Archived [SoB] Sasha


Jun 7, 2017
I have the same problem - having knocked up Rada before the sasha event - So I don't get the option to ask about Sasha - any way to fix it?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
i can't buy handcuffs from sex shop, someone help me !!!
Check your inventory to see if you already have them. Once you procure them (are you playing with a cheat QSP, and clicking the 'items' button?) the option to buy them goes away.


Dec 17, 2016
After you do the Party after talking to Nestor, go talk to Sasha in the evening when shes sprawled on the couch at her new house, talk about the contract and i cant remember completely, but i think you check sasha's website for a contract, accept it and head to the new movie place at 8am on weekdays, after doing this 2-3 days you finish the Advert, get a new scene with sasha. Now you get a contract per week, and can repeat the sex scene after every week. I haven't found anything after that.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2018
Check your inventory to see if you already have them. Once you procure them (are you playing with a cheat QSP, and clicking the 'items' button?) the option to buy them goes away.
I download the game from here and play it without cheat, i look into the folder item but i can't see it image. Something went wrong with my game ???


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Go online on your laptop in your bedroom at home and click "Look for a job". You'll have the option to be an entertainer, a construction worker, and one other option that I'm forgetting at the moment.


Dec 17, 2016
can the walkthrough in the first page be updated? I'm having trouble finding what to do next or if the next suggested step blocks other paths.

please and thank you.


Feb 5, 2017
Yo. I've done the Nestor party but i can't talk about a contract with sasha, and the monday there is nothing at studio. Maybe the problem is that i need to buy her a house before doing this ? Any idea ?

Edit : ok i find myself after asking the question. I've boost all sex stat, fuck her 2 or 3 time more, then she asks me to buy a house. The next sunday around 18h, i've told her about the contract and its all good


Active Member
May 3, 2017
I have the same problem - having knocked up Rada before the sasha event - So I don't get the option to ask about Sasha - any way to fix it?
If you have the modded version, go to Sasha's variables and set "Sasha Final Chain" to 2.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
I don't recall ever seeing it in a playthrough, but it apparently involves a party and buying cocaine from Brick.


Jul 23, 2017
There is a variable for Sasha called PSG events, anyone know what this is?
It's explained on page 8 and 9. Basically :

- Once you have no more photoshoot event appearing and you have your house with Sasha, either play more than 200 hour (after your last contrat) or go to save editor and edit the hour played like indicated on a post here. If you use the english translation mod, look for the value : EVENTS_SASHA_HOUR_NO_CONTRACTS and put it over 200.
- Go to Nestor, use the new option, everything is obvious.
- Go to Beach with metro, Go to new house on the next morning, spy until you caught a guy masturbating
- Go back to Nestor, he mention you have to look for PSG on internet and cocaine.
- Go back to your house, laptop, search the net, PSG, check both PSG star name if you dont know who and what PSG is (a soccer club)
- Go to brick if you met him and buy cocaine from him, alternatively if you use cheat, go to Sasha tab and events and click on the one here, will give you cocaine.
- Go to the Business area on Saturday at 20.00 to the party (if my memory is right but Nestor mention it to you anyway so read up !). Use the obvious choices, no trick here, get contract at the end.
- Talk to Sasha at her house (the one you brought) or at Shurik at 19.00 the next day and accept the contract.
- Go next Monday to the Photo studio in City and do the Photoshoot, repeat twice the next 2 days (I might have miss a scene here so instead of doing like me and jumb directly to the next step, try to go back to Sasha and talk to her about the movie, see if you get any reward scene as I jumped right back to the next scene without going back to Sasha I'm not sure).
- Go back home check laptop and Sasha site, check contract you should have a new one for 50k.
- Accept it and go back to the Photo studio at 8 am, do the photoshoot, you'll get a reward after it (repeatable each week).

And that's where we are I think, there's still 2 events missing on the last chain as I am 11/13 events. Will edit my post if I find some new infos.

BTW I didnt found any of this,I just compiled infos given by other members on this post and put it on a more organized fashion. All credits goes to OP, @Dickdoodle and @Joshua Tree


Jun 3, 2017
i have already spoken to shurik about his sister before and the option is not there anymore. as such i cannot seem to start Sasha's dates. I have already spoken to nestor about sasha and i think there was a scene where she was giving him a BJ. how do i continue?

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
i have already spoken to shurik about his sister before and the option is not there anymore. as such i cannot seem to start Sasha's dates. I have already spoken to nestor about sasha and i think there was a scene where she was giving him a BJ. how do i continue?
You botched it. Because she should never do a BJ to nestor if you want to do the proper path with her.

You do the commercial video with Nestor. Then you talk to Sasha, then you talk to Shurik, then you talk to Sasha again and you go on a date. If you leave Sasha to go her own way on become a model she end up fool around with Nestor and you are screwed.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2018
i think there was a scene where she was giving him a BJ. how do i continue?
Then she will never be yours... You will need to reset her story.

See eg
or restart the game. Tip: do frequent saves...


Aug 21, 2017
So, I got a problem, I got in a relationship with antonina, and I am not finding her house, also I am trying to find sasha quest, I did the phootoshot, but the option to talk about sasha with antonina does not appear, what can I do ?

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
So, I got a problem, I got in a relationship with antonina, and I am not finding her house, also I am trying to find sasha quest, I did the phootoshot, but the option to talk about sasha with antonina does not appear, what can I do ?
Antonias house is in the Valley. And it's not possible to do the photoshot with Sasha before you talked with Antonia in the first place.

You need to do the whole model thing with Antonia. So you pick up some fame.
Then you need to do the commercial for Nestor.
Then talk to Shurik and he will mention Sasha acting odd.
Then talk to Sasha, you invite her out and you hook up at the Cafe.
Then you talk to Antonia...
Do a photshot with Sasha during the weekend.
Talk to Antonia again.
You need a new photoshot with Sasha, but you need to do it on a rooftop. So you need to hire/buy that apartment in the city (financial district).

It's pretty much on rails from there.

(hope I did remember the order of things :p)