Fan Art Something Unlimited - Sprite Re-Mix and Fanart Thread

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2018
I had a dream last night about the perfect version of SU....regarding the mechanics it was well polished and you could use the arrow/WASD keys to navigate around, bit open world from Metropolis to Gotham and fast travel to other places, but you could fuck the girls anytime you wanted without having limited one action per day, you could also customize girls to fuck per your own liking, self masturbation scenes and something that wasn't half assed copy or pasted, and the Lexcorp labs was useful, cloning included. Like more variety that still works like the game version this thread has been talking about

Also I solemnly swear it's a dream for real, not AI generated, but SU popping up as a better version would be like 1 update per month instead of something 7 years to make and the world would be like this


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I had a dream last night about the perfect version of SU....regarding the mechanics it was well polished and you could use the arrow/WASD keys to navigate around, bit open world from Metropolis to Gotham and fast travel to other places, but you could fuck the girls anytime you wanted without having limited one action per day, you could also customize girls to fuck per your own liking, self masturbation scenes and something that wasn't half assed copy or pasted, and the Lexcorp labs was useful, cloning included. Like more variety that still works like the game version this thread has been talking about

Also I solemnly swear it's a dream for real, not AI generated, but SU popping up as a better version would be like 1 update per month instead of something 7 years to make and the world would be like this
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So, ReImagined then...

Unfortunately, without more consistent help, it's going to take a LONG time for ReImagined to get anywhere near the amount of content in SU Unity. Myself, I'm already working on introducing a few new plot lines, sideplots, game mechanics and new characters, with some help from others, but help comes and goes so a number of things are currently in unfinished states which means that I can't properly introduce new characters.

It's at a point right now where I think it might go faster just to set up a bunch of characters in Daz Studio, but that'd be mostly starting from scratch again, so it'd have to be more than just me doing the renders. This unfortunately would ditch the SR7 art style, which is what attracts a lot of people to SU in the first place, so that'd be a different game at that point.

But at least then we could introduce outfit variations more quickly and consistently, as these wouldn't have to be drawn, and it's a LOT easier to change poses in Daz Studio than it is on paper. Jimwalrus and I (mostly Jim) have experimented a bit with using Stable Diffusion to SR7-ify Daz character renders, but Jimwalrus may have moved on at this point. The results aren't bad, but still need a bit of Photoshop work. Here's a piece Jimwalrus did where he attempted to SR7-ify KiteLass...

This looks awesome, and fixing the minor stuff like tweaking the fingers in Photoshop isn't all that hard, and the hair color can be fairly easily adjusted in Photoshop as well. KiteLass is one of my creations, and usually has red hair.

So if Jimwalrus has lost interest, it'd be nice to find other people that want to help with the whole AI art thing. For a community project, this is a very viable option imho, but only if people are willing to put in the time and work.

But yeah, to your other point, the groundwork mechanics for being able to do multiple things with a girl in her cell have been set up (choose up to three actions, plus pick an outfit when outfit options become available), somewhat similar to how the Private Rooms work in the MB. The 'only one action per night' thing bothers me too.

I also want to explore adding a fatigue component to sexual interactions in the Lexcorp quarters cells, for both Lex and the Girls, but for now the focus needs to be on getting more sexy fun time content ingame in ReImagined first.

Since ReImagined is a 'for free' unofficial community project though, it's hard to find people that can help on a consistent basis, and I do have other interests as well. I keep hoping for someone that can help spearhead ReImagined, so that we can split the workload as it were, and of course any help that others can offer, for as long as they choose to offer it, is always appreciated.

Since it is a 'for free' effort though, without monetary gain as an incentive it's hard to keep people interested, and if other people don't really care, I start to lose interest as well, as there ARE other things that I want to work on too. So it is what it is...

Ahh well!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021
So, ReImagined then...

Unfortunately, without more consistent help, it's going to take a LONG time for ReImagined to get anywhere near the amount of content in SU Unity. Myself, I'm already working on introducing a few new plot lines, sideplots, game mechanics and new characters, with some help from others, but help comes and goes so a number of things are currently in unfinished states which means that I can't properly introduce new characters.

It's at a point right now where I think it might go faster just to set up a bunch of characters in Daz Studio, but that'd be mostly starting from scratch again, so it'd have to be more than just me doing the renders. This unfortunately would ditch the SR7 art style, which is what attracts a lot of people to SU in the first place, so that'd be a different game at that point.

But at least then we could introduce outfit variations more quickly and consistently, as these wouldn't have to be drawn, and it's a LOT easier to change poses in Daz Studio than it is on paper. Jimwalrus and I (mostly Jim) have experimented a bit with using Stable Diffusion to SR7-ify Daz character renders, but Jimwalrus may have moved on at this point. The results aren't bad, but still need a bit of Photoshop work. Here's a piece Jimwalrus did where he attempted to SR7-ify KiteLass...

This looks awesome, and fixing the minor stuff like tweaking the fingers in Photoshop isn't all that hard, and the hair color can be fairly easily adjusted in Photoshop as well. KiteLass is one of my creations, and usually has red hair.

So if Jimwalrus has lost interest, it'd be nice to find other people that want to help with the whole AI art thing. For a community project, this is a very viable option imho, but only if people are willing to put in the time and work.

But yeah, to your other point, the groundwork mechanics for being able to do multiple things with a girl in her cell have been set up (choose up to three actions, plus pick an outfit when outfit options become available), somewhat similar to how the Private Rooms work in the MB. The 'only one action per night' thing bothers me too.

I also want to explore adding a fatigue component to sexual interactions in the Lexcorp quarters cells, for both Lex and the Girls, but for now the focus needs to be on getting more sexy fun time content ingame in ReImagined first.

Since ReImagined is a 'for free' unofficial community project though, it's hard to find people that can help on a consistent basis, and I do have other interests as well. I keep hoping for someone that can help spearhead ReImagined, so that we can split the workload as it were, and of course any help that others can offer, for as long as they choose to offer it, is always appreciated.

Since it is a 'for free' effort though, without monetary gain as an incentive it's hard to keep people interested, and if other people don't really care, I start to lose interest as well, as there ARE other things that I want to work on too. So it is what it is...

Ahh well!
Hi, I haven't "lost interest" at all! Sorry I'm taking so long to do stuff atm - real life is hitting me hard.
My PC with Stable Diffusion on it is under my work desk at home. I can only use it when Mrs W is either away or busy, and when I've got spare time from work (writing "urgent" reports no-one fucking reads or "desperately required" procedures no-one will ever fucking follow) I do what I can!
Have to keep my job though, GPUs don't pay for themselves.

Should be able make a few hours this week to get you what I promised ages ago (sorry!).


