i'm going to push up my glasses and adjust my pocket protector for a moment
we have in a vague and hazy order,
v+, svns, sv2, svo, hunter 1, naomi's past, sv3, hunter 2, ss, and svre
v+, svns, sv2, svo, naomi's past, and hunter 1 were completed games, and were already completed before i showed up so i lack the full context of their development
sv3 is so far the only game to have been totally shitcanned with no plans for it to ever be started again (as a game)
hunter 2 is on hold for reasons i don't care enough to dig into but is presumably related to some combination of being cucked by american payment processors and wanting to prioritize svre
ss is on hold for similar reasons, and was always intended to be a sv-adjacent stopgap to fill in for sv3 before that was slam dunked into the trash, so it being put on the backburner while a proper sv game is in development was to be expected
svre is in development with absolutely nothing else competing for its attention, and the only way this can go wrong is either through getting cucked by american payment processors or self-sabotage
this leaves us with 6 completed games (iirc sv2 even got post-release content updates), 1 game in active development, 2 games on hold (one of which is a low-priority project), and 1 game that was cancelled before anything substantive could be done with it but we're still going to consider it a game because "nine games and the dumpster behind planned parenthood" doesn't have the same ring to it
i'd hesitate to say anything to the effect of "the dev sucks at finishing things" when so far their catalog consists of a majority of finished titles