Updated all download links for this thread because made some fixes:
- Katana range is about 33 % bigger
- Fixed that the Pistol's bullet is missing the enemy point-blank with certain player movement (moving backwards while shooting mostly ... it was a raycast issue)
- Increased the hitbox for the enemies just a bit
- The player has a bit more time to back off when melee fighting before taking damage
- 4 more ammo box can be found on the map
- Music can be turned off from the Pause-Menu
Minishotgun Reward from the Non-Mean-Girls for completing a quest for example, but i want to make variations, not only "Kill 5 bad clone and i'll blow you down". And yes, the linear pathing i'll probably want to follow but i want to make some bigger areas sometimes and some shortcuts with doors or ladders or teleport (as anavin500 requested, if i can make it) back to previous safe zones or checkpoints.
anavin500 Thanks for that big request list man, i'll try to add some but i'll definitely need some tutorial from the internet because i'm amateur and only can work on the game after finished real life work or when i have available time so it will be time consuming.
-.Sei.- And you're parkouring the most hated grill in the game... what a coincidence
Thanks for the good luck!