Active Member
Nov 11, 2018
It is night in Metropolis and the streets are empty, except for a lone car that slows down infront of the mighty LexCorp. Three women step out of the car wearing tight suits, the latest in business-casual fashion. Their names are Dinah Drake, Helena Bertinelli and Barbara Gordon, more widely known by their superhero aliases; Black Canary, Huntress and Batgirl! Together they form the all-female superhero-team The Birds of Prey, and they are here on a mission; to infiltrate Lexcorp and bring Lex Luthor to justice. The women have managed to land jobs as Luthors assistants through an anonymous source on the inside. Although they have been warned by their male colleagues to not underestimate the genius billionaire, Green Arrow practically begging Black Canary to not go through with this mission since the risk was to high, the women are confident they can outsmart the CEO of LexCorp. "Alright ladies look alive," Black Canary said as they walked towards the entrance, "do it just like we rehearsed it and it will be a piece of cake!"
"Yes ma'am," Batgirl replied, "but should my skirt be this short?"
"You're right it should be shorter," Huntress said teasingly, "its all about using your looks as an distraction. Don't worry though baby doll, he wont be looking at you".
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
"He'll obviously be ogling me and blondie over there," Huntress said with a bright laugh "too bad your breasts are to small to be useful!
"Wh- My breasts are not small!" Batgirl said and raised her hands over her chest, almost as if she was protecting them.
"Oh baby doll, everything about you is small."
"Knock it off Huntress," Black Canary said, "just follow our lead Batgirl." The three women looked up defiantly at the LexCorp building. It was huge, even for a skyscraper. "Pfff, little Lex is definitely overcompensating for something" Black Canary said, a comment which made the other two laugh as they approached the entrance. Little did they know they were entering a cage they would not escape from, and that their own hubris would bring them all literally to their knees.
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In the elevator, Batgirl started fidgeting with her clothes. It was clear she was nervous about the mission. "Relax rookie", Huntress said, "all men are the same. Even a so called genius like Luthor becomes dumb as rocks if you show some ass and stroke his..." Huntress paused and glanced over too Batgirl whose face turned red before she continued, "...ego". Batgirl looked away in embarrassment and Huntress laughed at how uncomfortable she was. Finally they arrived at Luthors office on the highest floor. He greeted them and seemed unaware of their true identities and intentions.
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When they were finished for the night the heroines walked towards the elevator in sync and swayed their hips in an exaggerated manner. Once outside they congratulated each other on an successful first day. Little did they know everything was proceeding according to design. Had they been more observant, they might've noticed a slight ticking noise emanating from Luthors desk. The noise came from his device that, slowly but surely, was altering the structure of their brains. Virtually all heroes and heroines receive resistance-training against physical and psychological torture, making even the weakest among them remarkably difficult to break in mind, body and soul. However, resistance-training against pleasure is still unheard of, and this chink in the armor would soon prove to be fatal.
The following days were ordinary, routine, boring. Aside from a slight headache, nothing seemed to be happening which made the three heroines anxious for something to occur. Finally the weekend arrived, and the women asked if there was anything else they could do before leaving for the night. Luthor told them he could use some help for a job at the outskirts of Metropolis, however it had to be done with utmost discretion. The women agreed instantly, finally some progress on the case! But when the car stopped outside the shady building their eyes went wide with disappointment.
"Is that a... stripclub?" Black Canary asked.
"Very perceptive, my dear. I enjoy coming here to relax after a hard days work. Make sure no one is taking pictures of me, i don't want the Daily Planet writing a hit-piece on my nightly hobbies" Luthor replied smugly. Ugh, all men are the same. They only care about one thing. Black Canary thought and followed him inside.
Batgirl tried to follow, but she was stopped by the guard. "Sorry girly, its 18+" the bouncer said.
"Wh- Im 21!" Barbara said slightly irritated.
"Ill need to see some ID".
"Ugh, fine, whatever". Barbara showed the bouncer her ID and after he checked it twice (the nerve of this guy!) he let her inside were she found Huntress waiting for her with a grin on her face. Huntress had seen everything of course and couldn't wait to tease Batgirl about it. "Maybe you should wait in the car seat, Baby Doll" she said with her usual sarcastic tone. Unable to come up with a comeback Batgirl told her to just shut up. She hated when Huntress belittled her.
Finally inside, the women looked around with disgust. There were dancing strippers everywhere and immediately some maids greeted Luthor and followed him to his usual table. As the night went on the heroines were becoming more and more irritated, especially Black Canary and Huntress.
"Ugh, places like this gives me the ick. Men are such gross horndogs" Black Canary whispered.
"You said it, blondie. Only losers would go to places like this" Huntress whispered back and motioned to Luthor. Black Canary smirked and continued: "I cant believe these women would degrade themselves like this, have they no self respect"?
"Yeah, i cant think of anything worse than working as a sex-object." Huntress answered.
"Hmph! I cant take much more of this, im going to the bathroom" Black Canary said.
"Ill come with" Huntress answered.
"M-me too" Batgirl replied. But when she got up to leave she glanced towards the main stage and when she saw the new dancer she froze and could not look away. In a room full of beautiful strippers, this woman was in a league of her own. Her skin was flawless, her blonde hair was full of texture without any frizz. Her ass was strong and tight, and her breast were massive and they jiggled in the most lovely way. But what really caught Batgirls eye was not the obvious sexual beauty of the dancer, but her arms, legs, shoulders, back, and stomach. Her physique was extraordinary - pure muscle - as if her body had been crafted out of pure titanium. As a gymnast, Batgirl was proud of her own body, but this put hers to shame. As a matter of fact, from a purely aesthetic standpoint, the dancer could compete with the likes of the strongest members of the JLA, and she reminded her of a certain young superheroine. Batgirl felt how blood was rushing up to her head and her cheeks were turning red in arousal. Shes amazing, Batgirl thought, perfect, truly a work of art. She might as well have been made in a lab.
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The stripper moved around erotically and slowly lowered herself down to the floor of the stage. She locked eyes with Batgirl and gave her a playful smile which made Barbaras stomach feel like a thousand butterflies.
"Hey cutie, like what you see?" She said softly.
"I- i.. uhh" Batgirl tried to answer but her words got stuck in her throat. She looked deeply into her steel-blue eyes and lost herself in its ocean. Her eyes were almost hypnotic, as if she could look through Batgirl. The dancer giggled playfully and continued without skipping a beat; "i think ill call you Red, and that's not because of your hair". Her comment made Batgirl blush even more.
