3.70 star(s) 84 Votes


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
sure but i think this devs got wiser after dh and patreon versions are unleakable.
Are they? I've seen Patreon versions of games, don't know if they were leaked but they've been on here.

Anyway, the most surprising thing to me is how little buzz there is for this game, there is a current second release and no one is discussing it at all.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Are they? I've seen Patreon versions of games, don't know if they were leaked but they've been on here.
dfd patreon versions were leaked and cracked and made "offline" versions with voice acting until palmer and others added drm and after that freemiums relied on official releases.

dh kinda same story that patreon versions got leaked until devs put stop on that and again freemiums have to wait.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Are they? I've seen Patreon versions of games, don't know if they were leaked but they've been on here.

Anyway, the most surprising thing to me is how little buzz there is for this game, there is a current second release and no one is discussing it at all.
But what is it that you're so eager to discuss?
Just start, if you have something interesting to say others will chime in :)
But just lamating the lack of discussion for it's own sake is very odd..


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
But what is it that you're so eager to discuss?
Just start, if you have something interesting to say others will chime in :)
But just lamating the lack of discussion for it's own sake is very odd..
It's more I want to see what people think of how the game was continued and I can't really start that considering my penniless non-pledging ways right now. I was lukewarm about the first installment and wanted to know if people really liked the second and what they liked I don't care about spoilers just was interested in knowing people's thoughts.
What excites people about the game now that they've seen two releases? Which relationship do the players want to see develop more than any other? More conversation beyond my nonsensical prattling anyway.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
It's more I want to see what people think of how the game was continued and I can't really start that considering my penniless non-pledging ways right now. I was lukewarm about the first installment and wanted to know if people really liked the second and what they liked I don't care about spoilers just was interested in knowing people's thoughts.
What excites people about the game now that they've seen two releases? Which relationship do the players want to see develop more than any other? More conversation beyond my nonsensical prattling anyway.
Aaah, ok.
Can't speak for people in general obv but my two cents:
I didn't care much for ep 1; it's not bad by any stretch just not my kind of game really. The writing and overall theme thus far is a bit teen angsty and too much focus on romance, insecurity.. I do think we'll be able to make "questionable decisions" but I'd prefer it ifvthe was a route in which the MC saw those potential decisions without being conflicted about it. Like a "evil/dark/corruption" route..

The quality of the renders is good, like we come to expect from this studio, don't care for the new art direction, all the girls now look like Bratz dolls which I find off putting..

Generally I wouldn't bother with ep 2 given the initial release but I gave it a shot anyway. DfD was really enjoyable, DH less so, and I do want this game to be good but..
Again, it's NOT bad, but probably just not for me..
That said I'll probably pick up ep 3 and 4 as well to have a look, the studio deliver quality which is rare in the genre so I have no problem supporting them, I just wish it was a bit (well, alot..) darker and the girls less "Bratzy"..

Ep 2 is more of the same, story progression, some insight into the ex, character progression.. well paced, well done overall..
If you enjoyed ep 1 you'll enjoy ep 2. If you had issues with ep1 you'll have the same issues with ep 2.

Cudos to the devs for their implemented "sex system" they wanted to try it, I found it an improvement over over DfD and DH.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Aaah, ok.
Can't speak for people in general obv but my two cents:
I didn't care much for ep 1; it's not bad by any stretch just not my kind of game really. The writing and overall theme thus far is a bit teen angsty and too much focus on romance, insecurity.. I do think we'll be able to make "questionable decisions" but I'd prefer it ifvthe was a route in which the MC saw those potential decisions without being conflicted about it. Like a "evil/dark/corruption" route..

The quality of the renders is good, like we come to expect from this studio, don't care for the new art direction, all the girls now look like Bratz dolls which I find off putting..

Generally I wouldn't bother with ep 2 given the initial release but I gave it a shot anyway. DfD was really enjoyable, DH less so, and I do want this game to be good but..
Again, it's NOT bad, but probably just not for me..
That said I'll probably pick up ep 3 and 4 as well to have a look, the studio deliver quality which is rare in the genre so I have no problem supporting them, I just wish it was a bit (well, alot..) darker and the girls less "Bratzy"..

Ep 2 is more of the same, story progression, some insight into the ex, character progression.. well paced, well done overall..
If you enjoyed ep 1 you'll enjoy ep 2. If you had issues with ep1 you'll have the same issues with ep 2.

