Update progress
**Progress Log 0.18.3**
last updated 8 June
**NEW **- unlocking unlimited pregnancy for girls with 6 kids!
New code implementing unlimited kids. The new kids will not be tracked, and you don't have to give them names.
It will trigger after the birth of her 6th kid.
**Main story:**
Oliver will talk about his sister Vicky - 8% completed
AirPort - visit manager - 5% completed
Stripper ChiChi - repeatable sex - (requested by ChosenOne) - 3% completed
Girls Screen - will add more girls - 80% completed
Anna - unlock unlimited kids - 5% completed
Dora - unlock unlimited kids - 5% completed
Moko - unlock unlimited kids - 5% completed
Rebeca - will have up to 6 kids and unlock unlimited kids - 5% completed
Ema story - (Vote poll choice) - 10% completed
Naomi - Improvement - to make her pregnant for the first time, she will arrive only on the day of ovulation (which is one day in the month). Now the new update will allow her to arrive during the 7 days ovulation period and you don't depend of only one day which you can miss by mistake and wait 30 more days) -** 100%completed**
Chapter 1 - updated one old sex animation with Moko - **100% completed**
Love points of some girls are above 100% - ** 100% completed**
Ema - in one play path, talking with her will not give you option to visit and have sex during the night - **100% completed**
Spell and grammar (small fixes) - on going
Naomi - if she come for the first time, during the night you can miss her sex if you sleep with other girl. Now evening the game will force you to sleep in your bed and will not break the event. - - **100%completed**
Anna -sex - it was mixed between the old and new hair style - **100%completed**
Ema could arrive before Anna - from now, Ema can't arrive before Anna - **100%completed**
As always, I will keep adding content here. Keep an eye out for more.