VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games i have ever played in this genre. From the characters to the attention to detail, i could not get enough of this experience. I will definitely keep following this artist as long as live.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris


    The positive first: The game has some nice kinks like watersports or pregnancy. Although I don't like every aspect, I enjoyed the Bella route.

    The negative:
    Decisions: The game pretends to allow decisions, but this is nonsense, because if you once or twice make a different decision than the developer wants, you are permanently excluded from a romance. Actually, you only open the walkthrough and play according to it, which harms the game immensely, because you notice the developer wants to force you in ONE particular direction. And the really important things, right there you then can't make any decisions.

    Rollback Issues: Especially in view of the aforementioned problems with decisions, a well-functioning rollback is mandatory. However, the rollback in game is bugged and does not work properly.

    Story: The story is sometimes very strange. It is absolutely full of political views that the developer wanted to put in the game, like the taskforce for bad behavior or that there are only hypocrites in the church or that monogamy is bullshit, etc. The story of the game moves more and more into those muddy waters and suffers from it. A monogamous ending is not possible unless you have rejected everyone from the beginning except your bride, even before you were with her, which is of course utter nonsense and very disappointing!

    The graphics were ok at the time, now they are outdated and some models (mother) just don't look sexy.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    There's nothing wrong with this game. It's perfectly serviceable with decent writing and mostly decent models. It just doesn't have anything that makes it stand out from the crowd. It's pretty telling that I have downloaded this game no less than 3 times - not because it's so good that I keep coming back, but because it's so generic that I keep forgetting that I've already played it before.

    The first time, I played it all the way through and enjoyed it. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with it. The second and third times I made it all the way to the first scene with Brody before I realized that I'd seen this before.

    So by all means, play it once. And then write a review or something so that you'll remember you've played it before.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Very hard to rate this one.

    I absolutely love some of the girls. Absolutely gorgeous. Some of the hottest I've ever seen in a game. Their personalities are however cardbord cutouts The usual family-harem formula. Workaholic, large-chested mom, cute bubbly sister, hot bitchy alternative sister and the beautiful naive/dumb/bimbo-esque sister. And they always have different hair-colors. Blonde, brunette/black and red.

    The story is extremely standard and quite dull. I've played through all of these storylines before on several other games before. Maybe this one was the first to do it and the others copied? I have no idea. But as it stands, very bland except for the mom route which is a curve-ball to say the least.

    The weakest thing is probably the writing, however. It's just not very convincing. The way the characters interact and the timing is just a bit off. For example, a character can go from hating you to loving you VERY fast and in a very unconvincing manner. You meet a guy one time, he talks openly about wanting to fucking your mom and sisters and he becomes your best friend/wingman.

    Also I'm not sure what the love/lust points system actually does? You either make the right or wrong choice. So why have points? I've not finished but so far I don't see the point.

    Also it feels like there are huge chunks missing from scenes. Just text and no images. This happens a lot. More and more tha further into the game you go.

    All in all not in any way a bad game. It's a pretty good game. Apart from the stunning girls, nothing special however.
    Likes: GaRbS
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I played v1.1.4
    Very good Storyline, multiple paths, nice surround story items.
    Finally a game with a really really good Harem route. Renders a really good, especially in the view of the MC.
    Animations are a little less elaborate than the most favourite game on F95 but still very good.
    Once I started playing i played right through the whole game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a Bella supremacist. What a girl. What a game.

    One of the first Adult Games I played and very few come even close to this one in terms of quality. The girls are all attractive as hell. It gets straight to the point. The sex is hot. And a full game for a change. A must play.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    I recently had the urge to revisit this game, and you know what? It really holds up well! Sure the art is dated and it lacks animations, but considering when it was made I'd say it looks pretty good! Further, it's fairly well written and offers distinctly different LIs. There's no great plot or anything to speak of, but it's engaging nonetheless. Further, there are so many paths that you can take or not and combine in various ways, it's kinda crazy. I loved my new playthrough, and I bet my MC loved fathering a grand total of 20 kids. If you haven't played this game yet for whatever reason, I recommend fixing that!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version : 1.1.4 Bugfix Extended

    Pros :
    - Great artsyle
    - Great characters
    - Multiple routes for some characters

    Cons :
    - No audio (not sure if it was a bug for me)
    - No animation
    - Single choice can stop a route sometimes
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Weeell, this game deff not a "star catcher". I don't get why this VN got so much attention. Like, I get it, some of these ideas are fine and interesting, but they're executed very poorly. So I can't give this novel more than 3/10 for all it has shown to us. Good models, tho.

