RPGM Partial SHOEGAZER – Dungeons and Prisoners


Quiet Eldritch Horror
Jan 2, 2018
I understand that. Which is why there is research involved. Plus, more stuff can always be implemented as DLC content at a later date. Plus, I don't wanna charge people anything that they've already been playing for free anyways(plus, I don't want a lawsuit from ILL himself), if anything let the peeps decide who to support, and not take any business(income) away from the poor fellow.

Yes, using someone else's work is a slippery slope. There is always the option of getting Ill's "blessing" however which would allow you to work without complication. Not really necessary but could help stave off any worst case scenarios.
Apr 2, 2020
Yes, using someone else's work is a slippery slope. There is always the option of getting Ill's "blessing" however which would allow you to work without complication. Not really necessary but could help stave off any worst case scenarios.
After some time, yes, that may very well be necessary. But for now, there is progress to be made! I still want to give the guy the necessary credit he deserves for getting this game going in the first place, as well anyone else that contributed to this in the past.
Apr 2, 2020
Holy shit, this thread blew up while I wasn't looking. But man, am I happy for the recent developments, especially in these trying times. A Renaissance for a unique game that deserves the love and attention it's getting now.

Also, any plans on fully adding futanari content? It seems to be partially integrated, from what I've seen. And it would be nice to be able to get NPCs pregnant.

PS: Seduction/Prostitution mechanics would also be neat, for when you want to fuck your way through tough enemies, or even friendly NPCs.
Answer: Yes
Apr 2, 2020
Here's my thots(thoughts).

Dungeons and Prisoners
Storyboarding, notes, extras.
21.36 Pacific Matrix 07/31/2020

I'm thinking a redesign on the prologue, since the entirety of the demo envelopes it.

Definitely could be some more maps.
Though, should there be a leveling cap system? How the hell would that work?
Maybe using character switching. But to define it with paths...
Wouldn't that make it akin to the 'Fire Emblem' series with class change?
Meh, why not? At least it'll offer something that peeps might like to see.
I mean, it's a fricking JRPG fer crying out loud.

(My brain needs more caffeine to process this crap, and even then it'll quickly overheat.
Just like jet fuel in a regular gas tank. Causes more damage than it's worth.)

Damage processing aside, what exactly is the correspondence between actor and enemy, variables set, status, actions, and

other such nonsense?

Does each map need to be fitted as an SRPG map, or is it purely by scripts?

The scripts must be copied AND translated.

Do I need to add more weapons and armor, clothing, accessories? (More than likely, including artwork, yes.)
Actually, I should be able to use most of the existing assets(and some references from the magical portal that exists
solely for porn, the internet) to make what I need. (Who wants to see Lynn in a dominatrix outfit spanking the living hell
outta Miene?)

Work on story, redesign leveling system, build and design Miene's path/s, associate everything necessary to Miene, copy
and paste everything necessary to other playable characters, Profit.

Oh yeah: better get some more music and sounds for this game. It's a little too bland otherwise.

Better explore what I can do with more spells, adjustments to cast time based on exp in use, skills and adjustments,
making more passives, body modifications... It's essentially gonna be like Strive for Power, but more interactive.

(Deleted for my own sanity)

I'm thinking twenty chapters, plus alot of extras. Including Prologue, that's a lot.
Even if I limit the amount of artwork that needs to be done, that's still gonna be a lot.

FIELD SEX!!! If there's one thing all fappers looks forward to, it's reserved/unreserved anytime anywhere sex!
And with my implementations of sex interaction in the stance configurations (as soon as I can figure out how to implement
that), it should verily be possible!

Oooooooooh! I can make field exploration more commandable, something similar to Ariadne, meaning more travel time on foot! That would give more chances for enemies to do their things.

[*] I'm thinking of making a 'Succubus Grimoire', a tome on all things sexual and otherwise, available by a traveling
merchant that frequents the manor and other towns that Miene has been to.

