Also not an American so dont care about that words political connotation.
Also not an American so dont care about that words political connotation.
I didn't get the "special properties" option I don't think. Tried talking to him again after buying the news stand. Nothing. And nothing pops up with the news stand after buying it. It isn't even on the map. So I also don't know if I hit a bug or what. Thanks.I think I got stuck by a possible bug... may be
I got the Real State quest. Went to talk to the guy but didn't have any powers left so I went to sleep, tried talking to him again but all I get is the option "special properties". Can't seem to trigger anything else. Thought it was going to work further ahead when I get more progress in other quests but finished everything else and I am still stuck....May be I messed up by trying to talk to him without any power left?
Regretably I overwrote my save game
Check the discord. Dev published there a bugfix for that.I didn't get the "special properties" option I don't think. Tried talking to him again after buying the news stand. Nothing. And nothing pops up with the news stand after buying it. It isn't even on the map. So I also don't know if I hit a bug or what. Thanks.
Rape is intercourse that is non-consensual, that is the legal terminology. This means that if a person, in their right mind cannot consent to intercourse that it is rape. A drug that alters or changes consent, is an ignorant argument against the at that makes me think that your argument is ignorant. If someone is sleeping, their brain function cannot consent to sex=rape, if you trick someone using anything that alters their thought process or brain function=rape. Tags= here like Drugs, sleep sex, sexual harassment, mind control, are simply here for two reasons. 1. to allow the player a variety of rape options, and 2. and this one is vital; because a lot of kids on here (18+) and to me kids are guys under 25, and sensitive individuals that don't want to feel like the bad guy or fall in love with a fictional character, need to feel good and not get their feelings hurt, knowing that they are actually raping all be it, a fictional character, so they can sleep at night. But hey what do I know, except rape is rape. I don't have a problem with it, it's a kink of mine, and to be honest my fiancée's, but I will allow other's to be all about their feelings either.Why? Technically all the sex is consensual, because their minds have been altered to want it. You can argue that mind controlling someone into having sex with you constitutes as rape, but it is rather redundant, as the mind control tag already covers it.
When I see the rape tag, I expect to see a sexual act where the victim is against it in the moment, not that they would be against it if their minds hadn't been altered.
There's the issue. The crime of "rape" is not what the common English word "rape" refers to (there's also the botanical "rape", also known as "rapeseed").Rape is intercourse that is non-consensual, that is the legal terminology.
the circumstances surrounding an event determine everything. without mentioning the circumstances, any mention of an event is fraught with an attempt to manipulate public opinion. it is truly impossible to say whether it was rape or another type of sexual (inter-)action until there is a full overview of the "scene" taking into account all the circumstances surrounding the "action".Mind control is obviously rape, but as stated before it is redundant (and potentially misleading) to put the tag here, because in the context of identifying the explored kinks in avns, the tags rape, mind control, sleep sex, etc all do in fact serve different purposes, even though it's all rape.
Agreed, but for the purposes of tagging this game, I don't think context matters, but actual content, as in whether the sex scenes abide by the rape kink definition or not.the circumstances surrounding an event determine everything. without mentioning the circumstances, any mention of an event is fraught with an attempt to manipulate public opinion. it is truly impossible to say whether it was rape or another type of sexual (inter-)action until there is a full overview of the "scene" taking into account all the circumstances surrounding the "action".
Calling my argument ignorant is half admitting you didn't understand it. Redundancy is the keyword here. It is pretty simple really, they don't consent to having their minds altered and therefore they consent to the sex as a consequence. The disregard of consent has already (and only) happened with the mind altering.Rape is intercourse that is non-consensual, that is the legal terminology. This means that if a person, in their right mind cannot consent to intercourse that it is rape. A drug that alters or changes consent, is an ignorant argument against the at that makes me think that your argument is ignorant. If someone is sleeping, their brain function cannot consent to sex=rape, if you trick someone using anything that alters their thought process or brain function=rape.
Completely nonsense arguments.Tags= here like Drugs, sleep sex, sexual harassment, mind control, are simply here for two reasons. 1. to allow the player a variety of rape options, and 2. and this one is vital; because a lot of kids on here (18+) and to me kids are guys under 25, and sensitive individuals that don't want to feel like the bad guy...
this is the actually “English” tradition definition of rape: Rape is a sexual assault that involves sexual intercourse or penetration without consent. It can be carried out by force, coercion, or abuse of authority. Everything else you said is just stupid.There's the issue. The crime of "rape" is not what the common English word "rape" refers to (there's also the botanical "rape", also known as "rapeseed").
If a drunken hookup is defined as mutual rape (since neither party is in condition to consent), that leaves no good label for "forcible non-consensual penetration of a sexual nature".
This definition doesn't suit your argument, since neither force, coercion nor abuse of authority is being used in this game. You would either have to stretch the definition of force or coercion to fit the mind alteration here and at that point it becomes even more silly to include the rape tag instead of just going with the mind control.this is the actually “English” tradition definition of rape: Rape is a sexual assault that involves sexual intercourse or penetration without consent. It can be carried out by force, coercion, or abuse of authority. Everything else you said is just stupid.
Wrong. Rape is "forced sex", where the act is performed against active will. When there's resistance during the attempt, it's rape. When there isn't, it cannot be considered rape.this is the actually “English” tradition definition of rape: Rape is a sexual assault that involves sexual intercourse or penetration without consent. It can be carried out by force, coercion, or abuse of authority. Everything else you said is just stupid.
It is somewhat important which tags gets and don't gets added to a game, because a lot of people filter by those and it can potentially keep a lot of people off the game and by that lessen the support of the game, which could hurt it in the long run. Given that multiple people are chipping in and it isn't just two going head to head also shows that it is important to people. This isn't merely a philosophical discussion, but rather a response to the statement "rape tag is needed".Better make a thread in off-topic forums or something, as I think we won't be going anywhere with this. tl;dr this argument about rape/mind control etc is actually a bit much looking at it. A thread discussing if mind control = rape is better.
Is notIt is somewhat important which tags gets and don't gets added to a game, because a lot of people filter by those and it can potentially keep a lot of people off the game and by that lessen the support of the game, which could hurt it in the long run. Given that multiple people are chipping in and it isn't just two going head to head also shows that it is important to people. This isn't merely a philosophical discussion, but rather a response to the statement "rape tag is needed".