Ren'Py - Completed - Solvalley School [v4.0.0] [TK8000]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Renders, animation, characters are all great. lots of contents to do. easy to follow the game without any walkthrough.
    Just one thing I don't like at all is MC. His attitude is terrible. Maybe he's the first MC that I'd like to kick his ass. Nevertheless, this game is so great!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Visual style looks quite old, but despite being old style itself still looks good.
    + This is one of the most unique and absurd adult games you can find, and of course, it's a good thing, especially since MC is not being one of those classic adult games MC clones is quite interesting, the dude is like a damn giant or orc lol.
    + We have some unattractive girls, but still, most girls look good.
    + This is probably one of the games with the most content. We have 46 girls in this game! And every damn girl has at least 2-3 sexual scenes. Even some of them have 5-6 scenes with some group (girl + girl x MC) content. And that's a really big amount of content.
    + Sex scenes have animations.

    Bad Points
    - Visual quality looks kind of bad, it's because the game is old and the game is not even 16:9, so consider before starting.
    - We have two different animation styles, first one is the old style, those animations are quite long, and pressing any button ends them, and the second one is a new style, those animations are separate short ones, and quality wise they do look better. And lastly, the animation physics of this game is quite good, and even by today's standards, they are not bad at all.
    - Most adult games have a variety of MC's ''love interests'' but this game doesn't have that, don't wait to see girls you can have genuine relationships with well-written romance developments. Sex happens quite fast with girls/women, so don't wait for well-written and well-paced character and romance developments that's mostly one of the reasons after playing for some time you start skipping the game, because nearly every scene with any girl has similar or even same dialogues, and it becomes boring quite fast.
    - Most girls/women have terrible characters, they are obsessive, annoying, dumb, arrogant, ignorant, rude, slutty, cheaters, liars, manipulative, etc, and it's just frustrating to read their dialogues or watch their scenes with Alex... Especially most girls have an obsession about making Alex their boyfriend not listening to Alex keep saying he is not their boyfriend is pure cringe... We only have a couple of girls who can be called ''normal'' and their number is not good enough to cover other girls mess and make your gameplay enjoyable.
    - MC is not self inserted, he has his own name and character, and you can't change or RP in any way while playing the game, I know this is a bad point for some people, so keep it in mind.

    For The End
    Well... Honestly, this game had good potential, but the game didn't improve enough to reach that potential and now we have a completed version...
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.16.0

    In a word: uninspired.

    The characters are awful bordering on incoherent, the plot is non-existent and the sex scenes are just video clips of whatever game engine is used for the renders. (Probably Honey Select, but I'm unfamiliar.)

    The dialogue leading to sex scenes can be sexy but there's absolutely none once the action starts.

    The main character is uninteresting, I believe his one character trait is thinking of women as either manipulative bitches or sex objects.

    The game has content, so there's that. Maybe worth looking at once you've exhausted everything worth playing, or in the future if it improves.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I found that game boring as hell, i choosed to auto skip after 10min.

    The hero really looks like the village idiot whose mom completed his weak fathers semence with dried pigs one.

    The girls are nymphomaniacs or weak beings to exploit, that makes the story.

    The huge content doesnt help for me. I would have liked to have more elements in the gameplay instead of more girls.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is another game I keep tabs on, I love the dumb but lovable hero, the fantastic and naughty humor, the severely cucked best friend, and the large array of hotties with their own personalities, histories, and complicated interactions with each other. I also love that there are already endings for many of the girls already. As a completionist, I will have to play through more diligently to find all of the different scenes. Can't wait to see more!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The girls are bland

    They are all ready to jump on your cock the moment they see you

    Everyone looks like they have gained an extra chromosome

    The guy's body size and proportions are wacky. Especially his head compared to everyone else.

    The story is veeeeeery linear and boring and offers no incentive to not skip everything.

    Just play honey select but without the alien characters.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    being a fan of mom sharing niche genre, this is the best game ever for me. I wish to track this game bring updates as i see amazing potential for this game. I really wish there were more games where the MC shares family members and MC's friends share theirs with the MC and basically the game world is free sex for anyone with anyone xD i know its weird but hey ...
  8. 3.00 star(s)



    * Models and images are attractive enough. Not incredible, but they get the job done.

    * The game can actually be pretty funny, from time to time, mostly by being self-aware of the fact that the protagonist is little more than a life support machine for an inhumanly gigantic erection.

    * Lots of characters to discover, lots of situations, very little grinding. A really impressive amount of work went into this.


    * Maybe it's TOO easy? I kept on forgetting that I wasn't using a cheat mod. "Oh, wait, I got all this money legitimately in-game."

    * This may or may not be a con, depending on what you're looking for, but when he lists "rape" as one of the genres of this game he's not kidding. The first few girls you have sex with, no so much, but the longer you play, the rapier it gets.

    * The girl characters don't have much personality, and it's easy to mix them up. (But to the developer's credit, they don't all have the same body).

    * If you really want a game where you get a chance to fuck multiple girls, and then fuck their moms, and then fuck them both together - well, this is the game you're looking for.

