not "they', i'm alone at this))You can just switch back and forth versions, Use 2.7a to edit your character, save at the end of the day and then copy your save for use with 2.7b or tcast's 2.7b mod. < Guessing this what you meant.
Ohh and if you try using a save from 2.7a or 2.7b it won't work for any of the older versions, i tried going back to older versions using a save from 2.7a and it wouldn't even appear in the load menu even though the save was in the proper folder.
I sent a message to tcast seeing if there able to restore the functions of the SPONGEBOB cheat in 2.7b and they said there going to look into it so we'll have to wait and see.
I've got 2.7 (not lettered version) and did a compare of decompiled code. 2.7b is much smaller. For example hero cabinet code in 2.7b is 30k lines of code, while in 2.7 where everything works, its 31.9k lines. so theres a huge chunk of everything deleted by devs(dont know if that was a failed code cleanup attempt or done on purpose by some rage quiting dev). Same goes to other sections.
Sadly, you cant just copy and paste code from 2.7 to 2.7b, since theres thousands of function addresses that are just not same.
So far heres some more fixes i made after last update:
- Bedroom repaired. It still trigger only mfm scenes with default models when you summon someone, but there's no longer situations that dead lock game.
- I removed gym scenes from GH (and add some more appropriate scenes)
- You can now enter Gloryhole room, but it still wont let you do anything (like solo join), only peek menu work
- Some tweaks in reception scenes..
- some minor updates
That's it so far. I spent most of that small time, i dedicated to this game, on research rather then modding.
As for save switch. You can use Minerva sol editor to change version number in save file so it would run on older versions. i did that to transfer saves from 2.7b to 2.3 once