So I am going to make this post since so many people ask stuff like this for HTML games. I will try to make this the definitive how to cheat in Sugarcube HTML games post. If anyone does not understand I will edit it with more explanations. As long as you can open an HTML file in Google Chrome I want this to be able to explain how to do it. If you are not using Google Chrome I am not going to do the work of figuring out other browsers for you. Step 1 open the game obviously. I am using "Just one more chance" as an example but it works for every Sugarcube game which is basically all of them.
This is just me in the game after loading my save file.
Step 2 hit F12
This will bring up the console then next to the blue ">" start typing in Sugarcube it will auto fill
This is how most of these commands work they autofill so it is super simple after that whenever the command you want pops up click it or press "tab" then make a period and start the next command. Most of the time you want to look at the variables so you do Sugarcube.state.variables some people suggest to do active which just shows the variables in use at the time or something it doesn't really matter
It will show a list of every variable in the game so you just scroll to the variable you would like to change for example I can change my money just double click the number change it then hit enter. Then exit the console and whenever you reload the page by clicking a link to go to another screen or such it will refresh and your money or whatever variable you changed will do so. I have never really had this break a game but I also have not messed with many flags which are those true/false variables you will see. Those can break your game but generally changing numbers will not. Anyways hopefully this is enough of an explanation to do basic cheating.