[*] Skills about repairing clothing, destroying clothing, fletching, summoning (throwing weapons, preferably, but maybe
some monsters/spirits, or something), pickpocketing, key making, lockpicking.

[*] Skills about rape, murder, sex, body modification (limited), item creation (Alchemical synthesis(1), Metallurgy(2),
Mystic formation(3(Final))), bondage making, self bondage, quick dress (outfit setup (limit to three, please!)), quick
strip, sexy strip, surrender, hypnosis, suicide, knockout, ooooooh, maybe a combo set up (Might be best to limit to five),
masturbation, finger/fondle/fist/foot(yes, that's a thing).

[*] Instead of the level up/attribute set/ skill choice routine, why not use the age old AP gain and distribute? Gain AP
by defeating enemies, doing certain actions(prerequisites necessary), and distributing once a certain amount has been

[*] SKILL TREES!!! Nothing too complicated like what Final Fantasy did here and there. Something simple, like LOTRTTA(Lord
of the Rings: The Third Age), but just a bit bigger. Different categories, basically containing a compendium of everything
possible, and with the exceptions of unique trees, basically everything is attainable. With other exceptions like Miene,
where her virginity(or lack thereof!), sanity, morality, and whatever the hell that other thing was called that defined
stuff like Rance's Chaotic Good(He's more Chaotic Neutral in my book, but meh.) determine what her available unique trees
are. Probably just a wierd mix of what's available to other playble characters. (*)KARMA!!!

[*] Succubus Grimoire should be somewhat obvious about its contents and possible acquirable skillset(it's an optional
skill tree!).

[*] Item Creation: Alchemical Synthesis(1)=Combination of existing materials to make something new. Skill level determines
success rate, regardless of recipe. Metallurgy(2) (Regardless of its original definition(Haters, eat my shorts)), use
magic and one material to make something new. Mystic Formation(3) Create something with the exclusive use of your
magic. Note: Yes, I'm getting vibes from Arifureta just thinking about it! No super big storage spell, though. Don't wanna
have to overhaul the system. I'm already cutting back as it is!

[*] Combo System: Besides the Co-op system that is somewhat in place, a skill/attack/item use consecutive sytem should be

[*] And, of course, tutorials. And lots of them! (Along with a settings option to Prompto them, or just plain turn them
off.) Whenever something new happens, a tutorial pop-up appears, or doesn't, depending on the settings.

22.46 Pacific Matrix 07/31/2020

Note to everyone reading this. Most of this stuff should be pretty easy to implement, and I could use most of the existing
assets to make what I need, including most of the art work. And once I figure out how the entirety of the scripting engine
works, it should be somewhat rough sailing from there. I 'might' be requesting some aid to touch up my artwork for this
project. Won't be able to pay anything, though. But at least your name(or username) will go into the project for
I just realized this. This is essentially turning into a mix of Final Fantasy mixed with Skyrim.

Thinking about it, that sounds f@$#ing awesome! Now I got MOAR reason to do this thing!!
Apr 2, 2020
If you set too high goals you will burn out.

But I have to agree on the futa ontent. It's partially implemented, needs to be there fully. With female and futa enemies.
onOne thing at a time, then. And you guys will be able to test the updates! I'll just make sure there aren't any game breaking bugs or glitches.
Apr 2, 2020
D&P came first for sure, but the idea is really good, so it's good the other author used it for inspiration.

Too bad the author of the original game fell ill, I like his art style.
Hey: are you at all artistically inclined? Even a little is fine.

If so, would you be interested in contributing to the project at a later date?


Oct 25, 2017
Actually, as the game stands, every NPC is already a potential enemy. Well, almost. I did a bit of experimenting by using love potions on various NPCs in the game, and it turns out, they can attack and have their own skills. It's even possible to have the male NPCs rape the PC, and the female NPCs masturbate.

I even did some further experimenting and realized that male monster NPCs can rape human female NPCs. It's a bitch to set up the situation though.

