VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5143451

    I loved playing this game, beautiful girls, likeably characters, and long enough play to seduce them, and it felt better, than most VN's were you fuck one after the other without any emotional connection being build.

    I would have liked it if the piss option was able to be turned off, squirting and pissing is not the same, and seeing them piss in every scene wasn't as erotic as it seemed to be.

    Being able to play with pregnancy or without was nice. Unfortunately one sad face when you said no. But having your whole harem pregnant was funny. As extra I would have added the option for Nia to get pregnant by her brother in staid of you. I feel so sad for him...

    I do however miss the scene where james fucked that mother on tape. The dev could have done a little bit more with that.

    Overal a nice 2 days play...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This has to be one of the best Harem games that I ever played. Even though the story's premise is a simple slice of life story with incest, it is very well written. It starts of as a typical incest story with you meeting your family after a long time and then goes on from there. The story is well paced and progression feels natural with the situation with the family getting dirtier as time goes on. Though I wish the author had not included the fixed day system as I feel it sometimes restricts the story and some story elements kind of feel rushed because of it. Apart from that don't have any other issues with the pacing.

    The girls in this games are amazing! Perverteer really has a real knack of fleshing out the girls and making each and everyone of them unique. Each of the girls especially the sisters have unique characteristics that make them stand on their own and fun to interact with, be it Liza's naive but caring nature, Bella's raw sexy passion or Rachel's playfulness and enthusiasm to have sex. It made me feel for each girl and connect with them emotionally. Not many other stories especially ones having incest in them can do that.

    As an adult novel, the sex in the game is really good. Even with the lack of animations the sex scenes are well done with unique poses and backgrounds and are definitely worth checking out. The sex scenes also have a good variety covering different fetishes with options provided to turn them off.

    I have to really congratulate Perverteer for making some of the best endings in a visual novel. A lot of novel endings feels rushed and flop hard but this game's ending feels really well thought out and gave a good conclusion to all the girls.

    I really had a great time playing this game and definitely would recommend playing it without a question. This is one of those games that have to be experienced if your a fan of adult visual novels.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is almost a perfect VN. The only thing that I would add to this would be animation and sound. Other than that this is a wonderful story. Each girl is interesting and each one stands out from the rest. A lot of these kinds of games can suffer from cookie cutter characters but this does a good job at avoiding that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed every moment of it. Story is pretty good. And story being the focus of the game, instead of the game being about lots of sex is really good. Mom's secret job, Bella's trouble, Sasha-Miley-Sabine flashbacks and all the other side-stories are also nice and well-handled.
    Considering this is a 5 year old game art and general picture is also really good.
    Lack of animation will not take anything away from your fun because especially the story and other aspects will cover that.
    Women are lovely, different and sexy.
    There are different routes which is good because in a fun game like this one-and-done will not be enough for you.
    Writing and dialogues are also great. Never felt bored or wanted to skip at any point.
    It's in my favourite list for sure.
    A Must Play!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Irdu Lili

    Genuinely the best incest-centered VNs I have played, and one of the best in general. In a genre where plot and character personalities and archs/development are often sidelined to go straight for the sex scenes, or where said plot is made unnecessarilly complicated and the sex scenes ignored only for the former to end up flopping and being rushed at the end, this game manages to not only balance both, but also do so with excellent results.

    Starting with the scenes, they are very well polished and of incredible quality among its peers, specially considering that, as far as I know, this was Perveteer first game. The improvement between the first scenes and the last ones in the game is also noticeable; Perveteer clearly put effort in learning and perfecting them as the game went on, and even the most basic ones at the beginning of the game could easily rival the best ones of the average visual novel. They also vary a lot without ever being outlandish for the characters performing them to do so, which brings me to the plot and characters.

    Without delving into spoiler territory, the plot is as believable and sounded as an incest harem visual novel can get, and every single character is genuinely interesting and their respective plotlines (and eventual merged plotlines) well made. Both the main girls and the side ones have surprisingly established personalities and archs with satisfying conclusions. Even the token "best male friend character" actually has some depth to it and it's quite sympathetic, and not just a living comedy routine/excuse to make MC start thinking about their family in a sexual manner
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    Going further in terms of plot, your choices as the player actually do feel like they have an impact and can alter greatly the finale. Getting the harem ending is very satisfying, not necessarily because it's hard to do, but because there are many choices that basically allow you to pretty much determine what your relationship will be with every character throughout the game.

    When the possibility of establishing a relationship of any kind with a girl, it doesn't feel like a pointless question that the developer itself already knows you are going to answer with "yeah, obviously I want to fuck everything that moves and is female", and instead it really feels like you could go ahead without establishing said relationship and both the side character and the plot would still make sense while also being altered through your chice. The whole pregnancy system is also an added manifestation of this; both choosing to impregnate or not a girl feel like an actual immersive choice within the plot and not "press this button if you want x content, press this button if you don't".

    It still has some potential improvements, of course. While it does have some good variety in content, most of the wildest stuff does not go beyond anal and threesomes/orgies (which admissibly to the average person is already quite the thing, but come on, you now the kind of stuff that can end up in these games). That said, considering that the setting is a fairly realistic world and this isn't exactly oriented to some kind of hardcore bdsm monsterfucker, it is more than enough.

    The final act does also feel a bit rushed; specifically the ending and "epilogue" feel like Perveteer planned to expand a bit more into them but chose to hurry it up a bit. It still is a very satisfying ending, however, and said "rushed" feel is barely noticeable, specially coming from an erotic visual novel, which tend to be extremely more rushed than this.

