4.30 star(s) 55 Votes

James Eveleth

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2018
What's this? An eroge rogue-lite with a fun little gameplay loop? Someone must've astrally projected and stolen my wishes directly from my brain.

Obviously needs more content and a bit of polish (game has bugged out and required a restart a couple of times, though it's not a huge deal since each run is relatively short), but in general I really like what is present! Art style is very charming, too.

If I were to suggest something, it would be an upgrade to get a re-roll or two on the initial skill selection, having the battle fuck sprites linger a bit longer (it's a shame to have the details on such pretty sprites get lost due to them only being on the screen for less than a second), and perhaps some sort of indicator on the enemies on whether they intend to attack your stamina or go for a grope for slightly greater player agency when it comes to forming a strategy. A slightly expanded tutorial or some sort of in-game almanac explaining the nitty gritty of the game's mechanics would also be nice (for example, I'm still a bit unclear on what getting stripped actually does).

Also, a nugget of advice for those having trouble (there seem to be a few in the thread): Be very liberal when it comes to using your skills! At first I struggled a bit since I kinda shied away from them due to the associated Stamina and Energy costs, but those regen on their own, so it's important to use them a lot and often to avoid getting swarmed (which will happen if you rely on base attacks too much). Another thing important to realize about skills that the game does not tell you is that they are not subject to the character's range bracket, and will always do full damage regardless of where you use themt. When I learned to stop worrying and love skill spam, I started winning more often than not.
Great observation with the skills! That's going to be really useful to know, I've stopped myself from picking certain random hit skills because I thought that they'd deal reduced damage if they hit another zone.


Apr 21, 2019
Literally the first enemy I see already made this one of the best games with that crazy idle animation. I love it


Aug 15, 2020
A lot of softlocks on this version, but the core gameplay is pretty interesting.

First softlock was when all of my girls got restrained, so I couldn't choose one to pass my turn, thus had to quit.
Second is a bit weirder, I was battling the Gloop girl then apparently she killed/ate/absorbed an enemy archer and after that the game was just stuck, couldn't do anything.

Will definitely follow this one though, you can tell there's love put into the project, good luck for the future.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
I finish demo with focus on AOE attack skills. You fight horde with anti horde
tho I dont wanna spoil but quite struggle to get there and you have to trade some hit to your heroine. think of your regen health and sex resistence point as resources
maybe i was lucky that after first try i died and next playthrough i got 2 AOE attack skills to choose from and dodge buff


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
Man, I got bug. AOE attack for swordwomen were unusable if ya loot from boxes

a horde of small demon leading by shaman can skimish out to smaller 4 demon?? well one of guy overlap archer getting pull by lasso to blue line and bug out. luckly skill can kill it.
and man how many pyramid head bosses you got there?? ya put slient hill pyramid head to horny!
Last edited:
Jun 28, 2019
Like the game so far, one small issue with one of the enemies, The blue pyramid is capable of buffing outside their zone which makes them a pain


May 11, 2022
This isn't gonna be the most coherent review, but after spending several hours doing many dozen runs and discovering the ins and outs of this demo, I have some input.

To start off with some good; the concept and the art is great. The animations are nice, though I sincerely hope that grabs get animated in the future (the idle being an animation, restrained by tentacles (the stun) is animated, but actual penetrative grabs are not) as that would drastically improve the adult aspects of the game. Also, it's hard to tell what's happening with attacks as things like the harassment sprite only flashes for a fraction of a second whenever a girl gets hit.

The game overall is fun, though the learning curve is steep and it feels like there's a lot of discrepancy in build viability - sometimes you get get a good skill, like multishot, at the start of the run and you just breeze through the whole thing, sometimes you don't get any AoE skills at all and you get hopelessly overwhelmed immediately with no counterplay. Something to smooth out those power levels could go a long way. Or you could slow down the enemy spawns, they get to be too much extremely fast.

The capture mechanic is a great idea, though I'm not 100% on the current implementation. If a girl's "health" runs out a single time, they're completely gone, out of the fight permanently, and without their additional dps you simply cannot keep up with the endlessly spawning mobs. Yeah, you can rescue the girls at the slaver later, but that means actually surviving long enough to get there... and with the spawnrate of enemies? That's not going to happen unless you're impossibly lucky, or cheating.

The bosses were interesting and there was some nice variety, though it hurt me physically to see they didn't have any unique grabs or animations - the closest to this was the slaver who summons a unique minion - the imps - with a unique grab (that said, the imps have my favourite of the grabs, especially the gangbang on the archer.)

I should also mention a number of recurring bugs - softlocks, specifically. They're easily replicatable, at least in my experience, so I'll lay out the ones I kept running into.

First is that any sort of multi-hit move, like the knights "hit 4 enemies in the red zone" or the ninja's "attack 5 random targets in the blue zone" will guaranteed softlock if it runs out of targets when it isn't expecting to - this kept happening to me against the bomb thrower boss, as the skill killed a bomb that destroyed the other, adjacent bombs, thereby instantly clearing the entire zone - except the skill is still trying to attack a target that isn't there, softlocking the game. This can be avoided by just not using these abilities, but if you ever forget and it happens, your only solution is to X out of the game and try again on a new run.

The other softlock I kept running into is if your last "active" girl is stunning, disabled or otherwise unable to act (but not out of health or resist) then the game softlocks on your turn - the game is waiting for the player to take their turn, only they can't select any characters, so nothing can happen and your only choice to to close the game. This one's particularly frustrating beccause unlike the other softlock, this one just kind of happens on it's own sometimes - you can't just decide not get stunned, it's the enemy's turn.

It would also be nice if there was some discernable sense of progress, as it is right now there's no way to know how close you are to actually hitting your next interactible location at any given wave. You really just just keep kiling things and praying you get your payout soon(tm.)

Again though, the art is great, I'm not a particular fan of the permanent helmet on the knight, but the ninja and archer are perfectly within my strikezone, and that ninja's idle animation is downright hypnotic... the version in her slave gear is also a treat. It took a long time, but I eventually ran into a situation where I saw two of the girls getting raped in slave gear and was pleasantly surprised to see different grabs, which I hope is a trend continued in the future.

Overall it's a promising start, and I do like it a lot, though there's a lot of stuff to improve. More than anything, I'm just hoping it gets more content - more grabs, some actual game-over cgs (despite all my runs, all my efforts, I could only find the one generic "chained up and surrounded by sillhouettes" game over - I was at least hoping the bosses would have something unique).

Side note but the item shop actually got a chuckle out of me - basically a giant neon sign that says "META PROGRESSION HERE" hanging over a bunch of empty shelves.

tl;dr: The ideas are great, the art's good, it needs polish, bugfixing and a lot more content.


Artist, writer, game designer.
Game Developer
Jun 16, 2018
Thank you for the long review and finding those bugs!
It would also be nice if there was some discernable sense of progress, as it is right now there's no way to know how close you are to actually hitting your next interactible location at any given wave. You really just just keep kiling things and praying you get your payout soon(tm.)
There actually is an easy way to see your progress. There is a map icon at the top left that tells you how many “steps” you have until your next location and towards the boss. If you click on the icon you can see how far you have left visually as well.


New Member
Sep 23, 2017
After playing this game for a few hours, the amount of variance in runs is a problem. There are many runs where you just get overwhelmed early because you don't have enough AOE spells. Also, I really dislike the fact that spells can use your health. The enemies already spawn at a rapid rate making health even more of a precious resource. Add on top the lack of progression beyond new skills and some items, it's incredibly difficult to get past 2-3 checkpoints
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4.30 star(s) 55 Votes