Cudos to the devs for their implemented "sex system" they wanted to try it, I found it an improvement over over DfD and DH.
Thank you. I agree with the "bratz" comparison. If everyone was created that way it would be less glaring but all of the male characters are "normal" and the women are bratz dolls. It's offputting and makes them less sexy/desirable.

As I said before I was okay with the game's first release, it wasn't great at all but could develop into something more. I felt it was too short and I found the whole "Leah can't talk to the MC about Saturday due to interruptions" to be a bit contrived. As with most games I wish I could control more of what the character "says" or how he reacts to things.

Even though you aren't thrilled by the way the characters look is there one that you find particularly interesting? Can the player have the MC avoid sex or is it a forced scene? Anyway I guess I will play episode 2 in another 3 months. LOL


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Even though you aren't thrilled by the way the characters look is there one that you find particularly interesting? Can the player have the MC avoid sex or is it a forced scene? Anyway I guess I will play episode 2 in another 3 months. LOL
Nah, I don't find any of them interesting thus far..

To my knowledge it's not forced, no.
The devs encouraged the players to go for the ex in ep 2 to try out their new "sex system", which I did.
This would imply that we didn't have to and it's optinal. I didn't do a second playthrough to check though, since there are no options that speak to me in the game I might as well try the one they suggested..
In most brancing games there is a route I gravitate towards and will make several playthroughs to see avaliable content. Unfortunately all options here are so very vanilla that I just don't care at all :/
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Nah, I don't find any of them interesting thus far..

To my knowledge it's not forced, no.
The devs encouraged the players to go for the ex in ep 2 to try out their new "sex system", which I did.
This would imply that we didn't have to and it's optinal. I didn't do a second playthrough to check though, since there are no options that speak to me in the game I might as well try the one they suggested..
In most brancing games there is a route I gravitate towards and will make several playthroughs to see avaliable content. Unfortunately all options here are so very vanilla that I just don't care at all :/
Ah yeah, I am usually a sucker for redheads but every one of the LI's is so odd looking. I definitely will not have the MC go anywhere near the ex no matter what the developer's say. Anyone who breaks up with someone when they lose their voice is a POS human being. That's the most emotion I can summon for this game, I find all of the LI meh and the ex to be utter trash.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I was a patron through most of DfD, DH, and the first episode of this game. Partly, I stopped because of financial reasons. But I was also kind of underwhelmed by the game. I was hoping for something different from the stuff I didn't like from DH. Namely, an annoying MC that was dealing with past trauma. And that's what we immediately got in the first episode. Plus the entire disability of the MC got boring real quick, because mentally it affected how I heard their dialog, and most of the time it felt silly in my head.

I'll agree too that the renders seem a step down from prior games. DfD has some awesome ones, and if anything DH improved upon them even if the game lacked in other areas. They're still good, but not as good. I think part of my perception of the game is colored by this being my third game from this general groups of devs, and the style and continued reliance on doubling down on tropes and unnecessary drama just has become kind of wearing. Maybe I'll give the game another try a few updates down, but I didn't really see characters like I did in DH where I so desperately wanted to be with. Thinking back, I can't really even remember anyone distinctly from the first update. No one stood out. The boss that never left their office stands out more than any of the love interests.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I was a patron through most of DfD, DH, and the first episode of this game. Partly, I stopped because of financial reasons. But I was also kind of underwhelmed by the game. I was hoping for something different from the stuff I didn't like from DH. Namely, an annoying MC that was dealing with past trauma. And that's what we immediately got in the first episode. Plus the entire disability of the MC got boring real quick, because mentally it affected how I heard their dialog, and most of the time it felt silly in my head.

I'll agree too that the renders seem a step down from prior games. DfD has some awesome ones, and if anything DH improved upon them even if the game lacked in other areas. They're still good, but not as good. I think part of my perception of the game is colored by this being my third game from this general groups of devs, and the style and continued reliance on doubling down on tropes and unnecessary drama just has become kind of wearing. Maybe I'll give the game another try a few updates down, but I didn't really see characters like I did in DH where I so desperately wanted to be with. Thinking back, I can't really even remember anyone distinctly from the first update. No one stood out. The boss that never left their office stands out more than any of the love interests.
I hate to agree (because I'm a grouch) but you are right. I realized that I wanted people to talk about this game and the second update because I didn't remember the first release. Some of that was my faulty memory but most of it was because nothing stood out beyond the weird "Bratz Doll" faces of the love interests. Once I went through the game again I realized, just as you said, the most interesting person in the game never actually appears in the game. Hank is amusing and the entire "never leaves his office" thing is a fun bit that sets up a reason for the MC to go do the sandbox bits of the game. However, it also will get tired and feel forced the longer it drags on.

