Others Java Simbro Reloaded Dev Journal [PC only]

4.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
well this last two days was crazy, (Many concepts were mixed at the same time, mathematical combat formulas, interface implementation, animation synchronization, adapting the code times until the animations to finish running). and then when you see it you laugh, because it was considerable work for a simple result.

work progress updated.

is very posible when I add the sex interactions to the combat, i release the next demo. before i start to work on the recluitment and leveling logic.
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New Member
May 19, 2019
I'm not sure if there's anything I can actually contribute, but I would love to see where this goes. If there's anything that I see I can contribute I'll definitely try to do so. Love that someone picked up the concept again :D
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Can't beleave someone asked that already. XD. Also hope that you make it so we can get another maid to work with Alice maybe make Bianca able to work as a maid? Just as a after thought.
who is Bianca? the ninfo girl from the bank?
danm here is a lot of events i forget, if a day someone have free time and can write a list these events
I'd be really grateful

( o )( o )

May 12, 2019
who is Bianca? the ninfo girl from the bank?
danm here is a lot of events i forget, if a day someone have free time and can write a list these events
I'd be really grateful
A user called "foible" here even wrote a whole list of events, which the original characters were planning to do. Will show it to you again here:

If someone’s legit gonna attempt this, here’s the convo I had with marune before he ghosted us. I had a rough draft for the map, but it was on imgur and it appears they deleted it.

  1. Each section of town has a "boss" and at least four locations. There's a bar in each borough for gathering intel and such. A "shop" that sells different things; could be clothes, accessories, weapons, upgrades to the brothel (which can't be bought until the section has been conquered), and changes to you and your staff. A location where you would station girls and guards (if you station people here before you conquer the section of town, you'll have much higher chance of fights, robberies, etc. You'll also get visits from thugs of that area, just like how the banker thugs show up.) You have to complete a series of objectives at the locations in each section in order to confront the people who run it and take over. (Call the area your brothel is in Midtown and rename the current slums "South Slums") North is Bayside. Here, the dockworkers run the show. The shop has nautical outfits/accessories/weapons, and upgades for your brothel; seafood cuisine for +5 mood each day (good food and variety keeps the girls happy), nautical decorations for some kind of "aesthetics" bonus, maybe a pirate-themed option for customers. The bar is obviously sea themed. Maybe the barkeep has an eyepatch? North Slums is where you station guard/girls to collect money. The base of operations is the shipping yard. Income is kickbacks from smugglers. If you don't run it properly, there's uprising/strike. Posting some girls there keeps dockworker morale up. West is Suburbs. You contend with a network of bored soccer moms who got into the drug/prostitution racket. The shop sells more plain-style clothes (like the white dress outfit you currently have), and strangely enough, it turns out the suburban housewives are where the real kinkiness comes from, so this is where you buy the crazy accessories; ball gags, the battery/cables, whips, etc. The bar is more like an Applebee's. The place to station a guard and some girls is a motel on the outskirts of town. The base is a fitness center. Here you can also change the size of your staff, from skinny, buff, thick, etc. Income is actually just the regular income of the fitness center (as well as any services your girls/guys provide there). This is where I tell you, you should make male staff be able to do sex work as well. Doesn't have to be guy on guy if you don't want, I'm not a fan of that myself: but at least in the gym, there'll be plenty of female clients who would surely like a "happy ending" workout. South is Uptown, the rich part of the city. Shady businessmen run the show. The shop sells classy clothes. Fancy gowns, suits, there's also a golfer outfit for male characters, golf clubs for weapons, mini-golf upgrade for the brothel that gives +5 mood each day. The bar is more of a classy restaurant. The place to station girls here is a high-end classy gentlemen's lounge. Before you take over uptown, you cannot station girls here. Instead, they hire 1-3 of your girls on a daily or weekly basis. If you don't send a guard with them, consequences can arise. The base here is the country club. Income is kickbacks from backroom deals that occur at the club. Before you try to take over, you can go golfing and maybe meet people, complete some quests (that could actually be how you get started on taking over, you end up forming an alliance with a prominent member). But, while you're contesting the territory, everyone is hostile until you conquer it. East is Downtown. Corrupt politicians, obviously. The salon is located here. You can change hair styles/colors, eye colors (contacts), they have tanning service to change skin tone. The bar is a high-class cocktail lounge where politicians and such hang out. The place to station guard/girls is a ritzy hotel. You have to pay the concierge quite a sum to let you station girls there (after you take over, this rate drops). The police station is located here. Haven't decided what kind of things can happen when visiting. The base is, of course, city hall. This is actually a good place to have the "end-game" intention. To take over downtown (and "win" the game), you run for mayor. The campaign can be started at any time, and can't be started again until 30 days after the last election. There's a different outcome to the campaign depending on how many boroughs you control. If you don't control any sections, it's a dismal defeat. For each successive region you control, the margin of defeat gets smaller. Once you control Midtown, Bayside, Suburbs, and Uptown, you win the election.