"I- im sorry... you just remind me of someone i know from... uh, work". The dancer laughed again and her beautiful laugh made Batgirl smile. She even laughs like her, Batgirl thought dreamily.
"Oh, Red, i get that all the time. But i promise you-" the dancer said as she moved herself closer to Batgirl until she gently touched her head with her own and her massive chest was resting on hers before continuing: "'ve never met anyone like me before".
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For a moment neither one said anything and the only thing Batgirl could hear was her own heartbeat beating like a drum.
" you want a dance, Red?" She said finally. Before she could answer Luthor swooped in.
"Of course she wants a dance" he said with a grin. Batgirl had forgotten Luthor was even there. Her mind was racing and she was desperately trying to come up with a good response to defuse the situation.
"I- uh, don't have any money..."
"Dont worry my dear, ill pay for it."
"But- I.. i mean i couldn't... i don't even know your name" Batgirl said.
"My names Galatea", she whispered in her ear. Just like the statue, Batgirl thought. Unable to come up with a good response she said: "...they gave you a fitting name"
"Not as fitting as the name i gave to you" she answered and began her dance.
Being so close, Batgirl could clearly smell her perfume. Citrus, sweet berry and a floral bouquet on an earthy base, like a fresh meadow after early summer rain. She smells like nature, Batgirl thought and her mind became filled with images of a simple, happy life far from the stinking city of Gotham. A quiet life on the countryside, a life on a farm. In a trance, Batgirl grabbed Galateas ass and squeezed her hard glutes. Oh, Kara she thought and began licking whatever was infront of her.
"Ohh, youre a naughty girl, aren't you? Usually you only get to touch in VIP, but ill let it slide this time, cutie" Galatea said and kissed her neck. Barbara moaned in pleasure, she was in heaven.
"WHATS GOING ON HERE!?" Suddenly Black Canary and Huntress grabbed Batgirl and dragged her away.
"Its- its not what it looks like" Batgirl said, her mind still up in the skies.
"Well thats good because it looks like you payed for a lapdance," Huntress said sarcastically, "You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Because of the fiasco at the stripclub the heroines were getting impatient. The slight headache they all were experiencing didn't help either. But the trip to the stripjoint gave Black Canary an idea. Since it was obvious Luthor was a sex-addict who liked to party with hot women, all they needed to do was use this weakness to their advantage. The plan was simple, get some nice clothes, get Luthor to pass out from alcohol, and then use his unconscious body to bypass the security-systems in LexCorp. The night arrived and Black Canary and Huntress dressed up in matching bunny-costumes, reminiscent of the ones they saw in the stripclub.
"Where are my clothes?" Batgirl asked.
"You are not needed. Just wait here and be ready" Black Canary ordered.
"Okay" Batgirl said slightly annoyed. She didnt like sitting on the bench. "What am i supposed to do while i wait for you two?"
"Youll figure it out" Black Canary said impatiently and moved towards the door.
"Yeah, and try not to get any more 'accidental' lapdances" Huntress said sarcastically, making Black Canary laugh. Barbara turned red in embarrassment but she didn't say anything.
Black Canary and Huntress found Luthor in the lounge. They approached him boldly and began making small talk. But then something happened they did not expect. They felt their bodies become hot with excitement, thirsting for release. Just breathing in Luthors scent was intoxicating and they began panting deeply. Luthor lowered his hands and grabbed both of the heroines firm asses which made their bodies hungry for more. What is happening? Black Canary said as her mind were struggling to make sense of her own arousal. Im so turned on right now, Huntress admitted to herself and she pushed her ass towards his hand. Luthor poked a whole in their stockings and entered their dripping wet pussies, but the women didn't stop him, in fact they didnt even realize what was happening. Within seconds they climaxed, and began moaning wildly and shaking uncontrollably. Hmm, i need to be careful not to overdo it, Luthor thought.
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When Black Canary and Huntress came to their senses they found the entire lounge staring at them and Luthor was nowhere to be seen. Did i just... cum..?" Black Canary thought. Shit, how long was i out? Huntress thought. They both left as quickly as they could on their wobbly legs and it wasn't until they entered the elevator they realized that there was a hole in their leggings and that their pussies were leaking juices everywhere.
"What happened?" Batgirl asked when they returned, "where is Luthor?"
"Oh just shut up" Black Canary said trying to hide her shame with anger. Batgirl recoiled at the sudden aggression from the usually calm Dinah.
"Im done for tonight" Huntress said and left without waiting for a response. She had never been this horny before and she had only one thing in her mind. Black Canary was feeling the same way.
"What?! What about the mission? Batgirl asked, angry that she had waited for nothing but the two women left without saying anything more.
Huntress drove straight to The Questions apartment and slammed open the door. Without so much as a word she threw him on to the bed, pulled his pants down and began sucking him, trying to make him as hard as possible as quickly as possible. She then climbed on top of him and began riding him madly. But to her horror she didnt feel anything, it was as if he wasnt even inside her. In desperation she tried to ride him harder and faster, but to no avail. Finally The Question reached his limit and came, which made her even more frustrated.
Black Canary did not have better luck. She found Green Arrow in the gym, he was sweaty and smelly, but she didn't care. She had to get fucked right now. But much like Huntress she didn't feel anything when he entered her, rather it made her even more desperate. When Ollie said he was about to cum Black Canary screamed angrily at him to hold it in.
"Dont cum, dont fucking cum, not yet" she demanded, but it was to late. He came and collapsed backwards.
"Im sorry Dinah, i couldn't-"
"Tsk! You're pathetic" she answered angrily.
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With both of their partners out of commission, the women tried to pleasure themselves. But to their horror they were unable to, no matter how hard they tried. Their bodies were burning with desire that just wouldn't go out, like an itch that wouldn't go away no matter how hard you scratched. It was enough to drive anyone mad. Finally they gave up and stared helplessly at the ceiling, praying that the passion would go away. They barely slept that night.
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Meanwhile Batgirl decided to snook around in LexCorp since she had nothing better to do. She saw that the light to Luthors office was still on, so she approached slowly. But as she got closer she heard someone moaning and grunting. She looked inside and saw Galatea having wild sex with Luthor. Batgirl was certain they couldn't have noticed she was there, but unbeknownst to her Galatea could clearly see her hiding behind the door with her supervision.
"Daddy, she whispered in Luthors ear, "she is watching us".