My biggest problem with this game is the art, I really don't like the giant eye look of the women. It would be one thing if all of the characters regardless of gender were portrayed the same way. Unfortunately they aren't, for some reason the decision was made to have the male characters look "normal" and for the women to look like "bratz dolls the college years collection". The story is rather bland, the first release is too short, the setting of the game is pretty much the same as DH except instead of two "roommates" the MC has one and the nature of the injury is different. I want to like this game, but then I've wanted to like every one of their releases and, though I've played dfd and dh, I never finished either of them. Anyway, best to learn that now instead of later.
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New Member
Jul 19, 2020
Well this conversation has been a bit dispiriting, eh? Thankfully the eyes don't bother me as much as others since I've always had a hard time with seeing faces, but I do concur that the only character that stood out was Hank. I'm still going to keep an eye here though, since the premise does interest me quite a lot.


Jul 12, 2017
I really like the new artwork. I also kinda dig the MC being mute. Can't wait to see where this goes.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
Well this conversation has been a bit dispiriting, eh? Thankfully the eyes don't bother me as much as others since I've always had a hard time with seeing faces, but I do concur that the only character that stood out was Hank. I'm still going to keep an eye here though, since the premise does interest me quite a lot.
To be fair, a lot of this is just personal opinion. It's also that the game comes from love-joint, so graphically I expect a lot from them. Had I not played the last two games, maybe the models in this one would seem less off. And maybe if I hadn't played DH and been so frustrated at the MC and story there then I wouldn't care as much when a lot of that seems repeated here. None of the love interests appealed to me, either visually or as characters, but presumably they appeal to others. I don't have that experience I did in DfD or DH or a lot of other games of seeing someone appear on the screen for the first time, or seeing her personality set up in that first conversation that makes me really want to see where this is headed. At this point, playing it would feel like... well, for lack of a better word, a chore. Definitely not something I'd pay monthly for, and at this point, not even something I'd download the game for free for. Then again, I've played a ton of games here in the last few years. I've probably become a bit jaded. Although DfD and for a while DH really stood out for me, even then.


Oct 2, 2020
A lot of poeple complaning about the game design, style, renders, graphics and etc. wtf man! Shits free and it’s fckn Love-joint team, one of the legend devs!

You see, The game is still in progress from good to perfection. Just enjoy the game bruh there will be a lot more update soon.

No hard feelings.
just my opinion man.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
A lot of poeple complaning about the game design, style, renders, graphics and etc. wtf man! Shits free and it’s fckn Love-joint team, one of the legend devs!

You see, The game is still in progress from good to perfection. Just enjoy the game bruh there will be a lot more update soon.

No hard feelings.
just my opinion man.
Actually, I was paying for it up until after the first update, and as mentioned earlier, dropped my support because of what I saw and where I saw it heading. I'll agree that people don't have much grounds for complaint if they are getting it for free though. Although there can be some valuable criticism that way. If a dev goes just by what their paid supporters say, they won't know why some people stopped supporting, or what kept others from supporting in the first place. Sometimes the patreon comments just get filled up by people telling the devs that everything is fine, even as the paid audience continues to shrink. It seems pretty rare to see thoughtful debates about a game on Patreon. I think that's part of what draws many devs to browse the forums for their games here.

Ricky | Love-Joint

Game Developer
Jul 15, 2017
Actually, I was paying for it up until after the first update, and as mentioned earlier, dropped my support because of what I saw and where I saw it heading. I'll agree that people don't have much grounds for complaint if they are getting it for free though. Although there can be some valuable criticism that way. If a dev goes just by what their paid supporters say, they won't know why some people stopped supporting, or what kept others from supporting in the first place. Sometimes the patreon comments just get filled up by people telling the devs that everything is fine, even as the paid audience continues to shrink. It seems pretty rare to see thoughtful debates about a game on Patreon. I think that's part of what draws many devs to browse the forums for their games here.
100% accurate. That's why I keep and eye on what people say over here. Any feedback is always good feedback.
Thanks for have supported us, btw.
3.70 star(s) 84 Votes