Ep.10 Ch.2: Preview
Hey guys!
I think it'll be
the last preview of Sarah's solo scene until it's completed because everything what happens next there is too spoilerish and explicit to post anywhere! Not everyone liked bigger teasers/spoilers during the previous update, so I decided to keep juicier moments this time so that you can see them already while playing the game. Though, I guess you've got a pretty good idea what will happen in the scene anyways. ;-p
I need a bit more than a week to finish it approximately: the introduction and development parts are done, the first half of animations is finished and rendered, only the lewdest animations together with the climax of the scene are left to do.
I'm also planning to take several days off for holidays, so will get back to the development refreshed and ready to work hard on it!
That's it for now guys, stay tuned, I'll talk to you soon!
And, of course, Happy New Year to everyone!