pissing a lot, and forgot bj piss drinking
What's wrong with any of these? It's pretty much most of what I want out of a Miel game anyway.
The more the better I say.

Find me another dev that consistently supply even half of these fetishes and I'll gladly play their games too.
That's what's so good about Miel, while the characters, stories and settings may vary a lot, all the good stuff stays the same.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
Honestly mate, I've realised we're simply feeding the troll.
It came here with an obviously antagonistic point of view & rather than finding something else that it enjoys playing, it chose to come here and try and piss on other people enjoying this.

"I don't like any of those fetishes, so I'll find a game which contains them, then complain about it." :WeSmart:
Obvious troll is obvious & I feel sad for engaging with such a waste of breath.

If it doesn't like the game, the obvious answer is to ignore it & play something it does enjoy.
Yet it's still here....
I cant say much since I also tend to go into games with (((optional))) NTR to complain instead of moving on to other things.
I understand why people shit on Miel, maybe if they didnt put out ganes regularly there wouldnt be so much stigma but oh well, love that they still have the same output regardless of the rona.
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Sep 13, 2018
Eh.... Same shitty (more or less)reskinned "suddenly got superpowers or some shit like that" corruption/mindbreak/slave trope yet again, as expected from Miel. Neither good or bad, just meh, or the nukige equivalent of beating a dead horse or some such. Wish they could change up their formula some times, as their art is good.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Dude, when I read your comments, I laughed like I haven't in a long time. :giggle:
Virtually none of what you said makes no sense.
This is just a few your pearls.

I said, quite specifically, that announcing your opinion in a thread populated by people who do enjoy the game, is not going to achieve anything.
I admire the fact that you know so many local people and that you are so sure that you know their opinions. :ROFLMAO:

The audience here are not interested in your negative view of something which they see as positive. You're not going to change anyone's mind or opinion.
Again, I admire your courage and knowledge of local people.
Personally, I could never say something like that.
I don't have your extensive knowledge, so it would sound extremely ARROGANT from my mouth.

If you do not enjoy games by Miel, don't enter threads for games by Miel.
Quite simple. Even for me.
But in case someone doesn't understand, let me add a translation of the cave man:

Me like...
You dont like...
Go away!
Your opinion is different!
Me like only people who have the same opinion as me!
People with a different opinion make me feel stupid and me don't like it!
Me want to feel smart!


New Member
Apr 6, 2018
wtf is going on in this thread can you guys just reply with "your opinion friend" and just move on?(i'm not a native english person btw so pardon my possible grammar erro)


Apr 5, 2020
Eh.... Same shitty (more or less)reskinned "suddenly got superpowers or some shit like that" corruption/mindbreak/slave trope yet again, as expected from Miel. Neither good or bad, just meh, or the nukige equivalent of beating a dead horse or some such. Wish they could change up their formula some times, as their art is good.
i think they broke the mold with my yandere sister loves me too much and harem hunter sex-ray vision, atleast i think they did in harem hunter? i think i remember liking that one because it was different from the others


Sep 13, 2018
i think they broke the mold with my yandere sister loves me too much and harem hunter sex-ray vision, atleast i think they did in harem hunter? i think i remember liking that one because it was different from the others
Nice :D Did not know about those, as I do not follow Miel that closely. I'll take a look at those two titles when I have some downtime from my backlog. TYVM for the heads up Pentha (y)

Edvin Holy shit! I'm laughing my ass off! I agree, it would be EXTREMELY ARROGANT to assume an entire forums/audiences opinion, and proceed to speak for them. I'm part of the audience, as I played the game, and I sure as hell did not ask for someone to speak for me. I said, and I quote myself, " Eh.... Same shitty (more or less)reskinned "suddenly got superpowers or some shit like that" " as a starter on my own post, thereby pissing all over that needless arguing and "white knighting". Dunno if it's correct to call it that? all I know, is that it's just as sad as actual white knighting:KEK:
Edit; Forgot to add that not ALL audience is the TARGET audience, but, that's how it is for most titles too. And anyone part of the audience is entitled an opinion of the media they consumed. No if's or buts. And so are people who did not consume the media, but I do not view their opinions worth my time, except when they have experience with previous media from the creator(s), and can give useful info on them.
Edit**; Fixed a grammatical fail. :HideThePain:
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New Member
May 20, 2021
Dunno if it's correct to call it that? all I know, is that it's just as sad as actual white knighting:KEK:
So entering a thread in bad faith just to shit on something you have no intention on playing anyway is justified as critique, but then defending it from said "critique" is just white knighting? Why? It's wrong to wanna defend something you like?

