Fan Art Something Unlimited - Sprite Re-Mix and Fanart Thread

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Jun 22, 2017
When it comes to request's I don't really mind, for the most part. I don't like it when people spam the thread with the same request over and over again. However, it can give me ideas on what to edit with characters I forgot about. Like with Young Justice Mera, though she's proving a bitch to get a good screen grab of because they put an annoying smudge filter over everything when their is an underwater scenes in YJ.

That being said, enjoy some Punchline.
Jokers New Girl.png Jokers New Girl C.png


Sep 26, 2021
When it comes to request's I don't really mind, for the most part. I don't like it when people spam the thread with the same request over and over again. However, it can give me ideas on what to edit with characters I forgot about. Like with Young Justice Mera, though she's proving a bitch to get a good screen grab of because they put an annoying smudge filter over everything when their is an underwater scenes in YJ.

That being said, enjoy some Punchline.
View attachment 2969570 View attachment 2969564
good job on the pierced breasts
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
When it comes to request's I don't really mind, for the most part. I don't like it when people spam the thread with the same request over and over again. However, it can give me ideas on what to edit with characters I forgot about. Like with Young Justice Mera, though she's proving a bitch to get a good screen grab of because they put an annoying smudge filter over everything when their is an underwater scenes in YJ.

That being said, enjoy some Punchline.
View attachment 2969570 View attachment 2969564
Man, I know Harley/Punchline hatefuck is as original as Harley/Mercy, but with Punchline's addition I just can't wait to see it come to fruition.
Would be hot as hell for Mercy to come to Lex asking for help, so he uses a device on her and the two of them can command Punchline as they want, nice Master/Sub/Sub's Sub threesome!


Apr 1, 2018
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Something Unlimited: L.M.D. (Lex's Marvel Domination)


At this point you can hire villains for heists or heroines:

Hirable Villains:
Grey Gargoyle
Absorbing Man

Hirable Villainesses:
Lady Deathstrike
Madame Masque
Silver Sable

And the heroines you can capture:
Jean Grey
Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter)
Scarlet Witch
Invisible Woman
Mary Jane Watson

After a tip to the Strip Club Lex returned to Fisk Tower but before he entered the penthouse, he saw an eerie purple smoke emanating from behind the door, Lex looked intrigued by what was happening, he slowly opened the door which caused the smoke to billow around his feet, he slowly entered the room and saw a dark-haired woman wearing a purple outfit (note the picture above) the woman slowly approached “Mr. Luthor, it’s a pleasure to meet you”

A quizzical look came over his face “I’m sorry my dear you seem to have me at a disadvantage”

“Oh, how silly of me, the name’s Agatha Harkness”

“Well Ms. Harkness, what can I do for you at this late hour”

By now she was only a few feet away from Lex “I sensed your arrival a week ago, something extremely powerful brought you here”

Lex couldn’t help but smirk at the statement “a… colleague of mine, was trying to escape my universe, but there was an accident”

“Yes, you do have this rather strange aura about you, but there’s something else, something else brought you here”

Lex didn’t reply and just mulled over what he had been told “well as fascinating as this is I’m very busy…”

“But you haven’t heard my offer”

Lex was intrigued by this woman, what was she offering “alright Agatha, what are you offering”

“a partnership”

“a partnership… as intriguing as that sounds…”

Before he could finish, she got in real close to him and pressed her body against his “I’m merely seeking employment as a… consultant in all things magical”

Lex was about to rebuke her offer but as he thought about it, he concluded that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea “alright my dear, you have yourself a deal, suddenly in a poof of purple smoke a card appeared in her hand and she handed it to him “this is my shop, come by anytime”

He took the card and then in a blink of an eye she disappeared, leaving behind swirling purple smoke, that soon faded “interesting, very interesting.”

The next day after a failed capture of the Scarlet Witch, Lex went to the mysterious Curio Shop, when he entered a elderly gray haired woman emerged from behind the curtain “well hello young man, what can I do for you”

Lex didn’t reply and just set the business card he was given and set it on the counter “I must say, I’m impressed”

The old woman smirked before fading away to reveal Agatha “just a trick I picked up in my travels”

She snapped her fingers and the entire store began to shimmer and fade until it looked nothing like what it was before, even the open sign on the door flipped over so that it now read closed “so Mr. Luthor, what brings you to my humble shop”

“I need some consulting in all thing magical”

Agatha couldn’t help but smirk at his request “follow me”

Lex followed her to the back room behind the counter and was surprised to see just how big it was, much bigger than it should “pocket dimension, nice touch”

“Thank you, now what seems to be the problem”

He pulls out a file and hands it to her which she immediately opened; a scowl appeared on her face as she looked through the file then handed it back to him “so”

“Wanda Maximoff a.k.a The Scarlet witch”

“From that look on your face I can tell you two have had history”

“You could say that, so what about her”

“I think she would make a fine addition to the Strip Club”

“Ah I see, another toy you wish to play with”

“I can tell you she is going to be a challenge”

“So, it’s impossible”

“Oh, I never said that”

She quickly disappeared into another room, while she was gone Lex couldn’t help but look around the space he was in, he noticed all sorts of magical artifacts but before he could inspect anything in detail Agatha returned with an ancient book in hand “you see The Scarlet Witch is more than just a title, it’s who she is a Nexus Being, which means her powers are connect to every variant version of her.”

