I'm quite lost... where are you supposed to go after acquiring a boat? Everywhere I have my ass handled in 1-2 hit
Yeah, trying to spot what is an area entrance and what isn't is kind of a pain.
Anyway, if it's the first island you see with a town on it, at the northeast there's a mine with bats and snakes in it. Just use Barrage in every battle -- it hits everything harder than your main (single) attack, so in most cases it should wipe the enemy and one group gives enough cash to use the Inn. Further in (still first floor) there's a pond you can bathe in for restoring your health and mana to full so you can farm there.
The game... definitely doesn't feel 'completed'. Most people on the map don't even have dialogue, many doors, stairs and whatnot you can simply walk over as if they're floor and there are still quite a few spelling mistakes. I paid off the old man with Dubloons and every H-scene so far has been a black screen with a textbox. It's also completely unintuitive where you need to go next, so you're basically just wandering around with your boat until you reach an area where your party gets wiped because you weren't supposed to go there yet. For example, after recruiting the samurai girl i sailed around, reached a forest zone on a nearby island and got crushed by the first encounter i ran into.
Now, i don't really mind if a game in development has these kinds of things -- we all know what demos are -- but slapping a 'completed' tag on this is basically you saying you're not planning on working on this. It invites nebative criticism.
My two cents...