Forgot to add that not ALL audience is the TARGET audience
Miel games are quite obviously niche games they and are not going for mass appeal at all, they have their niche and they are serving it well. If you are not a part of the niche you are probably not going to like them, simple as. I don't mind people not liking these games, but to act as if there are no reasons to like these games, or as if all these games are "bad" because of some superficial or misconceived reasons, or as if people are simply wrong for liking these games is what I take issue with.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
What I don't understand is the fact that you all still need to discuss it indefinitely...

Different people have different opinions. There is no such thing as a wrong opinion.
It is always based on the personal beliefs of each person.

Does anyone have the same opinion as you?
Great, you can be friends!

Does anyone have a different opinion than you?
You probably won't be friends, but you still don't have the right to criticize him for his personal feelings.

We do not live (at least most of the world) in a dictatorship and no one has the right to force you to agree with his opinion.
Therefore, do not criticize others for their opinions and do not try to impose your opinions on them.
EVERYONE should have the right to express their opinions freely!


Sep 13, 2018
TL;DR: Basically a (still valid)shitspiel about how IDGAF, cause free time eating and waiting on things to be done.:WutFace::KEK:

So entering a thread in bad faith just to shit on something you have no intention on playing anyway is justified as critique, but then defending it from said "critique" is just white knighting? Why? It's wrong to wanna defend something you like?
Did I shit all over the thread about the game in bad faith or say that entering a thread to shit on it for giggles is acceptable? No? Exactly that is what I meant by that. Getting all confrontive and defensive over shit that was not even mentioned. And who are you, to dictate peoples opinions and so forth as valid or not? And how the hell do you, or anyone else for that matter, know if someone played the game or not? And it seems like you did not even read the post you quoted, properly even. Or my previous post for that matter. My opinion, and probably others on this thread is "meh" or "meh, as expected from Miel". That is a pretty neutral opinion, as it's neither negative or positive. And everyone is free to have an opinion on things, and most people have the liberty of voicing(or writing) it for others to hear(or see), and therefore choose to use that liberty.

Miel games are quite obviously niche games they and are not going for mass appeal at all, they have their niche and they are serving it well. If you are not a part of the niche you are probably not going to like them, simple as. I don't mind people not liking these games, but to act as if there are no reasons to like these games, or as if all these games are "bad" because of some superficial or misconceived reasons, or as if people are simply wrong for liking these games is what I take issue with.
So? IDGAF, not as niche as one would think. Play enough JP nukiges and eroges and you'll learn real quick the meaning of "niche":HideThePain:. Thanks Japan:LUL: . If I play something, and it's so similar to other releases by the same team, that it might as well be reskinned copy-pastes, I am going to air that opinion, be it good, bad or neutral. They should at the very least show some originality even if it's just in the origin of their MC, instead of rehashing the same scenario with the hetare->über-dom MC(for example) almost every time. Even if it is "niche", they should find some way to make it, well, not boring. But then again it's a nukige, H-scenes first, plot/story last. so expectations and standards are low in that regard. Still want to see art(with some sprinkles of plot and/or story) from them that is not the (more or less)same as their other releases, as it is good artwork. Bottom line is; Even niche markets need something extra to make shit interesting. Copy-paste is not interesting. There are better ways to go with the whole revenge/powertrip/slave thing, instead of the generic overused petty revenge with superpowers to make insta-slaves spiel.

And I am not saying defending something is right or wrong, or that I am right or wrong either. But going all out on shit that was not ever mentioned and blaming people for it? That shit got'ta git real fast.

Edvin I agree with that sentiment. Everyone has opinions, and as longs as they're not the same as your own, they usually stink, so might as well steer clear. And the audacity to force opinions and yell "wrong think" is appalling. I am currently mostly replying with (still valid)shitpost replies though, as some people get way to riled up over small things, or make up shit to get mad over. And I have some downtime from my knifemaking whilst eating some borgor(e)s (no, not burgers, they're far too magled to earn that title:KEK:) , waiting on some epoxy to partially cure.

