I think you're talking about time-based scenes, like New Year's Eve. They can only be seen at certain times, and their cells are specially illuminated.Not opening scenes, It gets accepted when I enter it.
I think you're talking about time-based scenes, like New Year's Eve. They can only be seen at certain times, and their cells are specially illuminated.Not opening scenes, It gets accepted when I enter it.
To the question of whether it's worth it to experience the game a year later, I'll answer of course! After all, it's not enough that in the final arc of the game, we decided to bring back more of the red-haired Sarah. So in another year, the game has been filled with many different scenes. I'm not talking about their quality.I haven't touched this game in like a year. Is there an option where you don't have to transform just to progress the story? Also, is it worth returning to anyway? lol
Wow, that's actually not a bad ideaI think Spike the pet zergling deserves his own mini adventure/game.