"Then lets give her a show." They continued to fuck like rabbits, and Batgirl continued to look. She knew she was peeping on them like some kind of pervert, that it wouldn't help progress the case in any way, but she couldn't look away. Something about watching them in secret was so incredibly erotic, and she began touching herself.
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The very same night, Batgirl had trouble sleeping. She couldnt get the image of Galatea out of her mind. She kept thinking about her, how hot she was, how she kinda looked like Supergirl but more...mature. She thought about Supergirl. She had always liked her, but not in a romantic kind of way. At least she didn't think so. But maybe she had repressed those feelings deep inside, unable to admit them to herself? Oh, Kara, she moaned in her mind. Maybe she had always been attracted to her, and now Galatea had awoken these hidden feelings.
When Batgirl finally drifted into sleep, she dreamed of Supergirl. She dreamed of her sweet smile and her cute butt, how it would feel to touch her lips with her own. Innocent love, young and pure. But then she dreamed of Galatea. She dreamed of her hot body, of how she was oozing with raw sexual energy. Of how comfortable and confident Galatea was in her slutty sexuality. Then she dreamed of how hot it would be to dress Supergirl in sexy, slutty clothes like Galateas. She dreamed of Supergirl dancing for her, stripping for her, just like Galatea, and she began to touch herself to her dreams. And finally she dreamed of Supergirls face on Galateas body which made her wake up in shock. Her sheets were dripping wet.
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To clear her hazy mind, Batgirl decided to work out in the LexCorp gym. She put on her clothes and went to they gym early, hoping it would be empty. But when she entered someone was already there, and when she saw who it was, her heart almost stopped.
"Heeyy, is that you Red? Nice outfit!" Galatea said without stopping her workout.
"What are you doing here?" Batgirl asked
"Im working out, silly, cant you tell?"
Batgirl looked at Galateas blue eyes a little bit to long before she realized she was staring, and then promptly looked away. Her heart was pounding. Gaaah, why am i so nervous? She thought to herself. She calmed herself down and began warming up, but she couldn't stop peeking at Galateas hot body. Focus! she thought, lets start with some stretching. Yes that's a good idea. Some simple stretching. Hmm, here is a good spot. Batgirl positioned herself right infront of Galatea and began stretching her legs, arching out her ass towards Galatea. She was clearly trying to show off her body to her, but she was to deep in denial to admit it. Im just stretching, she lied to herself, just stretching. She looked over her shoulder to see if Galatea was watching her, and indeed she was, which made Batgirls blood rush to her head. Galatea looked at her intently. With her supervision, she could clearly see Batgirls pussy slowly becoming more and more moist. With her superhearing she could clearly hear how her heart was pounding hard and fast. And with her super sense of smell she could smell how Batgirls skin were exuding phermones into the air. She wants it, soooo badly Galatea thought and licked her lips. Ohh youre mine now, Red.
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"Hey, wanna work out together?" Galatea asked.
"Sure" Batgirl answered as nonchalantly as she could.
"Great! How about some sparring?"
"O-okay". Batgirl tried to stay calm, but the thought of touching Galateas body again was enough to make her knees weak, and now she had every excuse. Since Batgirl had been trained by arguably one of the greatest martial artist of all time, and that she herself was a protege in hand to hand combat, she was confident she would beat Galatea with ease, and she couldn't wait to wrestle down her sexy body and make her submit, to conquer Galatea as she had done with so many before. When they began sparring Batgirl quickly moved behind Galatea and knocked her off her feet. Once on the ground she put Galatea in an armbar, and she could feel her giant breasts under her feet. I win, Batgirl thought, not even Nightwing would be able to break this hold. But to her astonishment Galatea broke free with ease and then put her in a chokehold. What the hell!? Batgirl thought, are her arms made of steel? Galatea laughed at the squirming Batgirl who tried desperately to break free. Finally she tapped out, and Galatea released her. Batgirl gasped for air but before she could recover Galatea grabbed her by the neck and pushed her down like a dog. "Who is your master?" she asked.
"Ah, ah, wh-what?"
"Wrong answer" Galatea said playfully and flipped Batgirl around with one hand. She put Batgirl across her knees and began spanking her.
"OW, STOOooo-" Batgirl was unable to finish her sentence as waves of pleasure spread across her body with every slap on her ass.
She let out cries of delight.
"Who is your master" she asked again.
"Ahhh, you are"
"You like getting spanked don't you, such a naughty girl".
"Yeees, oh god im close! Dont stop, please" Batgirl begged, her moans echoed in the gym. But then suddenly Black Canary entered the gym, drawn by the noise. They locked eyes, and Batgirl tried to stop herself but it was to late. She climaxed with Black Canary looking at her.
"hAh, hAh, this isnt- hAh, aaah, what it looks like" Batgirl said panting from her orgasm.
"Ugh, try having a little self-controll, Barbara" Black Canary said and left.
"hAh, hah, Dinah wait. Dont tell Helena! Batgirl tried to stop her but she was to slow. She could hear Galatea laughing behind her. "You know, Red really was the perfect name for you" Galatea said teasingly. Batgirl looked down on her ass and then back at Galatea.
"Thats not funny" she said.
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Barbara went to the showers to cool off after the workout but even though she turned the heat of the water way down her body was still hot, as if she had a fever. She began touching herself whilst imagining kissing Supergirl and she moaned out her name, "Kara, oh Kara". She was so focused on playing with herself she didn't notice Galatea sneaking up on her from behind, until she could feel her hands touching her body. She jumped up in surprise and slipped on the wet tile floor. When she looked up and saw it was Galatea she asked what she was doing. Galatea just looked at her and slowly lowered herself down on the floor. Her face was right in front of Barbara and she touched the side of her face gently.
"...Do you want me to stop?" she said softly. Barbara looked at her, and without saying anything she kissed her deeply. Batgirl pressed her body against Galatea and began groping her everywhere, exploring every inch of Galateas body with her hands and mouth. Galatea guided Batgirls head to her breast and she began sucking them like a baby.
"I want you to please me. You want to please me, dont you?" Galatea asked. Batgirl looked up and nodded submissively with Galateas titty still in her mouth. Galatea pushed Batgirl down on her back and sat on her face. Batgirl began licking her pussy passionately, as if she had been starving to eat her all her life. Galatea rode her until she came, her moans echoing in the shower.
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"Good girl" Galatea said after she climaxed. Her praise made Batgirl beam with joy and pride. "Good girls get rewards" Galatea continued, "meet me in the RnD-office, and make yourself foxy because you are getting something special". She gave Batgirl a final kiss and left.