“So, what can be done”

“Well, it’s interesting that you asked, I have a spell here that allows anyone to temporarily become imperceptible to Nexus Beings”

“I sense a but coming”

“The spell only lasts fifteen seconds due to her immense power”


“But here’s the good news, given your unique… aura, combined with the spell, it should expand the spell to last twenty minutes”

“Plenty of time to attune a device”

“Yes, but it will take time for me to collect the necessary ingredients for the spell, and a little bit of capital if you catch my drift”

Lex couldn’t help but smirk “I do indeed”

he then hands over the necessary funds to Agatha “Thank you Lex, I shall inform you when the spell is ready”

“I’ll be in touch”

The two said there goodbyes and went their separate ways, a few days later he returned to the shop, it looked the same as the last time he was here, which means the glamour only works on people she wants it work on, he continued to back room where he saw Agatha chanting away as if in a trance with her back to him wearing an ornate purple robe, he walked around to in front of her and not only saw a bubbling cauldron, but that she was completely naked underneath the robe which seemed to billow away from the caldron due to the sheer power of the spell, lex watched this unfold before him for a few minutes before the spell seemed to end and her rob now just rested on her naked body, she turned to face Lex “ah Lex your just in time”

“Apparently so”

She looked down at her naked form then back towards Lex “now Mr. Luthor I didn’t take you for the prudish type”

“Oh, not at all, live and let live as they say”

Agatha smirked as she approached the cauldron causing the robe to slip off of her shoulders revealing her entire naked body, with a puff of purple smoke a chalice appeared in her hand and dipped it into the cauldron then handed the chalice to Lex “once you drink this you will be invisible to any and all nexus beings on this plane of existence”

Lex looked down at the bubbling concoction in his hand then back to Agatha “down the hatch”

He proceeded to drink the entire thing, a few seconds later after he handed the chalice back to her a green aura surrounded him for a few seconds then disappeared “alright, remember twenty minutes”

“How do I find her”

Agatha couldn’t help but chuckle “she’s an Avenger, I’m sure if you cause enough of a ruckus she’ll show up”

“Thank you, kindly Agatha,”

She soon bit her lip and sauntered up to Lex “is there anything… else, I can help you with”

Lex smirked before taking a step back “as tempting an offer as that is, like you said, twenty minutes”


She quickly turned and collected her robe “another time I suppose”

And with that she disappeared into another room leaving Lex alone “time to make some calls.”

Later that day Lex hired multiple villains to attack Avengers headquarters and just like Agatha said Scarlet Witch soon emerged, Lex kept his distance from the chaos but when he saw her he slowly made his way into the fray and got as close as he could to her, it only took mere moments for the device to attune to her, but once he did he quietly slipped away, giving the signal for a retreat, the next day Lex arrived at Agatha’s shop to tell her the good news “it worked”

“I had no doubt, but where is she”

“Come with me”

The two entered a limo and went straight to the Strip Club, they were quickly greeted by Emma who motioned towards the stage where Scarlet Witch was dancing “I must say I am very impressed Lex”

Agatha then motioned with her hand and a book appeared in her hand “if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to add an extra level of protection if you don’t mind, you can never be to careful with Nexus Beings”

“By all means”

With a wave of her hand over the book and a few magical words a ring of purple smoke appeared around the Scarlet Witches neck which soon formed into the shape of a slave collar then disappeared all together “there, now she is yours’s completely”


“Will you be staying for the rest of the show Lex” Emma inquired “unfortunately there is still much to do, do you need a ride Agatha”

“No, I’m quite alright, I wouldn’t pass up a show like this for anything”

Lex smirked as he left the club satisfied by another successful capture.



GFX Designer
Respected User
Feb 1, 2017
Knocking it out of the park man!
Used that AI for some quick references, i'm trying to make a personal assistant for efficiency, but for these i used the online version to not overload my own little project since i'm more into the realistic impressions.

Maybe in the future i'll look into making a comic style assistant, if this pans out, but is mostly studying and training for now, i'm still not free of my other duties.

One thing is for sure these restrictions really drags him down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Used that AI for some quick references, i'm trying to make a personal assistant for efficiency, but for these i used the online version to not overload my own little project since i'm more into the realistic impressions.

Maybe in the future i'll look into making a comic style assistant, if this pans out, but is mostly studying and training for now, i'm still not free of my other duties.

One thing is for sure these restrictions really drags him down.
I wish I had the AI to aid me, but I can't get one installed on my laptop sadly.
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Dec 25, 2022
As heroes and villains go about their day as usual, a weird VHS-tape has been circulating the underground world. The tape is fake of course, it couldnt possibly be the real heroine...could it?

No se si me entedes el español pero muy bueno podrias hacer lo mismo con las otras?
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes