I was disappointed with the main character within the first 5-10 minutes of the start of the story.
First, he doesn't care about his lover's pleasure and is so selfish (and/or ignorant/stupid if he believes his only way of giving a woman an orgasm is by using his dick) that he couldn't be bothered to either offer or attempt to give her an orgasm. This promotes the stereotype towards men that they don't care about their partners and are only worried about getting themselves off.
to consider.
Second, despite formerly being an elite athlete he is foolish enough to smoke cigarettes at his young age. Many people have loved ones (my mother in my case) who suffered for long periods of time, and in many cases died, from cancer caused by cigarette smoke and the 'treatments' (that are in many ways more horrible than the disease itself) used to try to cure this terrible disease.
I know that cigarettes can be very addictive and I'm not trying to guilt long-term smokers. The reason I mention this is because the game is fictional fantasy so it seems irresponsible making MC a smoker. Does the benefit of having MC smoke cigarettes in the game outweigh the potential social/ethical/economic impact of promoting cigarettes and enticing other people to start smoking (by indirectly giving free advertising to tobacco companies that are unable to legally purchase ads in many countries due to ethical concerns)?
Definitely not a good first impression of the MC or the game.... I'm not going to mention it again but it is something for people to consider.
A main character is meant to evolve—if he starts the story as a perfect man, with no flaws in his relationships and a perfectly healthy body and mind, then what’s the point of following his journey?
Every fictional character (and even real people) have flaws. Even Marvel superheroes have their flaws, so why criticize this aspect?
The MC is selfish with his booty call? If the story is well-written, won’t he have the opportunity to change? The same applies to smoking or other flaws. Or maybe he’ll change for the worse depending on the player’s choices.
Also, I’m sorry about your mother, but this is not a fantasy fiction—it’s just fiction, not fantasy. This isn’t a Disney world or a fairytale-like Barbie universe where everyone is perfect and never makes mistakes.
I think you misunderstood the premise of the story. It leans more toward reality, and unfortunately, people are far from perfect.
An ex-athlete who smokes? Some real-life athletes smoke everyday and night before a match.
Humans are full of contradictions—it’s nothing new.
This is a porn game, it really isn't trying to send any strong moral message to the world.
Ultimately, I don’t want my game to be just a porn game—I want it to be, above all, a story, an adventure.
I’m well aware that 95% of people on this forum will come for the adult content, but that’s not my goal for the game.
If I just wanted to make a porn game, I would have gone with a harem setup and LIs that fit the 'hot' criteria here (big breasts and big ass).
Am I trying to push a moral lesson? Not really. I don’t want to say : "Be careful! If you do bad things, you’ll be a bad guy!!"
Instead, I want to make players think—about their actions, their consequences, and the difficult choices they have to make.
Maybe I’m being too ambitious with this idea. Maybe I should just settle for making a hot porn game—but I know I wouldn’t enjoy that.