PS: I achieved this mainly with the help of a mod I found in the ulmf thread for this game, page 294, which extends Miene's bedroom and adds a debug room of sorts to it. Be warned that (at least for me) it breaks the basement room inside the ghost house, and thus renders the summon child skill unobtainable.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
Another bug I get with that mod is that the monsters in the spawn room will only molest or facefuck the PC, I don't think they can strip?

How did you set up that situation with the npcs anyway?


Oct 25, 2017
Another bug I get with that mod is that the monsters in the spawn room will only molest or facefuck the PC, I don't think they can strip?

How did you set up that situation with the npcs anyway?
It's... a pain to set up, but basically I have Miene get impregnated by hawkmen in the debug room (It's worked for me, sometimes) and then go out of the mansion through the side door, south of which is a fence. After jumping over the fence, I have her loiter there until she gives birth to at least two of them, so that the lone maid outside gets 'trapped' in a corner while the birthed hawkmen indirectly attack her with their special moves since, for some reason, child enemies cannot perform direct attacks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
onOne thing at a time, then. And you guys will be able to test the updates! I'll just make sure there aren't any game breaking bugs or glitches.
Smart man. Leave the least important things for last.
Things like new items/weapons and simple and don't even require new graphics. Spear, silver spear and spear+3 could very well use the same paperdoll graphics (you can use a different icon, tough even that culd be the same)

Regarding actual suggestions:
I suspect the reason the dragon put that protection spell because the virginity is part of the sealing ritual - a dragonmaiden probably has to lose it in the ritual. Meaning if you loose it in the playtrough, the MC would have to find another way.
And given that it's obvious Lynn has a thing for Miene, and that you plan to fully implement futa, the ending of her loosing her virginity to futa Lynn in the ritual sounds very enticing to me.

As for the intro/plot, I find a goo way to explain everything is if you combine Dungeon Meishi (dungeon is the prison for the demon/dragon) and My Forest Home (where the demons sexual frustration ends up affecting everyone).
It neatly explain everything - why the MC must go into the dungeon and reach the final ritual chamber, and why everyone wants to fugg her.

If you want another idea - children will/might follow and protect the mother. They would have lower stats and would need time to grow, and would be a limit to how many can follow you. You can leave them in town also.
A way to get something out of being impregnated.
NOTE - this would apply to monster enemies that grow fast. Human impregnating would give normal babies that cannot fight.
Apr 2, 2020
Alright, pop quiz, everyone!

In your own opinion, should the babies explode upon impact, regardless of hitting anything, cause a two square area of damage, and (with the option of Extreme Gore selected on) make a gushy mess?
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Jun 25, 2017
Alright, pop quiz, everyone!

In your own opinion, should the babies explode upon impact, regardless of hitting anything, cause a two square area of damage, and (with the option of Extreme Gore selected on) make a gushy mess?
Depends on if you wanna take how hard one chucks the baby or what sent the baby flying into consideration, imo babies should explode when used correctly but bludgeon the poor sod otherwise


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
Another perverted idea.

Now, if purity/virgintiy is needed and the seal/blessing prevents the MC from losing it, how does the bad guy get her to loose it?
1. Long sexual torture to hopefully break her. Not easy.
2. Get someone she likes and does not want to get hurt to fug her. By force if necessary. Capture Lynn/her Mother (any other notable character?), turn them into futas, capture Mine, force them to do it. Profit.

Hmm ... Missile weapons? :unsure:
Perhaps a purity bonus/ corruption reduction for each humanoid baby put in a nursery?

- more female and futa enemies. Catgirls, wolfgirls, foxgirls, lamias, etc...
- option to block anal. I hate it.
- only enemies that makes sense would rape (why or HOW is a raven even doing it?)

Kiko Doragon

Feb 2, 2018
2. Get someone she likes and does not want to get hurt to fug her. By force if necessary. Capture Lynn/her Mother (any other notable character?), turn them into futas, capture Mine, force them to do it. Profit.
I don't think Miene's mother is a futa or maybe futa-addicted, because I can see Lesbian stat +2 at prologue (It's not easy to increase from 0 to 2):