    If your kinds happen to include the mom/daughter thing, plus increasingly rape-like seductions, then this game is for you. If not, however, then this game can get tedious and/or repellent.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The only things I liked about this game were the graphics and animations. I like Honey Select models so I enjoyed how most of the girls looked. Verdi was definitely my favorite. There are a lot of girls too so there is a lot of variety in their designs. The sex animations were also well done and even had voice acting (moaning) which was nice.

    But everything else about this game was garbage. First of all, the protagonist Alex is straight up retarded. The dialogue in the whole game is horrible in general, full of grammatical errors and cringeworthy moments, but Alex's dialogue is the absolute worst. He doesn't have any redeemable qualities and all he does is pressure all of the girls into fucking him. How the fuck is any girl into this? He repeatedly tells the girls he wants to fuck them while forcefully touching them, the girls tell him "no we can't do this" but think "wow his dick is huge" and then they fuck. Wtf. Plus, none of the girls are likable or redeemable either. They all throw themselves at Alex with no rhyme or reason. They don't have any meaningful character traits or backstories or development of any kind. Instead, the game prefers giving you little glimpses that make you think there's more, like a scene with Verdi where there's a random mention of her being married to a sociopath who tried to kill her, but then it goes immediately back to the sex. And there is no plot or story; Alex just wants to fuck everybody. Yay.

    The gameplay in this consists of just clicking on locations on the world map and then clicking on the girl at that location to see their scenes. You also have a muscle stat, which you increase by working out at the gym, and an intelligence stat, which you increase by studying at the library. If only the intelligence stat actually improved Alex so he wasn't such a buffoon. You can easily max these stats out in a few minutes by using the fast-forward button in Renpy. You also have to spend money to buy items and you make money by working jobs. You can work a few days and then invest that money in the bank to easily get a lot of money pretty quickly. While all of this means that there's very little grinding, it also means that there's no effort required to accomplish anything in this game, so there is no fulfillment or satisfaction to be had when you get to fuck the girls, especially because they just throw themselves at you.

    The whole time I was playing this, I felt my brain turning to mush. This game is a complete waste of time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Great game in every aspect, except it has Honey Select models.

    1. Honey Select models
    2. It can be hard to remember all the story and relations between the girls. There might be a bit too many girls.

    1. No Grind.
    2. Lots of different fetishes and situations.
    3. I laughed out loud multiple times during the playthrough.
    4. Easy and intuitive gameplay.
    5. You can avoid NTR with a setting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    When I originally played this I had no idea what I was getting myself into but boy am I glad I did. Tons of content (A LOT) and a lot of variety. The game is nicely paced aswell so you don't just get bored. Highly reccomend everyone gives this game a shot.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of content, varying fetishes, and more humor than expected. I find myself laughing out loud every once in a while at the MC's antics. This is a great game, and I can't wait to see even more with future updates. More than a few paths seem to have alternate endings; and my favorite feature has to be the ability to keep playing from where you were after viewing a girl's ending as if it never happened. Very cool.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the games that I play and enjoy is a lot of character, especially the game's most attractive feature of the game does not have a story and an ugly person in our character is more than a penisinide long if the character of the developer especially if the nose corrects and peniside not too long cable but not a long but veined and thick If the penis can do so the game's rating may increase the most importantly, if the game is based on a story I'm sure that will get very positive comments in this game the most liked milf women
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A good game. Looking for the game since it was an RPG. Very cool gameplay and very intuitive. The only thing that I don't really like are the graphics, I know that is on Honey select, but there are other games with better graphics.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking brilliant game, loads of content and basically no grinding. Tons of girls who all look hot, yes it's Honey Select but still the models are well implemented. A ton of animations with loads of moaning VO, super hot.

    But by far the best thing about this game is the writing. The story is dumb porn game nonsense, but unlike most games Solvalley knows it's nonsense and embraces it. The result is utterly hilarious. Seriously I laughed out loud so many times, probably more in this one game than in all others I've played on this site. Seriously this game actually made me glad that the MC is ugly as fuck because it just adds so much more opportunity for comedy.

    Just play it, you won't regret it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice game, minimal grind and lots of content. It is also nice to play a game without bugs. The only small problem I had, was the MC did not look young enough for me and the milfs looked too young. At the end of the day the game was fun and that is what is important.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously Super Unrealistic but cant expect anything else as the developer knows what we are playing for....!!!!
    Well a big gratitude towards the developer's creativeness and hard work ...I mean if one can make 5 different games from the number of characters TK had used in his game..
    Now about the game!!! Characters are amazing and unique and have their own personal life and literally all the characters are beautiful..
    I just want to suggest the developer that, please make the MC's face bit less ugly coz he is looks really fucking ugly and make his character lil less dumb that's all!!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    You play a fugly guy you'd be very familiar with when you read some hentai he is just a filthy pervert not necessarily likeable but has a big cock.
    Most of the dialogue is kinda stupid but funny enough straightforward and covers many different fetishes and fantasies.
    It is expected to be like that since this is all about being a carnivore adding every women you see to your fuckdolls ok it has like 7 endings to storylines but these aren't the true ending you don't need to make a new game+ but just play on to quickly unlock the other scenes.

