VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    All time hood classic for taboo-lovers, with solid character work, plausible mega-harem plot if you opt into it or competent romances if you stay with one character.

    Perhaps its greatest weakness is its age and it being Perverteer's first major project - imagine if they had the skillset of a DIK back in 2017...

    I will forever remember the concert scene as 'WTF' but also 'yeah I can see this happening with the right person being high on something'.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best visual novels I have ever played. Every relationship is fully fleshed out I can't recommend it enough. This game really has something for everyone. Also the models in this game are top-tier.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Best B/S game made so far. Variety of personalities and appearances among the ladies caters to almost every preference. Relationship building seems realistic, which makes the payoff that much more rewarding. A must-play!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I am not gonna sugarcoat this for any of you, you know why you played this accept it and move on lol but seriously it's a decent AVN all the girls are attractive and decently written personally i only did the Family route where u end up with all 4 of them i was happy with leaving it at that but to each there own
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, characters were all excellent. Recommend trying this one if it looks like something you would like. Has all the family content you would want and full on harem . Animation and cgi looked really good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing story and a true choice based game. One of the first game I played and the choices mattered so much, you truly needed to do every thing right to get the best ending. I'm not ashamed to admit I needed the help of a walkthrough because some of the choices were difficult and you would never know that it was the right course of action to take
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I rarely care to leave a review or comment but this just hit many different points I feel like I had to. This VN is like the "ideal" VN people should aim to make. Characters are all attractive and you actually care about them instead of just one. There's not just one focus which is great. The different personalities are handled very well and there's a solid mix of "tease" and real interaction.

    Only reason I think it's not 5 stars is because of the ending. It's not "bad" at all, it just feels a bit rushed. Like they all get together somewhat randomly and way too quickly to me.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Don't get all Riley'd up...

    My first Perverteer game and honestly, many people told me it's quite a stereotypical family-focused AVN. As somebody who isn't mad on family-members content, the game works in such a way where your relationships feel so much like brother/sister interactions. But the name really tells you everything you want to know about it. You'll see what I mean when you play this game.

    Story wise the game is wacky but believable to a certain extent. The reformists are coming to sanitize the country from sin and your family could become the target of it depending on how you play the game. Your newfound house of women feels a certain way about this and as you learn more, you build relationships. Highlight is the addition of James, your best buddy - as male energy is something often missing in these games. It's a pretty typical family-focused AVN, while giving you options to romance other people in the near vicinity.

    Changing scenery mid-game (without spoiling too much) opens up the story to a whole new dimension and helps keep things far from mundane. You feel the game pick up once you get back to your old house and realize there's way more to happen in this game. The main story reminded me of another AVN I played and initially, I was quite sceptical about the route the story went in. The main character seemed like a douche and the game took 1-2 hours to get up to speed. It did however pick up and asked some very fundamental questions about the nature of sexual relationships - and with that, what is acceptable and why it's acceptable. That's where Sisterly Lust shines best, on the edge of what is allowed.

    So family members and harem building - this game dives deep into that. It's interesting to see how the game handles these controversial topics - right up to the endgame. Add the fact that pregnancy and marriages becomes an issue and it gets quite muddy in family waters.

    The graphics are mediocre to good, good enough to be believable. All the sex scenes seemed average for me and I would have loved to see a bit more detail all around. It would make the different intimate scenes less samey. That said, I do like how the developer made each woman feel different - it helps to create a more dynamic story aside from them just looking a different way. Perverteer has done his best to load this game with beautiful women and it's full of fun, visceral moments. No animations or sound with this game, which worked well for me.

    It's a typical AVN which means you'll be doing story choices and decide who you want to romance. Nothing too crazy there, but it is impressive how you'll have to figure out ways to keep all your people happy if you end up going for a harem-based lifestyle. You can play with one hand, wink wink.

