Alrighty I gave the game a chance until what felt like halfway until I lost motivation and decided to rip the CGs to see what I missed.
In short, I missed nothing. Not gonna lie the girls in the game look juicy and awesome but the actual H content is very lackluster.
You have like 12 scenes and that would maybe sound ok on paper but in reality a majority of it is just a duplicate scene with just another character.
The amount of time you actually play the RPG part stands in no relation in being rewarded with H CGs. It just felt disconnected.
I know the dev actually had fun in creating an RPG system this time and he want to make smaller games but in the end it just was standard stuff that lacked in content that for me resulted in a very mediocre experience.
Town of Passion (though pretty vanilla in its theme and narrative imo) was in a sense the better game and siren should stay in this format instead of an RPG.
Third times the charm they say so I will wait for House Chores and if that doesnt win me over I just guess Siren's stuff and his vision is just not for me. Which is okay.
Now do I still get facepalms out of this post?