It's a make-over of the prologue / episode 1 to the standard first established w/ ep. 6. Has also been extended w/ add'l renders and animations.
Episodes 2 through 5 to follow.
Have fun!
I hope they follow, and soon. I really do want the best for this game. But I can't think of a single game that started over and then survived. Usually the patrons fall off hard. New graphics may attract a few new people but sacrificing the interests of your established audience never works. As an author, even if your old stuff bothers you, a re-do is something only you might be interested in. And even then, other authors in the past of gotten bored doing the same material again.
Also, a testament to the fact that graphics don't matter is that games with Honey Select or uglier programs can get really popular if the game is engaging and has a good story. Check and check for this game, you are 100% good on those aspects. It's the George Lucas trap where you can lose perspective on how good your material is if you get hung up on a particular aspect of it (like Lucas and special effects.) Have confidence, you had a fantastic thing going!
I don't think it's a milking issue, crying "milking" every 5 seconds makes it lose all meaning. There are bad devs doing it but that gets lost in the noise of false positives and unfounded accusations. Just crying about milk ensures nobody will listen to you, antagonizing people doesn't work. Try explaining why this is so troubling a move. Same goes for the moron simps, it's just the other side of the coin and equally unhelpful. If you actually cared about the game, you'd be concerned about it's well being.
I really think this is just a "George Lucas" issue. Though it is important to talk about because it's NEVER worked out iirc. This is gonna kill the game if history holds.