Meanwhile, Black Canary was getting dressed in the locker room. "You're not gonna believe what i just saw" Huntress told Black Canary when she entered the room. "Remember that blond stripper? I just heard her and Barbara having sex in the shower."
"Hmph!" Black Canary answered, "Im not surprised. You should have seen them earlier in the gym. She was spanking Barbara and she was practically cumming from that alone."
"Haha are you serious?! I never realized Babs was so kinky."
"I never realized she had such low self-control. I expected her to be more disciplined, but its all sex, sex sex with her." Black Canary said irritated and continued to get dressed as Huntress changed her clothes as well.
"Well, i mean... you have to let out some steam now and again" Huntress said.
"I suppose...". The women looked at each other, they were both in their lingerie. A slight tension could be felt in the air.
"Did you know Batgirl was lesbian?" Huntress asked, trying to diffuse the awkward silence, "i never got those vibes from her, you know?".
"Neither did I, but she doesnt necessarily have to be a lesbian, she could be bisexual" Black Canary answered, "why do you ask? do you have a problem with that?"
"Of course not", Huntress said a bit flustered, " sounds pretty nice honestly. I mean it sounded pretty they were having a good time. And if- if you're not having a good time, then what are you even doing, right?"
"Yeah... i mean... being bi... it just means more people to chose from right..?"
"...have you ever..?
"No... have you..?
Dinah and Helena just looked at each other in silence, and then they pounced. They made out passionately, caressing each others hair, shoulders and neck. Dinah pushed Helena down on the bed and they quickly took of their clothes and began to grind their bodies together.
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Although it felt great, neither one was able to climax no matter how hard they tried. Realizing the futility of the situation, they stopped and continued to get dressed, except now they were incredibly turned on and horny. Since they had no plans for the night, they decided to go out and have a few glasses of wine in the LexCorp lounge. When they arrived, they saw Luthor sitting alone and they went to greet him before getting their own table, but as soon as they came within a few meters of him the hazy memories of the previous night at the lounge came bubbling up to the surface. They felt how their bodies began to tremble with lust, just hearing his voice took their breath away. When Luthor told them he had to leave to go to a meeting, they became desperate for him to stay.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Black Canary said playfully and laid down on the table in front of him, showing of her cleavage.
"Yeah, why not stay a while, with us" Huntress continued and pressed her body against his, pushing her breasts against him.
Luthor smiled and grabbed both their asses which sent shivers down their spines.
"Im sorry to say, i really cant stay" he said. His answer made the two heroines even more desperate. They were simply to turned on, they had to have some release, anything else was unacceptable. They had to make him stay no matter what. Black Canary and Huntress began to sway their hips from side to side erotically.
"Pleeease, dont go just yet" Black Canary begged.
"Dont you find us attractive?" Huntress asked.
"Im not sure" Luthor replied, "ill need to see some more before i make up my mind" he said slyly. Without hesitation the two heroines began stripping for him, right in the middle of the lounge. They didnt care that they were in public, that other people were watching. They didn't care about anything except making Luthor stay, to have him touch them again.
"I really cant stay, but i have some free time in a couple of hours. You can meet me at this address" he said.
"A few hours??" said Dinah.
"Thats to looong" said Helena.
"Youll just have to endure" Luthor said and left.
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Batgirl arrived at the door to the RnD-office and looked around nervously. She was wearing a purple nightdress. She had probably tried 20 other outfits before deciding on that dress, and she was still doubting her choice. Maybe i shouldve picked the black one...or the red one.. or maybe... She was anxious, but there was no use in waiting. She took a deep breath and entered, and for a moment she didnt believe her eyes. She saw a white top with Supermans crest, she saw tiny blue bottoms and a red cape, she saw blonde hair and red shoes.
"Kara, is that really you?" she exclaimed.
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"Heyy Red" Galatea answered and gave her a wide smile, "do you like my costume?"
"She looks just like her, doesn't she?" Lex said with an equally wide smile.
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Batgirls jaw dropped to the floor. Seeing Galatea in Supergirls costume was like a dream come true. She is so fucking hot, Batgirl thought to herself as she approached them slowly, still unsure if this was really happening.
"I told you, you'd get a reward." she said and kissed her deeply. Her tongue in her mouth was enough to make her knees weak. Batgirl tried to say something but Galatea hushed her. "Shhh, Red. Dont say anything", she whispered seductively in her ear, "just trust me, and ill make all your dark, twisted fantasies come true. Give yourself to me and Lex, just for this moment, and we'll give you pleasure beyond your wildest imaginations. Do you trust me?"
Batgirl looked into her eyes and bit her lip. She gave a shy smile and without saying anything she nodded.
Galatea kissed her neck and whispered: "do you want what we can give?"
"More than anything else i have ever wanted" she answered in a single breath.
Galatea ripped apart the costume and revealed a strap-on underneath. She grabbed Batgirls head and pressed it down towards Luthors erect cock. She took him into his mouth as she felt Galatea enter from behind. Having two holes filled at the same time felt incredible. She arched her ass and pressed back as much as she could, she took Luthors dick as deeply as she could in her throat and only took it out too beg for more.
"Such a naughty girl, arent you," Galatea said between her strokes, "getting spitroasted and begging for more, you love getting fucked like this, dont you?
"Yeees, im a bad girl" Barbara moaned. Luthor grabbed her head and she choked on his dick, while Galatea spanked her ass.
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When Batgirl finally orgasmed she collapsed down on the floor, shaking and twisting.
"Well done, my dear" Luthor congratulated Galatea, "i especially liked the part were you ripped apart Supergirls costume. Very symbolic, im sure that image will have a lasting effect on Barbaras subconscious."
"Teehee, thanks daddy".
When Batgirl finally came back to her senses, she found herself on a bed laying in the arms of Galatea. She was caressing her tenderly, and when she saw she was awake they kissed. Then Galatea told her she had to leave to do a job with Luthor and that Barbara could help her if she wanted. Without hesitation Batgirl agreed, and Galatea gave her the adress.