    While far from perfect, this game captures some of the fun and too some of the controversial things AVN land is know for. It's a 4/5 for me due to minor issues - but if sisterly love, pregnant women or harem play are your kinks, this is your 5/5. Enjoyed playing this.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in the field, Sex scenes are nice enough. But there are no animations and graphics is not the strongest aspect of the game.
    Visually it's very good for an older game, and I had a good time playing it. It's got a little bit of everything, and it keeps you engaged.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Above average game, for sure. I loved the models. I l oved the sex scenes, the balance between hardcore and romance was one that hits my sweet spot. Overall, I highly recommend this game. The margin between this and a 5 star review is slim.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game and entertaining fap. It's fairly well written, although I don't care much about the incest stuff, all the women are actually interesting in their own different ways, and the models are nice and varied enough.

    Although I did enjoy it (Alina best girl, Bella close 2nd and Riley 3rd), I don't think I care enough about the plot (puritans taking over the country is way too close to home to be comfortable lol) to play it again.

    Solid 4 stars, but I do feel tempted to give it 5 for making me finally notice I have a slight dom kink...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Art and story are great, Perverteer is very talented. Some branching options to give you different ways to play certain character's paths, if that's your cup of tea.

    Plenty of tropes, but this is the kind of game that inspires them.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has good concept, which is not really original (but I enjoyed it anyways). Some of the chsaracters are really attartive, some of them unfortunately not. The biggest problem is with the graphics, it is old and really bad in some parts of the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    After really getting into AVNs a couple years back this was one that I kept seeing being mentioned and initially wrote off as likely not for me (despite one character being an instant draw after seeing a bit of gameplay). It did keep resurfacing as highly recommended/rated and curiosity won out as I wanted to see what all the fuss was about (particularly with the dev having another game on the way at the time). Though I haven't played it in over half a year at this point I remember it pretty well and I'm finally getting around to reviewing.

    Whether incest in AVNs is your thing or not (personally I'm rather neutral on it with the tldr being it works in some games and not in others), this is a fantastic harem game that gives you quite a bit of choice in not only harem and solo routes/endings but also plenty of variations of each, giving the player a lot of options as to who they do and don't want to be involved with. There are lots of opportunities but very little is actually forced. Just be aware that the game seems a lot more empty when you're playing through non-harem.

    This is one of the very few AVNs with a harem ending that I've been hooked enough to go back and replay variations of several different routes from. Not only did I do variations of the harem but also two different versions of one character's solo route (actually I did hers at least three times since I didn't like the feeling the corruption variation left me with and ended up playing the romance route a second time after).

    Renders may start to seem a bit dated at this point but I felt held up a lot better than I was expecting (and still do). Framing and presentation was well done. Character models were mostly attractive and varied. My only nitpicks were that a some of the faces were initially a bit of a turn off and a few characters (one main LI and a few BG characters) had uncanny looks where in some renders they'd look almost too young and in others much older (something about Rachel's face/head and makeup seemed to have this effect to me for example and Mr. Dots tends to use this type of aesthetic in younger characters in his games for reference).

    With the LIs (and sidegirls), while I feel some were somewhat better written and more interesting than others, let's just say I started out only really being attracted to one and ended up being attracted to almost all of them in various ways. It's always a great sign when a game can change the perception of its characters that dramatically.

    There's no animations but they're not needed with the well done renders and writing. While the writing of the sex scenes isn't perfect and can occasionally come off like something one might expect from a sleazy "romance" novel, it's still some of the better writing for these types of scenes that I recall seeing. This game is really a testament to the fact that animations aren't needed to have really hot scenes. A lot can be accomplished with a handful of well done renders and some descriptive writing. From there anyone with any imagination is likely to get a better experience than if sub-par animations were included instead.

    Progress is clearly made technically and is noticeable visually as the game progresses, which hopefully carries over to the next game from the dev (which I haven't played yet).

