I experimented with a lot of different colours while planning changes on Blake's current model, and I can tell that Blake with black hair doesn't work aesthetically. There is actually a scene in the game where you can see how that would look. Not great. It just turns Blake into a completely different person. And none of the makeup options really fit with that sort of look.
Because Iris recognised Blake from the first time she saw him again, which she later explains.
I know Iris is smart and she figured it all out, I have had her call me on a bullshit on other routes. But still something did not sit right with me, so I decided to take it slow, but I found one thing (yes, I know I am incredibly obtuse).
Here's the route regarding Iris:
- do not open the door;
- when she's talking with Vanessa do not go downstairs ("No I'll keep listening" option);
- at Rebecca's party get in Bree good grades and give her a sign to interfere (kinda important I guess?)
- invite Bree to your house ("Why not?" option) - this way you won't meet Iris with Suya;
- you can go onto Bree's route or not. It doesn't matter.
- here is the dialogue on what happens if you don't invite Bree in -
- next time You meet Iris on sleepover with her and her sister - usually if you aren't on her route, but have met her - she calls your bullshit right here and mentions that she knows you are from slums once Vanessa goes to the bathroom. However here she only calls you by your full first name (Blake) - which already shows she knows, but still she doesn't calls you out.
- you sleep with all 3 of them and nothing happens.
- blah blah blah blah
- Next time you meet Iris is when she starts working in a bookstore - this is where she admits she knows everything when you are on her route - but it still doesn't happen here. You just talk about Hunger Games;
- Suya mentions that her mother passed away and she has to go to Atlanta;
- after talking to Tanya in the alley, you go home and Iris visits. She planned to visit Suya but she doesn't know that she left. Here is the dialogue:
- but then she starts talking about Slums and the game acts like if she already admitted earlier that she knows we are Blake Blinn
Yes, I know it really doesn't matter at all, because it happened back in the 4th/5th/6th act and because "first players" would usually open the doors to meet Iris and wouldn't try to metagame by not going on any route, so it's not going to ruin anyone's experience with the game. It's just a silly thing I have noticed.
I really should find a better way to spend my free time or at the very least try to apply for some Q&A jobs, shouldn't I?