Batgirl arrived at the address and entered the building. Her heart was pounding as she anxiously waited for Galatea and Luthor. She was nervous, but also excited. She couldn't stop thinking about the pleasure she felt earlier when Galatea took her from behind while she pleasured Luthor with her mouth. Sucking Lex off was something she never would've imagined doing, even less enjoy. But now she couldn't stop imagining his big dick inside her. Perhaps it was just because it was something so wrong, something so out of character for her, the sweet innocent Barbara Gordon, that made her so deliciously excited. Just like how dressing up in a ridiculous costume at night and fighting armed criminals with her bare hands was dangerous and exciting.
The forbidden fruit, she thought. I already have the identity of Barbara, daddy's innocent schoolgirl, and the identity of Batgirl, the crime-fighting vigilante. Why not a third one? Red, the slutty assistant that fucks her boss. She felt how her cheeks turned red, both in arousal and embarrassment at her own depravity. I'm a bad girl she thought to herself with a lustful grin. Im a bad girl and i love it! Suddenly the doors opened behind her. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned around, but what she saw was not what she expected.
"Barbara? What the hell are you doing here?" Huntress exclaimed. Black Canary stood beside her, equally surprised. The sight of her two partners took her by complete surprise, and she tried to quickly come up with a good answer.
"I- Im following up on a lead. Yeah..." she answered, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "What are you two doing here?"
"...we are also following up on a lead" Black Canary replied as she couldn't come up with anything better. For a moment there was only an awkward silence as neither of them knew what to say. Their minds were spinning in their heads.
The silence was broken by Galatea who entered through another door. She welcomed them all and thanked them for coming. Then she led them into a room that were full of screens and cameras.
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"Thank you for comming on such a short notice. The other actresses cancelled last minute, im not sure what we would've done if you didn't."
"Um, what exactly are we here for?" Black Canary asked, but she was already starting to put two and two together.
"We are gonna shot an erotic movie of course!" Galatea answered smiling. "We will start immediately, Mr Luthor is already waiting".
The faces of the heroines turned into shock and horror. They looked at each other timidly and with uncertainty, but no one said anything. Finally Black Canary said meekly: "...i think there must be some mistake. I don't think-"
"If you have changed your minds, you are free to go of course" Galatea answered immediately as if she read Black Canary's thoughts, "but if you do, tell me now. Time is money and ill need to find replacements as quickly as possible."
Black Canary looked back at the other two heroines. She didn't know what to do, her mind was blank and she couldn't think straight. She knew she should just say no and leave the room, but somehow she just couldn't bring herself to say it. She was hoping, praying that Huntress or even Batgirl would make the decision for her, but both of them looked at her, waiting for her to decide. Finally she looked back at Galatea and asked: "Um, what does Luthor do with these, uh, recordings?
"Its one of Mr Luthors many hobbies to record erotic movies. He has done so for many years and he keeps them to himself of course. He wouldn't want the public to see them, since it would be rather embarrassing."
"Ah, embarrassing. Yes, of course..."
Black Canary turned towards the other two and motioned to them to come closer so that they could speak without Galatea hearing, but of course she heard every word.
The women huddled up in a circle and looked at one another in silence. Galatea could see that they were all soaking wet, but no one wanted to admit it, not even to themselves.
"... I mean, its... necessary for the mission" Black Canary whispered in defeat.
"Y-yeah. Exactly. Its for the mission" Huntress agreed. "Babs should leave though."
"Yes, there is no need for you to be here anymore," Black Canary said, "me and Helena got this".
Their comments made Batgirl angry. They look down on me. Im tired of being treated like a little girl. Ill show them!
"Well im staying" she said boldly and without waiting for them she turned around and went to Galatea. The two women looked on with concern but they didn't protest. Their bodies were burning with desire and knowing they were so close to getting some sweet release made them even hornier. They both followed Galatea into the next room were Lex was waiting.
"Welcome, my dears" Luthor said and gave each of them their own bag, "we'll start immediately, put on these clothes."
The three heroines opened their respective bags and what they saw made them mortified.
"This is..." Huntress stuttered as she picked up her superhero-costume.
"Just a little something to spice up the video" Luthor said with a grin. Dinah was stunned. "I cant... we cant-" she started but was interrupted by Luthor. "Its just a costume. Its not like you're the real Black Canary, right?"
"I- of course not, i mean, im not...her."
"Then, whats the problem? Luthor asked with a sly smile and looked at the three women.
" problem, i was just... surprised... haha.." Black Canary looked at her costume then down to the ground in humiliation. She realized how unconvincing she sounded, like a child trying to lie to her parents for the first time. She looked at the others, they could still walk away. Its for the mission was her desperate attempt at rationalizing the situation. In reality they were simply to turned on to leave, their hot bodies demanded them to stay, no matter what. They were all so horny they could die, which made them feel ashamed of their lack of self-control. But the feelings of humiliation also made them even more aroused. Maybe they wanted to be humilated, to submit. Slowly, in silence, they put on their costumes.
"Splendid" Luthor said and helped Galatea adjust the cameras. "The plot is simple. The famous Birds of Prey have infiltrated LexCorp in an attempt to bring Lex Luthor down. But instead they get trapped in a web of lies and must now face the consequenses of their actions. Now look into the camera, say your name, breast size and which character you're playing."
"Im... Dinah..."
"Your full name, my dear."
"...Im Dinah Drake, D-cup, and ill be playing... Black Canary..."
"...Im Helena Bertinelli, C-cup, and im playing Huntress."
"...Barbara Gordon, B-cup, Batgirl".
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"Lets start with a blowjob, get on your knees and suck my cock". Slowly the heroines complied. They pulled down his pants and kissed his dick softly with their wet lips. The scent was so intoxicating the women had to close their eyes not to be overwhelmed by their senses. Just sucking his member was enough to send shockwaves of pleasure through their bodies. Dinah took the dick into her mouth while Helena and Barbara worked up and down his shaft and balls in worship. Huntress didn't make a sound, she was intensely focused on her task, but Batgirl was already moaning softly. Dinah felt his dick harden inside her mouth, but to her astonishment he didn't seem to stop growing. When Black Canary opened her eyes she gasped in surprise. Luthors erect cock was larger than anything she had ever seen, much larger than Green Arrows.
"Its... so big" she said in a dreamy voice.
"Did you expect something else?" Luthor asked but before she could answer he slapped her mouth with his cock.
He then grabbed Huntress and Batgirls head and guided them up and down his dick.
"Make sure you get all the angles" he said to Galatea who was holding the camera.
"Yes, daddy" Galatea answered with an evil grin.
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Luthor grabbed Batgirl and started fucking her. As soon as he entered her she started bouncing up and down madly with desire as Luthor made the other two heroines pose for the camera. Black Canary and Huntress were awkward at first, but Batgirl didnt even seem to notice the camera anymore. Luthor turned her around and spanked her firm ass which made her squeal in delight.
"Hehe, you like that dont you?" Luthor said as he fucked her hard from behind.