    The story, while it did have some genuine some weak points, can be quite far fetched but most of that really comes down to some of the building blocks of the more ridiculous things often being purposefully over the top parody turned into plot devices. The story doesn't seem to be meant to be taken at face value and almost every aspect is dialed way up. I felt like it pulled off being able to be joyfully juvenile and indulgent at times and much more mature at others while remaining engaging, humorous, and sexy. Depending on the choices you make it can be anywhere quite heartwarming to pretty dark (at least for one path with one of the characters in particular). Pacing and structure are generally pretty good as well. Unfortunately, some of the characters in bad situations can only be "saved" by romancing them which was a bit disappointing that there weren't alternate ways of resolving some things but it is largely meant to be a harem game I guess.

    Fans of the harem genre will likely get a lot more out of this game than others but there's still something for everyone here and I'd recommend it to anyone that's not totally opposed to the premise.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Just about everything in this game is average at best.

    There isn't a whole lot of plot. Nothing to really stand out. At least the MC isn't a complete douche. Story revolving around the youngest and oldest sisters feel a bit forced at times, mom is even more so. None of the characters are what you could call compelling.

    The renders and models are just so-so. A serious lack of animations hurts. You can tell by looking at it this is an older game. The Devs newer one is far and away better, both in appearance and in writing.

    I do appreciate VNs that at least give the option for pregnancy as this one does.

    This isn't bad but it's also not what you could call top tier.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been such a long time and I really enjoyed it to the core (wish theres more stuff on the island trip part), just missing animations to be a masterpiece and harem path is just what i need in a game full of chicks, easily recommended :cool:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are into incest this is a must play game. If that is not your kink I wouldn't recommend it; there are better games. But this game lets you fuck your sisters and mother, get them pregnant and marry them. Which is pretty awesome in my book. Also, there are a bunch of other girls that are nice and the best thing is that you can get them all pregnant. I had over 20 kids with this game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    - cohesive story with great build up and different approach to all girls (fair amount of scenes for each girl)
    - beautiful models and quite interesting renders
    - nice variety of fetishes (but mostly soft ones - fine with my taste)
    - story feel complete with it's ending
    - points for MC without a face(it's immersive)

    - it feel weak without Uncensor Patches
    - harem fetish is fulfilled BUT it could be more intense (it's not bad but I have my particular taste it that matter - still it's one of the best harem games I've played)
    - mother story line was cool but to soft. She should be more dominant and I would like her to take a bigger role in forming a harem.
    - some of the secondary girls was dull ( I literally didn't want them in my harem even "for free" )

    SUMMARY - one of the best games on the market. Highly recommended. You will sank for hours. It's not critcly perfect for my taste but for it was, the author would need to read my mind.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I find this game a tad overrated in the reviews.

    No real story behind the game, each girl has her own problem which the MC can solve naturally;
    Liza has a dork of a boyfriend who cheats on her -> MC to the rescue with webcam footage of the cheating.
    Bella is blackmailed for posting nude pics -> MC to the rescue by exposing the villain while banging his mother
    Rachel -> nothing special.. just a shy? 18 year old girl who has no sex experience but who loves being watched in the shower, sleeps topless with her brother and naked with her best friend, has 2 slutty 18 year old girlsfriends but is the virgin of the 3??
    The pacing from being a shy teenager to an almost sex craving girl goes a bit to fast for my liking.
    Not to forget your mother Susan who runs a classy femdom brothel... awesome

    I understand that not all games can have a fantastic and compelling story but these relationships are so forced that it's simply unbelievable.

    Renders are OK, game has been out a few years I guess?
    Writing and grammar is ok, nothing special.
    Animations are lacking but this is normal I guess for an older game.
    Scenes with Susan and girls in the Discreet building are hot and well done.
    Different kinks and the incest ofc.
    Game is completed!
    Summary -> stay for the fap not the story ;)
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The whole thing is about incest and that's pretty much all. You can see the developer attempts an animation at one point in the game, but then never tries again after that.

    Story - Very generic, not interesting with a lot off really off the wall twists that make it really unrealistic, where it's actually trying to be taken that way.

    Visuals - Renders are just ok, nothing more.

    Gameplay - Very convoluted, the game pushes you towards all of the girls.

    Overall I don't get what people see in this, unless incest is your number one kink, there' not much here to keep me interested..