  2. 3Y
    Just noticed I didn't word the last couple sentences quite right, could confuse. The more boroughs you control, and the what kind of rep/notoriety you have, influence how well you're liked. Controlling all other boroughs results in a landslide victory (especially if you have great rep and/or low notoriety).

  3. 3Y
    I remember I also once made a suggestion regarding dignity, would like to update that. Alice starts at 70, and that works. Taking that into consideration, here's a good breakdown beyond that; 60=show tits (particularly at reception or pole). Other options with this for receptionists would be either making it a lasting effect after you tell the girl currently working to do so, or, if you take the time to tell her to do it first thing each morning, you see maybe a 10% increase in sales for the day. BUT, if you do it on a police visit day (as such, the police would have to be delayed to show at open), it's an automatic trip to jail. Girls on the pole could lose 1 dignity per day or week. (Alice might show her tits at the front desk, but she wouldn't work a pole at this point) 50=blowjobs. At 50 dignity, a girl (except Alice) can be assigned to the gloryhole room and do bj only. Girls brought from travels or captured that still have high dignity can be put to work as such and lose say, 1 dignity a day or week. If you've had the shower scene and girlfriend date, this would be the point where Alice will finally give you a blowjob when you ask for one while flirting. 40=vaginal sex. Just like it is now, any girl will work a bed/private room. 30=anal sex. When/if you get a girl with/to 30 dignity, they offer anal and profits go up a bit for it. 20=DP/gangbang, another small boost to overall profits. (being a slave doesn't follow the same rules, obviously. A 70 dignity slave has no choice, of course.) Alice's triggers work kind of the same as they do now. While there might be 8 triggers, only five of them count, and certain triggers are required for day-to-day behavior. Ex: even if her dignity is 55, she won't show her tits in reception until after a date. As I mentioned before, she won't give you a random blowjob until 50 dignity after the shower scene and perhaps three dates afterward that lead to blowjobs. And she's still hard-locked at 45 for now until further Alice updates are made. Further possibilities for her; you could start her at 80 or 90 and create personal sexual milestones that lead to public ones.

  4. 3Y
    I like your suggestions, especially for a detailed approach. We could use it for generic girls, because we have plans for Alice on her losing dignity course with special events.

  5. 3Y
    Yea, precisely what I was getting at. Alice is unique, she only drops to certain dignity scores or does certain things once you've accomplished specific goals. Kind of like how you have it now where you won't catch her in the gloryhole room until after you've had the blowjob date. Speaking of the gloryhole room, as of 2.4a I'm pretty sure, she's still bugged such that she doesn't show up in the empty gloryhole room. Rather, she shows up in a room that has a different girl assigned to it, replacing the girl that's supposed to be working.

  6. 3Y
    Meant to add, haven't tried 2.4b. The card I used to donate was getting scam charges from somewhere, so I cancelled it.

  7. 3Y
    Holy smokes, I just read some comments on the blog and can't believe I didn't think of some suggestions in my map expansion ideas; a transit place like a train/subway station or an airport, college/university, and DEFINITELY a beach in Bayside. I mean, what would be the point of having a coastal section of the map WITHOUT a beach, right?!


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
yeah i notice these list i like some ideas, but i mean for the playable content of the last version, for example i dont remember to bianca. >.< or some like the dildo event from masturbation (fc), Julia(mc),

( o )( o )

May 12, 2019
yeah i notice these list i like some ideas, but i mean for the playable content of the last version, for example i dont remember to bianca. >.< or some like the dildo event from masturbation (fc), Julia(mc),
Well I will try to make a fast summary of those events, which I still remember. Ofc I could look another time again in the game itself and check for them with the "Spongebob" password:

Bianca: As far as I remember it was that girl with glasses, who suddenly visited you with her husband. You were able to fuck her while he was unconscious because of his drunk condition. Later he kicked her ass out and so you are able to offer her a job as a prostitute too. But if you are right and Bianca was that bank girl, then it's like that: you will find that bank girl in the toilet masturbating and are able to "help her out" in there too. If you are playing as a woman you are able to fuck that bank owner instead for debt interests.

Christmas scene: If you've upgraded your brothel with a strip club area you'll be able to celebrate a Christmas event there. A play about a Grinch, some chicks in deer clothings, Santa Clause's wife too and it ends in a total orgy.

Robot: In your basement after upgrading your brothel a bit you'll find a robot woman who is able to transport you into other dimensions. In those you are able to find Princess Zelda, etc and bringing those back to the real world for your "purposes".

Alice got kidnapped: Some thugs are kidnapping Alice, you go to Margo (the female pub owner) and she gives you an advice how to track Alice. You'll find her in a street in which she is close to get raped. It's your choice if you wanna watch that or rescue her and after that you have to cheer her up which increases your relationship with Alice.

Julia: A brunette friend of Alice who joins your business too. Later she wants to quit which is an extra event too. You are able to say "fuck off" or "don't leave I love you".