"Ah, yeees. Im a bad girl. Im such a baaaad girl and i need to be punished" she answered with an maniacal grin between her moans. The sight of Luthor fucking the tiny Batgirl should have made Black Canary and Huntress recoil in disgust, but instead it made them even more excited. Perhaps it was the contrast between the sacred and the profane, the perceived innocence of the young Batgirl and the corrupted reality they could clearly see on her face. A twisted beauty; she was no longer a girl, but a woman. As Dinah and Helena took in the totality of the depravity before them, they started kissing and rubbing their bodies against Luthors which was enough to send waves of pleasure through their bodies. Ah, fuck i cant wait anymore, Huntress thought as she wrapped her entire body around Luthors, I need it, i need it, i need it now! She pushed Black Canary aside and began licking the ass of Luthor like her life depended on it. Luthor let out a small chuckle when he felt Huntress eat his ass and said: "I always had feeling you were dirty like that", which caused Huntress to eat him even more passionately. The comment made Batgirls entire body shake since she thought he was talking to her.
"Ahhh fuck, i love it when you say things like that" Batgirl said trembling "Im your slut, ill do anything you want". Luthor took his dick and put it inside Batgirls ass. "Come for me, Batwhore". The sensation from his dick entering her ass and him calling her a whore was to much for Barbara. She came violently and began touching her wet pussy which made her come again. Her eyes rolled up towards the ceiling as she screamed incoherently.
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Batgirl collapsed forward and immediately Huntress took her place under Luthor. She showed him her neck as a sign of submission and smiled into his eyes. "Fuck me now" she said and bit her lip. Luthor slapped her face which made her eyes go wide. Even though it hurt, she liked it. Black Canary tried to join in but Luthor ignored her, much to her dismay.
"Where are your manners, girl?"
"Ahhh, forgive me, sir." She pushed out her chest towards him. "Please, fuck me whenever and however you want."
Luthor grabbed Huntress and inserted himself into her. "Uhh, fuck yes, finally" she said. Realizing she had to wait another turn, Black Canary looked over to Batgirl who seemed to have recovered from her multiple orgasms. She tried to ask her if she was okay, but before she could Batgirl grabbed Black Canarys hair and pulled her head towards her. They kissed deeply, and Batgirls tongue twirled inside Black Canarys. "Mmhhmm, you taste soo good" Batgirl said as she positioned herself on Luthors chest and began grinding her wet pussy lips on his body. She was in a sex-frenzied trance and didn't care about anything anymore, except the pleasure. Batgirl began giggling as she looked at Black Canary, she couldnt wait to see Dinah get fucked hard, to see her uptight senior, the perfect Dinah Drake, get pounded into a hot, wet mess. But first things first, she thought and turned towards Huntress and pushed her down the bed.
"H-hey, what are you doing?" Huntress said. Batgirl looked down on her with an evil grin. You always talked down to me, she thought, always belittled me. Batgirl lifted Huntress ass up and presented it to Luthor, Huntress made no resistance as she was still shaking from pleasure. "Here Daddy, be as rough as you like with her. She can take it" Batgirl said and spanked her ass. It looked like Huntress was about to say something, but before she could Luthor entered her ass and began choking her. Huntress eyes went up and she began howling. "Yeeees, take it, slut" Batgirl said as she put her fingers into Huntress mouth and began fingerfucking her throat. Huntress face became red from the lack of oxygen which made her climax. She began shaking and wiggling uncontrollably "HAH! Whats the problem, Huntress?" Batgirl said teasingly, "something stuck in your throat? You love this, dont you? Youre such a shameless whore." Meanwhile Luthor grabbed Black Canarys head.
"Dont worry, my dear, soon ill make you sing as well." Black Canary looked down and away, just looking into his eyes made her body tingle with excitement.
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When Luthor was finished with Huntress he moved over to Black Canary and ripped a hole in her stockings. He entered her and she shudder with pleasure. The other two began sucking on her supple tits. Dinah felt herself reaching climax, and her moans were increasing in pitch. She had to stop herself from moaning any higher, she realized, as to not use her power and reveal her true identity. She wasnt to worried though, as she had never used her power unwillingly before. I just dont have to scream any higher, she thought.
Luthor flipped her over and entered her from behind. "Wheres my cock?" he asked.
"Its.. hah, in my ass" Black Canary said giggling from the pleasure.
"Do you let Green Arrow fuck your ass?" The question made Black Canarys eyes go blank. She did not want to think about Ollie right now. Sensing her hesitation Luthor raised himself and pushed himself deeper into her, which made her almost scream from the pleasure and pain. FUCK, he is so deep.
"Everyone knows the leagues powercouple are both prudes" Huntress said, "i wonder what he would say if he could see you right now." Helena lowered herself down on Black Canarys face and began to rub herself across Black Canarys face.
"Fuck, thats hot" Batgirl said. Seeing Black Canary, her leader, be fucked into submission like this felt like karma. "I knew deep down you were a slut, blondie" Huntress continued, "cheating on Green Arrow like this. You secretely love this, dont you?"
"I- ahh, fuuuck".
"Who is bigger, Luthor or Green Arrow?" Huntress asked.
"ahhm, ahh. its... Luthor" she said in a whisper.
"I cant hear you" Huntress said.
"ITS LUTHOR, ahhhhh"
"You love Ollie, dont you?" Batgirl asked.
"Ah, ah, yes.. i love him, ungghhh". Neither of the women realised they were using Green Arrows real name.
"But you also love this dick, dont you?" Batgirl continued, Huntress was laughing in the background.
"Yeeees, I love it." she answered and closed her eyes. Fuck, how can something so wrong feel soo good? Fuck, im about to scream! I cant scream, i cant scream no matter what.
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Luthor looked over to Galatea and gave her the signal. Galatea turned up the power of the devices just as he was cumming. The pleasure was to much to bear, and Batgirl began cumming, which made Huntress cum, which made Black Canary cum as well. The climaxes that each of the heriones were experiencing was reverberating across their bodies, like an echo growing stronger and stronger, a feedback loop. It was pleasure beyond anything humans were ever meant to be able to experience. Their minds shattered, and they screamed.
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Luthor coated them with his sperm. The heroines were so sensitive just the touch of the semen made them cum again. They were panting deeply, shaking uncontrollably, jerking and wincing around on the bed. Hmm, maybe it was to much, Luthor thought as he stared down on the heroines. Galatea moved in front of the camera. "Say cheeese".
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The next night Luthor arrived in his office and found the three heroines waiting for him.
"Heyyy daddy" Batgirl said. She was wearing a bat-themed slut-costume.
"Hello, sir" Huntress said. She was dressed like a sleazy pornstar from the 70s.
"..." Black Canary didn't say anything. She was wearing a trashy hooker-costume and she could barely look Luthor in the eye. Huntress and Batgirl atleast had the decency to not lie to themselves, but Black Canary was still in complete denial.
"...its just for the mission" she thought pathetically to herself. The fact that she had unwillingly used her sonic scream when she climaxed and therefore had undoubtedly revealed herself was something she had blocked from her mind. That didn't happen, she lied to herself, i must've dreamt it. And even if it did, he didn't notice. Batgirl and Huntress were already swaying their hips from side to side, dancing for Luthor, trying to entice him.
"I love being a bad girl", Batgirl said.
"Ill do anything," Huntress said.
Its just for the mission, Black Canary told herself again. We can use that recording as evidence, and the more evidence the better. It wouldn't hurt to make one more... or maybe two... Luthor walked closer to them, his presence alone was enough to rekindle the memories of the ecstasy from the previous night. The three heroines felt their knees become weak.
Its just for the mission.
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This one reminds me slightly of the sexy comic works from GhostlessM
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Apr 30, 2023
Hi, I haven't "lost interest" at all! Sorry I'm taking so long to do stuff atm - real life is hitting me hard.
My PC with Stable Diffusion on it is under my work desk at home. I can only use it when Mrs W is either away or busy, and when I've got spare time from work (writing "urgent" reports no-one fucking reads or "desperately required" procedures no-one will ever fucking follow) I do what I can!
Have to keep my job though, GPUs don't pay for themselves.

