Not going to lie, this Mom-Son drama was annoying as hell to get through this update(s). If she wants to leave so bad then good riddance. The MC still being incompetent and not just putting his foot down is what's really getting to me.
Everytime he had a chance to say no, he got bullied into going into these awkward situations with her. She clearly doesn't want to be near him but he keeps going along in these situations because he wants her to "talk to him". Like that ending was so forced. I wished the MC and the Mom would've kept to their own decision but neither of them can even do that. Oh boy, jumping for joy that his mom is about to go on another potentially dangerous adventure with him.
Like, yeah, I get it's his mom and he wants to fix their problem but if she doesn't want to herself then so be it. At least have some self respect and ignore her too. You would think with all these women he has it would be easy to pull off for a while but nope. He can't help himself. I can already see the MC potentially doing a 180 on his "just wanting her to talk to him again and not doing anything else unless she wants to" act.
Mini rant over, I guess. This is probably the most I've ever been frustrated with this game and the MC. I'm looking forward to the next update still but man...