Great harem game.

Long post:
I'm unsure on the devs road map or plans, but I have a few suggestions and thoughts and/or questions:
1. Be nice to manage company's employees wages, Maria starting off with 500 a week is a crime!
[I am replaying now, I don't remember if she gets a GOOD raise when we finish gym/pool/advertisements/whatever, she should, in steps, ie: 1000, 1500, etc.]
2. Paola:
Is there a way to romance and have sex with Paola without getting her drunk? I don't want to take advantage of her.
Can we hire Paola to clean my apartment, I am replaying, and I don't recall EVER once seeing her in my apartment.
Paola, said something like babysitting when we first meet her [I forget the term, daycare maybe?], does she ever have option to hire her for daycare or something? Both at her place and my apartment she can do this.
3. Rebecca:
Is there a way to have non-sleep sex with Rebecca in her room after she moves in? [feels unemotional/unromantic]
Rebecca seems a little distant to MC, she often ignores him and cuts off conversations by going and doing other stuff in middle of conversation. [she does come off as a little childish, but the the MC can at least get her attention back and let her know what she just did to him, nice or mean or other 'response']
She brought up liking horror movies (and I said I liked horror movies) and she stated we should watch some together, I don't recall this happening, at least not resulting in a sex scene.
She also brought up looking up interesting places to visit in the city, and again, never happens.
4. Maybe add a 'date' mechanic to the game, where you can go on dates [any time of the day] with individuals, small group that have similar interests, or even entire family/harem like a big fancy dinner or to the beach or picnic or something.
Doesn't need to be animated, just have static images/scenes is enough.
Examples: Movies, Resturants, Picnics, Beach, outdoor exercising, shopping, cafe/coffee, walk in park, pool, etc.
5. Children:
Where are the children? I want to see them in home somewhere, maybe set up a baby crib in their birth mothers room, OR have 1 or 2 bigger rooms for multiple children [you know, so everyone can help take care of the children together], that can be turned into kids rooms later when they grow up a little.
6. The big story arch:
Taking over the city (or running it, I forget what MC says to James over the phone).
I can only see this as MC eventually taking over all criminal enterprises, including becoming Madam's boss, or eliminating her. [keeping her alive would have a ton of advantages of course, like her doing the work you would have to do if you eliminated her, she would also of course continue making money for you, as well as a possible sex partner too.]
edit: got to point in story with Greg (works in security), which when highered could maybe expand or stength your security. [maybe after Madam questline finishes]
7. James/Ema/Elena
Has the dev revealed how they want to handle this issue? Becaues its starting to look like we can eventually take both Ema and Elena from James.
I don't want to hurt James, he has just as much right to build his own harem, though he did offer/have threesome with MC and Elena; so I don't know how he would feel+react if we did take both from him.
James could get mad and turn against the MC.
James can end up leaving/dying somehow.
James could figure out he was gay along.
James could get more love interests... which we may also want to take, it could possible go on forever! "Gotta Catch 'Em All!"
edit: got to point in story with Greg (works in security), could potentially replace James... but then we would chase Gregs girls...
8. (edit) Abby/Bombina/etc: I noticed they gain love points, but I don't see her on the info screen along with the other characters that get love points.
Are they off screen, do I need to scroll somehow, or is their icons+info just not added to that screen yet? Why else have her gaining love points.
ps. I forever want Secret

pss. is it also possible to romance just a single (or none) love interest? Because I can put off all others for Secret + Elena.
psss. If you add more characters, I vote for hot curvy milfs. [if you plan on adding more characters that is, some other missing tags: tattoos+piercings, chubby {at least, not 'perfect' figure/skin or 'exaggerated porportions'}]
edit: update +minor grammer/typo/formating fixes.