Should be able make a few hours this week to get you what I promised ages ago (sorry!).
I'm curious what kind of GPU are required for this kind of stuff?? I'm about to make an entry level build for starter and then upgrading it later


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021
I'm curious what kind of GPU are required for this kind of stuff?? I'm about to make an entry level build for starter and then upgrading it later
An RTX3060 12GB is probably the sweet spot right now. vRAM is generally more important than compute power (i.e. a cheaper 3060 w/ 12GB vRAM is better than spending more on an 8GB 3060ti or 4060).

It's what I'm using anyway.


Apr 1, 2018
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It’s been a few days since Lex arrived in this new universe and he has made a few discoveries, the technologies here are near identical to ones at home and just who some of the heavy hitters of this world are, but that had to wait, he needed a Strip Club and someone to run it “Lex”

He looked up from his computer screen to see Vanessa entering the lab “yes”

“I have procured the Strip club like you asked”

“Excellent and the management”

“she’s waiting at the club and is eager to meet you”

“Alright, lead the way”

The two left and after a short limo ride the two arrived in Hell’s Kitchen to a rundown strip club that looked like it should have been condemned “is this it”

“What did you expect on such short notice?” Vanessa Replied as the two exited the limo, an annoyed look came over his face as he looked over the building “let’s go, she waiting inside”

Once Lex entered the club, he was greeted with a shapely blonde woman in a white suit standing with her back to the two of them “Vanessa”

The blonde woman said as she turned and the second, she was no facing the two for a split-second Lex noticed a look of surprise on her face before a smile appeared “well now, who is this?”

“This is…”

“Not Wilson Fisk” the blonde woman said interrupting Vanessa mid-sentence causing Lex to smirk “a telepath I see”

“And so much more”

The blonde slowly walked towards him as her hips swayed from side to side “Lex Luthor”

Lex smiled “a pleasure to make your acquaintance…”

“Frost, Emma Frost.”

“I must say Mr. Luthor, you are a hard man to read”

Lex looked over at Vanessa then back to Emma “so, what do you know”

“Everything really, Mrs. Fisk here reads like an open book… so you’re from a different universe”

“I am”

“Though I must say, the likeness is rather uncanny… so tell me, why have sought me out”

“I am in need of some assistance, there is an individual that may have traveled here with me and I would like to find him, but until I can find my way home, I must first establish a base of operations”

“And where exactly does a condemned strip club come into play”

Lex took a second and looked at the shapely Emma before him “you of all people should know Ms. Frost, that an attractive woman can make any man loosen their lips”

Emma couldn’t help but smile as she swayed her hips to the side “and you wish for me to reopen this establishment to gather intel for you”

“And make a hefty profit, I am still a business man after all”

“a man after my own heart”

Emma bit her lip “Venessa my dear, do you mind stepping outside for a second, while me and Emma discuss the detail of this arrangement”

Vanessa couldn’t help but sneer at the two of them before walking outside “so… Lex, what kind of arrangement were you thinking”

After a few hours of dealing and a few instances of flirting the two came to an agreement “well Lex, I believe our business here done, I’ve got some guys come in here in the next couple days, get this place… presentable”

“Excellent, call me when the construction is done, I have an idea of how to draw in a sizable crowd”

The two parted ways and Lex went back to Fisk Tower to tinker with some devices. One week later, Lex returned to the club to see that it had indeed improved but not by much “well Lex, what do you think”

“Well, at least it’s no longer condemned”

“it’s a working progress”

Lex walked to the center of the club and took a quick look around not really giving off any hint as to his feeling towards the place which infuriated Emma but also intrigued her “so what is this plan of yours to draw in crowds”

“I’m glad you asked”

Lex produced a device and showed it to Emma “on my world, with this device alone I was able to enslave all the heroes, but only a few in the beginning, had them perform in the club, sold it as a very convincing cosplay strip club”

“How devilishly igneous”

“Yes, but here in lies the problem, I am not well versed on the heroes of this world, Fisk did leave some impressive dossier, but not enough to really get started, so I ask if you have anyone in mind, a headliner if you will, some to kick off this new establishment”

A wicked grin appeared on her face “oh I think I have someone in mind”

“Excellent, you just need to get close enough and the device will attune to their brain waves”

“Alright, I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

The next day Lex returned to the club and was met with a redheaded woman wearing a form fitting yellow and blue suite “Lex just in time”

“Yes, it appears so”

“This is a… colleague of mine, Jean Grey, she just showed up with smile on her face”

“Yes, the device activates when the subject goes to sleep, think of it as a form of hypnosis, their subconscious takes over and they will have no memory of what transpires here when they wake in the morning”


“She will obey simple commands for now, the more complex the commands the more updates to the device I will need to implement”

“Lovely, shall we test it to see if it works”

An annoyed look came over Lex’s face which quickly disappeared “yes shall we”

Lex then turned his attention to Jean “Ms. Grey, why don’t you hop up on stage and give Emma here a demonstration of your dancing skills”

Jean, without saying a word nodded in acknowledgment and head towards the stage, she latched onto the pole and begin twirling around, accentuating her best attributes, after a few minutes she slowly stopped dancing and returned to the two “I must say that was quite entertaining” Lex said as he looked jean up and down.

“Well, I must be off, I’ll keep in touch when I found some more entertainment”

“wouldn’t be much of a strip club with only one dancer”

The two said their goodbyes and Lex made it back to Fisk Towers to continue going over the files Fisk had left on his computer “some very interesting heroes here”

He continued to scroll until he noticed a file that said Villains “well now, what do we have here”

He opened the file and was quite surprised to see just how many Villains were under his employee at one time or another”

At that moment Vanessa entered the lab “you’re back”

“I am”

He then motioned towards the list on the computer screen “do you know them”


She then noticed a familiar name on the list that read Typhoid Mary “some I wish I never knew”

Lex couldn’t help but smirk at her reaction to the list “fantastic, I need you to send out a message to the Villains on this list”

She sighed before asking “what message would that be”

“Open recruitment for jobs, hefty payday”

“Should I say for how long”

Lex didn’t reply right away as he stood up from the desk then looked towards Vanessa with a smirk on his face “indefinity.”



Jun 22, 2017
Had IRL stuff going on so i haven't been that active for a while but hopefully that's all settled now. So here's a peak of what I have been working on for SU Re-Imagined headed by OhWee. I usually post these sneak peaks over in the SU Re-Imagined forum so go check it out if you want to see Power Girl in her sloot outfit.

PG Sex Preview.png
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