    So why is it so great ? Well after more than 90 scenes which has more tons of (1600+maybe) images and at least 40 animations wheres at least in some the boobyphysiscs shine- anyone may find a few scenes that you may really enjoy or a girl and the dev has put lots of effort to build different types.

    All the graphics are thanks to Honey Select so the male models are terrible and the dicks are very undetailed and cumshots are bad you will also note countless glitched physics of glasses and bodies but none too bad that it haunts me ok maybe his nose but that's the plan.
    Girl models 43 in my list atm are very good much effort went to good looking boobs and from lolis to as thicc as HS allows T_T to icey queens and so on.
    Asses could be better but well HS, oh and many girls with glasses be warned if you don't like them.

    At first glance you may think another crappy HS renpygame but this barely was grindy and could well played 1 handed i don't even recall any weird minigames/puzzles ...
    Normally i also thought this would be 4 ,but now that i returned to this simple but good game afew times instead playing others i realized it must be excellent . It just plays so quick and rewarding is more like a vn where you also revisit the scenes-
    i mostly played 0.11 maybe 0.13 has even more to offer .
    Music is like in most porn games quickly turned off but i felt like without that some moans got lost? other than that we get incredibele classic knocking sounds and more ! man who cares about sounds in porn games as longs it isn't voiced which i wouldn't expect in an small/amateur production.

    tldr: lots of content many girls to fuck around barely grinding and Honey Select Greaphics not too much choices but enough to please covers some fantasies quick and dirty but not great romantic arches hf 1h gg
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    christof rauch

    I originally downloaded this game at v0.9.0and was both somewhat bored, yet fascinated and excited about this game. The H scenes were fairly standard, based on reviews of Japanese Hentai and Ecchi Games, and yet they were very well done both in their presentation and animation. As far as the story line went, some of it seemed, at least to me, fairly boring and predictable. However I have to admit it flowed fairly well nonetheless.

    I was especially pleased with the progression that showed in v0.13.0 bugfix. I enjoyed the game enough so that I actually PLAYED the game and read every text within the game. I especially liked and enjoyed the ability (once I made it to the "end" (no hearts on the map) where I could propose to a girl, watch her ending, and then go back to the game and propose again to a different girl. What would have been nice is a Harem Ending where Alex could have kept women of his choice (for example Kyra, Lara, Meranda, etc...) or other combinations of diffderent women (especially considering he hwas a "horndog" looking to fuck everyone).

    However, what I found MOST pleasing was the progression of the storyline, and the fact that choices actually impacted the game. In truth, all in all I found this game both a "Fap worthy" game as well as a very good - and I might same excellent - Erotic game.

    It carried a very large number of fetishes (incest, corruption, anal, and several others) that would appeal to a wide range of players, and yet did not detract from the game itself. What I liked most was a number of areas where the MC had the very real choice of doing nothing with a girl (if the player was predisposed to a particular girl) without breaking the game.

    Hope to see more from this developer, both with this game as well as others.

    All in all, a game worth downloading and playing

    One thing that needs special mention: The Money earning... VERY well done and not grindy at all. As noted in a review here, all you really need do is work (for example at the Pub) for a few days, then invest the money in the bank (I worked both at the Pub and at the Waste area) and by my game ending had nearly 4 billion game dollars I played approximately 110 game days).

    Qoted from Zippity Review: "The wedding story line with Lucy was probably the most visual novel part of this whole game, and it was a very cool love story ending. "

    Playing Lucy's story line actually brought me to tears a bit; mainly because I had a friend - female - who committed suicide due to a failed relationship (she, however, was only 12 years old and suffered severe depression). I honesltly felt the developement of that story ending was not only well thought out, but extremely well developed and done. Kudos to TK8000 for that work of art!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I hesitated some time wither I should give a 4 or 5 rating but I still gave five because I really liked this game.

    The positive points In my opinion,
    There is a lot of content and multiple endings, it is game you won't finish in a few minutes but not boring.
    There is many characters and almost all them have friends and families that interact together.
    I like Storyline and the dialogue, simple and although it's full of foul language and the girls easily fall in love for an ugly guy, it's someway believable. ( some might take this as negative point but I'm the type who skip the long dialogue in other games )
    The game doesn't need a walk-through it's easy to earn money and making decisions is not confusing, the map is clear and you can find events places navigating between different places is well done.
    There is two types of replay features in the game one is on the main page and the other one is in-game.

    The negative points
    The story for each girl is small and scenes that involve the relations between the different characters are few and end in a one or two pictures
    (I hope there will be more content for each girl and relations between the different characters in the upcoming updates)
    The overall quality and resolution is somewhat low

    This point I don't know if it is considered negative, the models and the renders are not bad and I like them but, I don't know how to say it, they are not that special, they could be better,
    (this my own view but I think this game lacking some bdsm and an incest patch, and maybe some hardcore fetishes like pee drinking and armpit liking)

    In overall I like this game and I recommend playing it