Edit; Grammar/spelling. And the smiley in tldr
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New Member
May 20, 2021
Why yes, I can tell...

not as niche as one would think
How are they not niche? Just because there are other things out there that are more niche doesn't make Miel somehow less niche. Find me another developer that can consistently supply the Miel experience or at least a very similar one I would concede, but until then, yes they are indeed pretty niche. And that's what makes them good. They have been doing their thing since time immemorial and they will continue to do so. If you want a different experience that badly just go to a different developer. It's not like they are beyond improvements, for example their art has been improving a lot over the last couple of years, but I don't think they have to, nor should change their formula in a vain attempt to appeal to someone who clearly DGAF anyway.

The appeal of these games don't rest on the need to have a deep MC, or a story filled with twists and surprises. Love it or hate it, but instant corruption is also part of these games' appeal, since all the fun stuff happens after it anyway. That's where you have your MC turn an entire school in to a human farm house, or force the main heroine to slay a dragon while she desperately tries to keep the MCs load inside her ass from leaking out, or whatever else stupid, hilarious and sometimes insane shenanigans the developers come up with in between the sex scenes. For something "copy-pasted" they are still incredibly varied when it comes to things like that, these games don't take themselves seriously and they don't even pretend to, which is what leads to these dumb and fun scenarios. If you played these games you would know, otherwise you are just being disingenuous.

These games are cheap, fun, and dirty fap fuel targeted at a specific array of fetishes, that's Miel games in a nutshell, that's what they have been, that's what they "should" be. If you really want a different experience, seek out a different developer.
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Sep 15, 2019
another one of these. they'd be pretty decent, if it weren't for the piss in literally every scene. I can't believe there's such a big audience for that, why not at least make it so, that it could be turned off?


Sep 13, 2018
TL;DR: Basically a (still valid)shitspiel about how IDGAF, cause free time eating and waiting on things to be done.:WutFace::KEK:
I am currently mostly replying with (still valid)shitpost replies though, as some people get way to riled up over small things, or make up shit to get mad over. And I have some downtime from my knifemaking whilst eating some borgor(e)s (no, not burgers, they're far too magled to earn that title:KEK:) , waiting on some epoxy to partially cure.
Why yes, I can tell...
Hey! I said it was a shitpost... Twice even. :KEK: Still with a few valid points thrown in though.

He hasn't played the game. So, by your own logic, he's not "entitled" to an opinion on it.
He has not "consumed the media".
As I already said, he's not providing a critique of the game.
He's just providing a generic opinion on the dev's products.
There's a distinct difference.
Sorry to disappoint there bud, but using only half of what I said in an argument is a no-no. Let me add the rest for you real quick

And so are people who did not consume the media, but I do not view their opinions worth my time, except when they have experience with previous media from the creator(s), and can give useful info on them.
There! That's better.

Um, yes there is.
Being an opinion does not preclude something from being governed by facts.
An unsubstantiated opinion is not as reliable as a substantiated one.

It's someone's opinion that the container will hold 1L of liquid, but it only holds 800ml.
"Flat Earth" is an opinion.
Guess what? Their opinions are blatantly wrong.

Tell that to the racists, sexists, homophobics.
Opinions and facts rarely go hand in hand. All opinions are unsubstantiated, as opinion relies on the wants and feelings of the holder.
EVERYONE is entitled to utter their opinions, even if factually wrong, but should be wary the consequences if they do, as not all opinions are safe to utter or welcome by ones peers. Even all the flat eathers, racists, bigots and other such fools, so they may be shunned by their own community even more. Let them become the pariahs they ought to be. It's actually better to have them openly doing so, than to have them lurking in the shadows, where they fester and grow.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
I wrote a MUCH longer text, but then I realized that this childish debate is below my level and I did not want to fall to your level. So I'll end this discussion with something simple that even a child would understand.

A blue man and a red man live in the same street.
The red man hates dogs and loves cats.
The blue man loves cats and hates dogs.

Since you seem to have a patent for the truth, you can certainly tell me which one has the right opinion.
Because their opinions on the same thing are contradictory, according to your logic, one of them has a wrong opinion.
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