Debt event (1): Some thugs appear and if you are a woman, you are able to "pay" them with your body. Or fight them instead. Paying with money is ofc possible too.

Debt event (2): Thugs appear again and they will fuck your secretary. You are even able to take pictures of them if you found the camera before.

Pub: Play as a woman, get drunk and if you aren't "tough" enough you will get fucked behind the pub.

Shower: As soon as you've build the showers in your brothel, you are able to invite your co-workers there (even threesome possible) or keep the doors open and watch who will try to enter.

Police: Sometimes they appear and then you have to stay in prison for a while if you aren't able to talk yourself out of that situation. As a woman you will get raped by other prisoners or fucking the male cop. As a man you are able to become the sub of a dominant police woman.

Halloween: Dress your hookers in Halloween clothing and celebrate a special event for your clients.

Well... I hope I didn't forget anything... and personally I would like to see an option to fuck Margo (the pub owner) too.

( o )( o )

May 12, 2019
SimbroEventList01.png SimbroEventList02Bianca.png SimbroEventList03Eva.png
Very well... I've checked fast for you and found out, that the bank office "lady" is called "Eva". "Bianca" was really that married, cheating woman with the glasses (but hell, both are really looking almost similar). The gray parts of the Event List are unavailable. Mostly because the original creators weren't able to finish them and/or if you play as a woman (you can't get a blowjob from Alice then ofc). Just let me know if you need more help, it's the least I can do for ya.


Apr 30, 2017
View attachment 923232 View attachment 923234 View attachment 923235
Very well... I've checked fast for you and found out, that the bank office "lady" is called "Eva". "Bianca" was really that married, cheating woman with the glasses (but hell, both are really looking almost similar). The gray parts of the Event List are unavailable. Mostly because the original creators weren't able to finish them and/or if you play as a woman (you can't get a blowjob from Alice then ofc). Just let me know if you need more help, it's the least I can do for ya.
man my heart skipped a beat thinking this was part of a dev journal :(
  • Haha
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
Nice only just heart of this, no offence but I definitely won't have my heart set on it but I hope this works out, for all it's jankyness and kinda bad graphics, Simbro was still one of my favourite porn games, it was simple and fun, frustrating at times due to bugs and questionable game design but outside of that it was enjoyable.

I've since never found a game with a character like Alice, which to me is the star of the whole thing. I loved the relationship between her and the MC, it was funny and even had a nice hint of romance to it.

One of my biggest things in sex games is corruption but I actually kind of don't like it too sometimes, I hate it when the main character is just some dastardly "Haha I'm going to break all women and make them whores!" kind of a deal. In Simbro it didn't feel like that to me and they clearly intended for that to be optional, like how you could let her get raped in the ass if you wanted.

The MC is kind of a douche but he never seems evil you know, he's a horndog but this is all still just business and pleasure. And the Alice story is fun too because it's not some generic innocent girl becoming a slut kind of thing, she's clearly already quite sexual you just have to make her take steps forward and the game was building towards that nicely.

What the game lacked in technical and graphical quality it more than made up for with character for me, so I hope this project can retain that. I'll definitely be watching this thread.

( o )( o )

May 12, 2019
I can't agree with all of your graphic critiques: it's a 2d game, it got obviously an Anime style, so deal with it! There are enough 3D games outside personally I like seeing some varieties. If you people really love to complain that much how about some productive, helpful critiques? Like "I didn't like the background was looking too empty", etc? Wanna support that creator? Then take some time and give suggestions in detail!


Sep 1, 2019
Hope next version can add more sex animation, clothes, cheat code and change body proportion more like Original ver (Looks like reloaded ver's body proportion are imbalance)


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Well I will try to make a fast summary
( o )( o ) ty very much for help me with that!

In Simbro it didn't feel like that to me and they clearly intended for that to be optional, like how you could let her get raped in the ass if you wanted.
R/ totally agree

What the game lacked in technical and graphical quality it more than made up for with character for me, so I hope this project can retain that. I'll definitely be watching this thread.
R/ Regarding the artistic subject, I don't finish seeing the problem either, I personally always loved it, and it still seems to me to be one of the most polished within the projects that emerged from lok forum.

Hope next version can add more sex animation, clothes, cheat code and change body proportion more like Original ver (Looks like reloaded ver's body proportion are imbalance)
I would love know about what about the body imbalance issue.

about what soon in the next demo, at the firts post i am writing my actual work progress.

for everybody:
I know we all hope to see more fapeable content, but this game is not exactly a graphic novel. (I would like nothing more than to do only sex stuff) but there is much to code before.

in general you guys must understand that a game requires an infrastructure on which to sustain itself. Besides, it is a game that is being created from scratch and it take time.

I just can't start building a house from the roof. XD

just in case it's misunderstood. It is not that I am ignoring all your comments and suggestions, it is simply that it is not yet the time to address them.
4.00 star(s) 2 Votes