VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Sisterly Lust for me is easily one of the best games here with a corruption tag, because unlike most of the games that I've played under that genre, the MC here is one of those who does not want to share his girls to other men which is how I want it to be. Combining romance and corruption is also possible. The player has complete control on how to react on certain events and choose to engage on a sexual act with a NPC or not, unlike other games which automatically presents the player with unavoidable scenes or leaves the player no choice to do something, otherwise it will result into a game over. The character growth of the MC and his love interests are also presented in a progressive way which is good, showing how or what they are thinking helps in the matter as well. The explicit details and dirty talk during sexual scenes is also a huge plus. I can think of a lot of good things to say about this game however, it will only make this review too long so I just wrote the ones that are on top of my list. I hope the 5 star rating is enough to express how good this game is. Just try and see for yourself, you wont regret it!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Could be 5 star but 4 star becouse Mrs Smith did not reveal who she is to Max & father. No details than just the letters ,,, send .. thought there was going to be a part to it ... may I lost it with my choises
    Otherwise its a perfect story even through I did not like How max treat Bella, The star was Bella.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the GOLD STANDARD for incest harem with pregnancy and one of the best on this website.

    Even though this game has no animations I think that the H scenes are very good executed and tasteful.

    I liked that the story is very long (40 days + ), well written and executed.

    You have a huge cast of girls you can go for and you can get them all pregnant if you choose so.

    My favorite is Rachel and second is Bella.

    There isn't much else to say.
    If that genre tickles your pickle then go for it.
    You won't regret it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Sisterly lust.

    Wow. It seems to indicate only sisters, but it is so much more.

    When I first played, it appealed to my desire for incestual relationships (IR). It also included relations with Mother and some other people.

    I really enjoyed the story that was presented by the developer, which included a possible solution to the ending of the IR harem. The story also included a full relationship with each member of the harem.

    What can I say. I enjoy the story more than the fap appeal. If you are really into harem and incestual relationships, this is a game you need to check out.

    FYI - I don't do many ratings on this site. This is a VN I felt compelled to rate.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2062965

    Excellent game, one of the best out there to this day,
    Even small things like being able to name the main girls, makes each playthrough personal,
    Amazing story, Great amount of choices, various endings, and even though i have already seen all the endings, I still continue to play this.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    really fun game. interesting paths are there and you can choose how you play the game without worrying too much about missing anything if it isnt how you want to play. good replay value and interesting group of women. Only downside I has was that I was trying to play cautious early due to failing a few times and it caused me to miss most of the content, so had to restart and once I did that everything went smoother and I was more aware of how to progress in the different routes. 8.5/10
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the greatest games on this site. The amount of content and sex scenes is staggering. Depending on your choices you can create a harem of pregnant women that actually shows them pregnant and allows you to have sex with them.

    The only things I wish they had included would be animations and lactation. Beyond that it hits so many fetishes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally have a chance to give this game the 5 Star rating it deserves...years after following it and completing it.

    There are no cons. Game is basically flawless especially during its development cycle. So Ill focus on the highlights

    - Best Harem game on this site. Probably ever. Gold standard of how a harem should be.
    - Great renders. So good, they are not animated and they are still HOT
    - Once the action with the main girls gets going....The game levels up!
    - Goofy at times in a cool way. Definitely meant to be comedic
    - Diversity. Practically any girl you could ever imagine in any sex position or orgy you could ever imagine.
    - A harem where you are not the only penis in the universe. But you are not a wimpy cuck either.
    - Hours of gameplay. Rollback option so no need for a walkthrough

    This game is right where it belongs on this site. Top Tier.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Simplemente es excelente el juego los modelos son muy atractivas y también puedes decidir si quieres tener hijos con todas sus opciones y tener algo serio aunque lo único malo es que no sabes al final si tuvieron los hijos o no pero muy buena historia.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    In-depth enough to enjoy the story. Shallow enough to be a break waster. I love the harem story line. I like the "Being Caught" by Rachel as a foreshadowing of being caught by Susan. I have always liked the Alpha-Hero. The girls could have been less accepting....initially. Would have liked more of a confrontation with the "Morality" idiots.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best incest game out there. So well written loved playing it played like 3 times all over gain would play again if i felt like it. Best part would all the scene while visiting the island and the mom and daughter duo really fucken sexy.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Im inclined to give this 3 stars cause:

    Facial expressions are ugly
    Mc is nothing but a patronizing psychopath.
    The "love" stories dont make much sense, since he just tell the same thing to every girl and speaks like he is the shakespeare of sex.
    Doesnt help, the fact that in that household at least 2 of the females seem to be absolutely retarded and just eat more bullshit that dick, which leads to another issue, being that there are 2 types of girls and one is the retarded, another is the nympho. This nympho has the "I dont care about plot contunuity" card, so she can make whateverthe hell she wants at any time, even change the core behavior of other characters whatever their personality is.

    What maybe saves the game is that it has quite enough playtime, but again, In my opinion, that thing the mc does consisting of cracking jokes in his inner dialogue in the process of getting laid, makes all that content insufferable instead of enjoyable.

    Its like the Mc knows he is playing a game with some friend and making jokes for them to laugh.
    The only thing making sense maybe its the Bella asshole route
    The feeling ofplaying the good guy is just that the Mc is a psychopath pretending to be a good guy to get laid, and that doesnt work for me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with interesting story and interesting character types. Story draws player in and good graphics just make the game.