    Overall, Sisterly Lust is, as I said in the beginning, one of the best VNs I have played, and Perveteer has quickly become one of my favorite devs. His next/current project, Tales From The Unending Void, is so far being not just as good, but even better than this one, and I can't wait for the finished result so I can properly rate it and add it to my list of actual masterpieces of this whole genre.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Tons of incest, huge harem of women, stealing some from other men, knocking all of them up, orgies with your preggo harem ending in cum all over their bodies, what's not to love?...

    Idk, can't really explain it but it was just boring to me. It's a visual novel, with no animation, with no audio, with relatively obvious dialog paths (so, although there is branching, you probably won't encounter much of it and it means the game boils down to a linear plot). If you play those types of games and enjoy them, you'll like this. For me, I started skipping dialog about 1/3 of the way through and never once got hard.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is for the complete game.
    This was the first real Adult VN I played, and so there is certainly a nostalgia aspect to my review, but even looking back at it now after playing a few dozen others, I still feel like it's an excellent game for what it is. The story isn't complicated or deep, but the characters are well-written and interesting and their interactions with the MC are fun. It's a little bit cheesy, but it works for me because it takes itself exactly as seriously as it needs to. It's a game I've played more than once and will probably play again in the future when I need something light-hearted and fun.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i dont know if reviews are getting deleted or i forget to review these games that i finished.
    its one of the best games on the site, the stories and the girls are just amazing, the period between sex scenes is not so long to spoil it
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Must play. The women look, dated by standards of 2022 but they are still fine. Haremizing your entire family and having babies with your siblings is simply too wholesome. Ofc if they were all born disabled monsters it might make you reconsider affairs, but that doesnt happen thankfully. I mean it might make you question this relationship if your 3rd monster baby was born. But its like gambling you hold your fingers crossed and you go for the big win.

    Very good game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes super yes extra yes. This was such a nice find when I got here, a gem to be sure, and a welcome one. The story grow to me easily, obiously I do recomend giving it a go or two to explore the paths and yeah i'll be checking any other projects.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply the best. I cannot say enough good things about this game. While it wasn't the one that introduced me to F95, this game unlocked a world of depravity in me and has got me addicted to landlords and tenant type games. ipatches for everyone! Very few others can compare to this game. sisters, mom, sisters asian friend + more can all be LIs, in the harem, and/or pregnant. so good. the GOAT? for now, probably.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're an incest fan, this is the game for you. It's got 3 sister and mom to romance each with their own characteristics and fetishes alongside a handful of nice side characters. The sex scenes are great and the story is super fun to follow.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Story is not innovative but surely the strongest side of the game. Played to the end without skipping dialogs. (+)
    2) Writing is very satisfying. (+)
    3) Character personalities are well made, I'd even say "alive", girls are looking quite good. (+)
    4) Sex scenes are nice enough. But there are no animations and graphics is not the strongest aspect of the game.. (-)
    5) Game is finished. A lot of content. (+)

    SL is surely a "must play" for any fan of this genre.
    Well made story, lovable characters. Graphics is a bit "old" but scenes are fun anyway.
    I got harem ending with 7 wifes and even more lovers (and nearly 20 children...) in first run without walkthrough and that wasn't hard but perhaps it's even more interesting if you make more mistakes and take darker routes/decisions.
    It worth 4/5, but if you play for story and care not much 'bout graphics it worth 5/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    If one were to make a greatest hits list of porn games, this one should always be in it. One of the greats when it comes to incest and harem kink. Later on in the game we also have lots of pregnancy and some water sports.
    The game looks averge, good and sometimes great, passing the test of time for the most part.
    No animations might deter people from playing this, but it hasn't bothered me none.
    A porn game for the ages.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 8/10
    Imagery: 9/10
    Kinks: 8/10
    Overall: 8.5/10

    This was one of the first incest-related adult games I played and it holds a special place in my heart for that. The impregnation theme makes it even better, plus the ability to choose either corruption path or love path. Thank you Perverteer for such an amazing game. Definitely in my top 10 and forever in my heart. If you like incest, impregnation and pregnant women, then this is the one for you. Now on to the next!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the first games I ever played and it's an incest story done right.
    It was in a time before animations were a big thing but the sex scenes are still really well done, also the interactions and different paths with the characters is very well done.

    Visually it's very good for an older game, and I had a good time playing it. It's got a little bit of everything, and it keeps you engaged.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game, it has it all very well-balanced game between hot characters and sex scenes. every character is unique and that's what I liked the most: nothing repeatable, which makes you emotionally attached to the characters. My favorite so far was Bella and Iris they had this wholesome and warm feeling. The choices were also reasonable. The progress of the games was also well-handled no rush and not slow either.
    My only downfall was that the scenes were not animated but still HOT tho ;)
    For me I REALLY recommend it.
    Thanks, Perverter for such a great game, keep it up!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Young to Mature. Thin to thick. this game has it all. I played this game several times to achieve different results. i enjoyed playing this game. It is worth the download and worth the time to play.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    There's always this problem. Some games have hot'n'steamy sexy content but dumb story. Others have good story but it's just lots of text and not many sex.

    This game has both. Really. Characters are not only pretty and hot with many good sex scenes but they are also very well written. There are also game changing choices so endings can get different.

    Only flaw it's main background plot which goes it's own way unaffected by players choices. It's seriously completely naive. Fortunatelly the story lines between MC and characters are way more better and you can easily get emotionally attached to them.

    Really great game. Not many like this one.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This was one of the first adult games i played and it holds a special place in my heart for that. I've played twice now and there is a lot of story to go along with a lot of unique girls.

    This game had some nice vareity of girls, and scenes with those girls as well as an MC that got the harem stuff without being to underhanded.