    - good models
    - first few animations
    - eeehm... (there's must be something else ...I guess, nope)

    - story/writting
    - "copy and paste"
    - James
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game contains a metric fuck ton of content, however, it loses points due to the fact that it started out using animated sex scenes only to drop them in favor of using easier static art to make more scenes. That being said, there is a lot of sex in this game if you use the walkthrough, almost too much for me to handle effectively. It took forever to complete this game (if you know what I mean). As for story, meh. This game is a sex simulator kind of VN and while it does have drama, the player should never really be worried about it.
    Likes: GaRbS
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4406778

    Happy I finally got to finish it, I'd recommend this to anyone, probably replay it in a year or 2 just for the good memory's , would of preferred a longer ending but can't complain

    also if you bought it on steam like I did then download it again from here with the walkthrough mod because if you are like me then ya probably stuffed up some choices :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games. It's a bit older now, and compared to some other games it's not the best looking when it comes to the art and that includes the lewd stuff, but that for me is the least important part of these games. The story is quality, I like all the girls which is good for a harem game especially, and most importantly it is complete with actual differences in the endings. I thought about giving it four stars just because to get the full harem ending with every possible girl knocked up you have to engage with a few fetishes that I'm not super into, but I still gave it the fifth star because honestly, I'm kind of vanilla when it come to what I like most in the lewd stuff. So, basically in every game I play here I end up engaging with stuff I’m not super into at least to some extent. If you want to play a good game that’s actually done and doesn’t just have a complete tag slapped on it because the developer got bored and rushed it, then this is one of the better ones.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Story - The story is well written and engaging even though it is quite long the game fly by due to how enjoyable it is.
    Renders - The Renders are amazing, High quality All characters are extremely well dome no corners cut.
    Characters - The characters are lovable and evoke emotion. you feel like you are a part of the story.
    Bugs - I have not experienced any bugs.
    Grammar - I noticed no major spelling or grammar errors game is well done.
    Content - With plenty of paths to play your game could either be very short and boring or very long and action-packed at this time this is my favourite game played. Tons of replayability here.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Upside is that it's pretty long.

    Downside is that the characters are all pretty hideous looking, check out some in-game screenshots and see for yourself. I've played some ugly games, but typically they are so kinky they are still hot. This one is unfortunately pretty vanilla in term of content.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn fine story. Only way this could get better is if it had full animations....

    Story top from bottom I loved it. I honestly was busting my ass off, not trying look at any guides to get the ending I wanted and restarted it several times, because I enjoyed it.

    I want a part 2 of this, with them on the island, that would be amazing.

    Huge shout out to Alina....mmmm :)

    5 stars
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This VN is to the wincest genre what The Godfather is to mafia movies. Look, that made a lot more sense in my head, okay?

    Attractive characters, tons of lewd scenes. Animations range from okay to good, to great.

    I appreciate all of the ending options (gives me old school, Japanese VN vibes with how much variety there is) including having fleshed out pregnancy storylines, if that's your kinda thing.

    Just a grand ole' pervy time to be had here.

    5* Seems a bit excessive but it's at least a solid 4.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique faces, Each character has interesting story, Tree option (you can pick the ending that you want), cool sidekick (James), well-made dialogue, well-picked word in the mini-novel (Susan's novels), I like the ending.

    Sometimes the characters' neck are a bit longer than normal/proportional.

    Big thanks to Perverteer can't wait to play Tales From The Unending Void and thanks to Maim Lain that created walkthrough and gallery mod.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    the best game in its every tag. it has everything . what more could we ask for. and especially the story is good.
    I hope I can play more games like this(no continuation). I like its endings very much. so everybody can enjoy a good story with beautiful graphics. The graphics are excellent. I would like to play more of this.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    This game is an absolute masterpiece on all fronts! The plethora of options, the wonderful story telling! The character designs are amazing and the progression from beginning to end is amazing. I also additionally appreciate the optional pregnancy choices as well as watersport options for those who enjoy that sort of thing. Keep up the great work DEV 10/10!
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Jim Bentley

    Choices matter, but one wrong choice early ends the path with that character. The story is rather shallow, you are a super wealthy handsome boy with a big dick and every woman throws her vagina at you and indulges in kinky sex. Happily, there is no grinding, the characters have their own personality, and most importantly it has an ending (multiple endings actually).