    If wants to play game with interesting story and characters and enjoy from good graphics then play this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    SL is one of the first VN I was given to try. Also probably one of my favorites... Characters all as attractive as each other. I like the concept of the forgotten son. The story is well done and the different choices make us think about our actions, otherwise it's Game Over. I love the story and the characters, the graphic paste is pretty and we would almost ask for more. I tried one branch of the story, I think I'll try another approach next time.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely Brillant - great characters, storylines and just brilliant fun to play. A++++. As I'm sure others have probably mentioned your mothers face looks more like that of a male prize fighter than a femme fatale of my dreams but your sisters are simply top hole in every respect.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games.
    Oddly enough, harem isn't really one of my biggest kinks (though playing this game might have contributed to me considering it at all, as kinks go).
    Incest is one of my kinks, at least in the realm of make-believe, and this game explores it in several combinations, with a healthy dose of bdsm involved as well, which is one of my "things", including an urine fetish that is, for once, explored and acknowledged.
    What makes the game stand out to me is that there is an actual plot that is contrived as porn flick plots necessarily have to be, but still somewhat believable and fairly well scripted.
    Agreed, the whole thing is pandering to certain kinks and functiona to certain scenes, but that's only fair and it's done better than in many other games.
    There is a variety of shapes, sizes, ages and colours when it comes to the girls in the game, which is great compared to those games where the only way to tell the girls apart is their hairdo... and I quite like the graphics overall.
    The sheer amount of content, the fact that the story is complete and has a number of possible endings, and side characters that are fairly well developed, all of this contributes to making this a solid game.

    if you dislike incest, harem, or BDSM, this game is not for you. Also, some of the girls do look "funny".... and yes, the MC apparently has an endless daily supply of boners and cum...which becomes ridiculous if you count them all up.. but well.., I guess that's part of the game.
    Finally, the ending falls a bit flat in terms of how believable it really is, especially if you've developed every relationship as far as they can go.. but this game is all about the trip, less so the destination. and it's an interesting trip.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an alright game.
    always refreshing to see a complete one.

    However, personally Liza and Mrs.Smith look ridicolous to me. Their lips are huge. Obviously I could tell that by looking at the screenshots. So I went into this mostly for the Bella model.

    And the Bella romance route is what earns the 3 stars. It's an okay experience. She's hot, it's mostly fun.

    Thing is that the rest of the game to me is weak in comparison, all the other models feel off to me.

    However, if the Bella route was amazing, and not just worth a run, I would have given it 5 stars. But, the Bella route feels weirdly rushed. Sure, you have to help her with the [dark event in life]. As soon as she does though, it just moves wayyy too fast. Which would be fine with a game that's all about the porn, less about the romance. Not really what this game feels like to me though, so a negative either way.

    Additionally, it bothers me how some choices seem like they set you up for making Bella jealous, while some choices which should make her jealous convenciently dont. Other ones again are kept secret from her, and you have no option to reveal it, or even say "no i dont want to sleep with you anymore, just trying to help you out, im in a commited relationship now.". Furthermore, some choices just seem to ignore that you haven't seen events that you skipped, like they happened but off screen. Kind of off putting.
    Likes: GaRbS
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Still the best game I have played on F95, my personal favorite. I love the 3DCG incest games, and this one is the creme de la creme.
    -I enjoyed all the characters
    -Good writing
    -Good balance of teasing and sex scenes
    -Overall, very high quality
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Its been awhile but here goes the story's quite ok till the end then it goes off the tracks for obvious reasons for anyone who's played it, the mother good start start beautiful model amazing middle but the end kindve just falls off not only because of the story but all her char development disapears too and its just a normal relationship would've been nice if there were alternate scenes like the middle with the femdom and ofcourse the secretary they were a duo after all, the eldest sister was disappointing.. sweet but her char never developed she just said no to a charity meh, the middle sister had a good start strong middle very nice normal relationship but in the end was absorbed by the games ending, the youngest sister welp she had a great first patch or 2 then disappeared probably because of tos and was no more then a background prop, the side chars were quite well done would've been nice to get a resolution with the younger sister and her 3 friends but well you know what happened so they didn't really have an end as for the father and the daughter nice lore/backstory didn't go anywhere but the daughter and mother sculptor combo on the island perfect so yea the ending sucked but the start and middle were great.

    pros: nice models, decent to good characters, start of the story was good the middle was amazing, side chars were very fun and early on there was a wide range of options/fetishes.(the mothers story was the best)

    cons: poor endings for main and most side characters, they chose a progressive story in the end with a safe finish boring, completely abandoned one of the main characters witch seemed like the best in the start and just an all around fall from grace,

    developer/s can make good stories when they want to and not shove a message into it, the game needs a reworked or alternate ending fully including the younger sister and or just make another game were shes the main girl.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is still one of my favorite Hgames of all time!

    It is at least the game with the best incest choices out there (for now)!
    You can be the brother who seduces his younger sister, his oldest sister or both. You can seduce your older sister or even corrupt her to your sex-slave! And you can combine all of them together or just two of them. Your mother is an option as well and these are just the main girls, there are even some interesting side girls aswell!!!

    All the possible combinations and ways to connect with them are so much fun to explore and done quite well. Even though the start is a little clunky, the further the game goes, the better it gets!

    The art is good too and it is nice to have a MC with a (relative) normal dick for ones... (not a third lower arm -_-)

    All in all I will recommend this game to all fans of brother-sister/son-mother games and even to some who don´t... ;)