I've been unhappy about this scene ever since it was written, pretty much, just never took the time to go back and fix it. Talking about the scene again now, and getting some criticism on it made me put more thought in it, and come up with a general idea of how it could be improved.
Well, you're right, but now that I've decided to rewrite it I won't stop

I've written a lot of new content already now, just the editing/retouching needs to be done before releasing it, and I've basically plotted out the next few updates.
Another conversation with the woman is coming up, and in order to write this new one well, I feel like I should rewrite the old one to fit my ideas first—this is sort of a continuation of it, after all, and the previous conversation will be referenced at points, too.
I plan to restrict my rewriting of things for the near future to the rest of the second day, and this conversation with the woman. Later on, I'll probably continue rewriting some of the other days, if I feel something isn't right there.